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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 21 October 2022
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 21 October 2022:
-Gen Z, Millennials Really Doesn't Care About Workplace Cyber Security
-Supply Chain Attacks Increased Over 600% This Year and Companies Are Falling Behind
-Cyber-Enabled Crimes Are Biggest Police Concerns
-List of Common Passwords Accounts for Nearly All Cyber Attacks
-Shared Responsibility or Shared Fate? Decentralized IT Means We Are All Cyber Defenders
-Ukraine War Cuts Ransomware as Kremlin Co-Opts Hackers
-96% Of Companies Report Insufficient Security for Sensitive Cloud Data
-Your Microsoft Exchange Server Is a Security Liability
-Are Cyber Security Vendors Pushing Snake Oil?
-Ransomware Preparedness, What Are You Doing Wrong?
-NSA Cybersecurity Director's Six Takeaways from the War in Ukraine
-Microsoft Confirms Server Misconfiguration Led to 65,000+ Companies' Data Leak
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Gen Z, Millennials Really Don’t Care About Workplace Cyber Security
When it comes to cyber security in the workplace, younger employees don’t really seem to care that much, which is putting their organisations in serious harm’s way, new research has claimed.
Surveying approximately 1,000 workers using devices issued by their employers, professional services firm EY found Gen Z enterprise employees were more apathetic about cyber security than their Boomer counterparts in adhering to their employer's safety policies.
This is despite the fact that four in five (83%) of all those surveyed claimed to understand their employer’s security protocol.
When it comes to implementing mandatory IT updates, for example, 58% of Gen Z’ers and 42% of millennials would disregard them for as long as possible. Less than a third (31%) of Gen X’ers, and just 15% of baby boomers said they do the same.
Apathy in the young extends to password reuse between private and business accounts. A third of Gen Z and millennial workers surveyed admitted to this, compared to less than a quarter of all Gen X’ers and baby boomers.
Some say the apathy of young people towards technology is down to their over-familiarity with technology, and never having been without it. Being too comfortable with tech undoubtedly makes an enterprise's younger employees a major target for cyber criminals looking to exploit any hole in security.
If an organisation's cyber security practices aren't upheld strongly, threat actors can compromise huge networks with simple social engineering attacks.
Supply Chain Attacks Increased Over 600% This Year and Companies Are Falling Behind
The number of documented supply chain attacks involving malicious third-party components has increased 633% over the past year, now sitting at over 88,000 known instances, according to a new report from software supply chain management company Sonatype. Meanwhile, instances of transitive vulnerabilities that software components inherit from their own dependencies have also reached unprecedented levels and plague two-thirds of open-source libraries.
“The networked nature of dependencies highlights the importance of having visibility and awareness about these complex supply chains” Sonatype said in its newly released State of the Software Supply Chain report. “These dependencies impact our software, so having an understanding of their origins is critical to vulnerability response. Many organisations did not have the needed visibility and continued their incident response procedures for Log4Shell well beyond the summer of 2022 as a result.”
Log4Shell is a critical vulnerability discovered in November 2021 in Log4j, a widely popular open-source Java library used for logging and bundled in millions of enterprise applications and software products, often as an indirect dependency. According to Sonatype’s monitoring, as of August 2022, the adoption rate for fixed versions of Log4j sits at around 65%. Moreover, this doesn’t even account for the fact that the Log4Shell vulnerability originated in a Java class called JndiManager that is part of Log4j-core, but which has also been borrowed by 783 other projects and is now found in over 19,000 software components.
Log4Shell served as a watershed moment, highlighting the inherent risks that exist in the open-source software ecosystem – which sits at the core of modern software development – and the need to manage them properly. It also led to several initiatives to secure the software supply chain by private organisations, software repository managers, the Linux Foundation, and government bodies. Yet, most organisations are far from where they need to be in terms of open-source supply chain management.
Cyber-Enabled Crimes Are Biggest Police Concerns
Cyber-related crimes such as money laundering, ransomware and phishing pose the biggest threat to society, according to the first ever Interpol Global Crime Trend report.
The inaugural study was compiled from data received from the policing organisation’s 195 member countries, as well as information and analysis from external sources.
Money laundering was ranked the number one threat, with 67% of respondents claiming it to be a “high” or “very high” risk. Ransomware came second (66%) but was the crime type that most (72%) expected to increase in the next 3–5 years.
Of the nine top crime trends identified in the report, six are directly cyber-enabled, including money laundering, ransomware, phishing, financial fraud, computer intrusion and child sexual exploitation.
Interpol warned that the pandemic had fomented new underground offerings like “financial crime-as-a-service,” including digital money laundering tools which help to lower the barrier to entry for criminal gangs. It also claimed that demand for online child sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA) content surged during the pandemic. Some 62% of respondents expect it to increase or significantly increase in the coming years.
The findings represent something of a turnaround from pre-pandemic times, when drug trafficking regularly topped the list of police concerns. Thanks to a surge in corporate digitalisation, home working and online shopping, there are now rich pickings to be had from targeting consumers and business users with cyber-scams and attacks, Interpol claimed.
List of Common Passwords Accounts for Nearly All Cyber Attacks
Half of a million passwords from the RockYou2021 list account for 99.997% of all credential attacks against a variety of honeypots, suggesting attackers are just taking the easy road.
Tens of millions of credential-based attacks targeting two common types of servers boiled down to a small fraction of the passwords that formed a list of leaked credentials, known as the RockYou2021 list.
Vulnerability management firm Rapid7, via its network of honeypots, recorded every attempt to compromise those servers over a 12-month period, finding that the attempted credential attacks resulted in 512,000 permutations. Almost all of those passwords (99.997%) are included in a common password list — the RockYou2021 file, which has 8.4 billion entries — suggesting that attackers, or the subset of threat actors attacking Rapid7's honeypots, are sticking to a common playbook.
The overlap in all the attacks also suggest attackers are taking the easy road, said Rapid7. "We know now, in a provable and demonstrable way, that nobody — 0% of attackers — is trying to be creative when it comes to unfocused, untargeted attacks across the Internet," they said. "Therefore, it's very easy to avoid this kind of opportunistic attack, and it takes very little effort to take this threat off the table entirely, with modern password managers and configuration controls."
Every year, security firms present research suggesting users are continuing to pick bad passwords. In 2019, an evaluation of passwords leaked to the Internet found that the top password was "123456," followed by "123456789" and "qwerty," and unfortunately things have not got much better since then.
Shared Responsibility or Shared Fate? Decentralised IT Means We Are All Cyber Defenders
Does your organisation truly understand the shared responsibility model? Shared responsibility emerged from the early days of cloud computing as a way to delineate responsibilities between cloud providers and their customers, but often there's a gap between what shared responsibility means and how it is interpreted. With the decentralisation of IT, this gap is getting worse.
Applications, servers, and overall technology used to be under the purview and control of the IT department, yet with the shift to cloud, and specifically software-as-a-service (SaaS), this dynamic has changed. Whether it's the sales team bringing in a customer relationship management (CRM) system like Salesforce, or the HR department operating a human resources information system (HRIS) like Workday, there's a clear "expanding universe" of IT that no longer sits where it used to. Critical business workflows exist in separate business units far from IT and security and are managed as such. Our corporate IT footprints have become decentralised.
This is not some minor, temporary trend. With the ease and speed of adopting new SaaS applications and the desire to "lift and shift" code into cloud-based environments, this is the future. The future is decentralised.
The shift to business-owned and -operated applications puts security teams in a position where risk management is their responsibility; they are not even able to log into some of these critical systems. It's like asking your doctor to keep you healthy but not giving her access to your information or having regular check-ups. It doesn't work that way.
Beyond the challenging human skills gap, there's technical entropy and diversity everywhere, with different configuration settings, event logs, threat vectors, and data sensitivities. On the access side, there are different admins, users, integrations, and APIs. If you think managing security on Windows and Mac is a lot, try it across many huge applications.
With this reality, how can the security team be expected to combat a growing amount of decentralised business technology risk?
We must operate our technology with the understanding that shared responsibility is the vertical view between cloud provider and customer, but that enterprise-owned piece of shared responsibility is the burden of multiple teams horizontally across an organisation. Too often the mentality is us versus them, availability versus security, too busy to care about risk, too concerned with risk to understand "the business."
Ukraine War Cuts Ransomware as Kremlin Co-Opts Hackers
The Ukraine war has helped reduce global ransomware attacks by 10pc in the last few months, a British cyber security company has said.
Criminal hacking gangs, usually engaged in corporate ransomware activities, are increasingly being co-opted by the Russian military to launch cyber attacks on Ukraine, according to Digital Shadows. “The war is likely to continue to motivate ransomware actors to target government and critical infrastructure entities,” according to the firm. Such attacks partly contributed to a 10pc drop in the number of ransomware threats launched during the three months to September, said the London-based company.
The drop in ransomware may also partly be caused by tit-for-tat digital attacks between rival hacking gangs. Researchers said the Lockbit gang, who recently targeted LSE-listed car retailer Pendragon with a $60m (£53.85m) ransom demand, were the target of attacks from their underworld rivals. The group is increasingly inviting resentment from competing threat groups and possibly former members.
Some cyber criminals’ servers went offline in September after what appeared to be an attack from competitors. In the world of cyber criminality, it is not uncommon for tensions to flare among rival groups.
Officials from GCHQ’s National Cyber Security Centre have said ransomware is one of the biggest cyber threats facing the UK. Figures published by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport this year revealed the average costs to businesses caused by ransomware attacks is around £19,000 per incident.
US-based cyber security company Palo Alto Networks, however, warned that the average ransom payment it saw in the early part of this year was $925,000 (£829,000).
96% Of Companies Report Insufficient Security for Sensitive Cloud Data
The vast majority of organisations lack confidence in securing their data in cloud, while many companies acknowledge they lack sufficient security even for their most sensitive data, according to a new report by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA).
The CSA report surveyed 1,663 IT and security professionals from organisations of various sizes and in various locations. "Only 4% report sufficient security for 100% of their data in the cloud. This means that 96% of organisations have insufficient security for at least some of their sensitive data," according to the report, which was sponsored by data intelligence firm BigID.
Apart from struggling with securing sensitive data, organisations are also having trouble tracking data in the cloud. Over a quarter of organisations polled aren’t tracking regulated data, nearly a third aren’t tracking confidential or internal data, and 45% aren’t tracking unclassified data, the report said.
“This suggests that organisations’ current methods of classifying data aren’t sufficient for their needs. However, if the tracking is this low, it could be a contributing factor to the issue of dark data. Organisations need to utilise data discovery and classification tools to properly understand the data they have and how to protect it,” the CSA study noted.
Your Microsoft Exchange Server Is a Security Liability
With endless vulnerabilities, widespread hacking campaigns, slow and technically tough patching, it's time to say goodbye to on-premise Exchange.
Once, reasonable people who cared about security, privacy, and reliability ran their own email servers. Today, the vast majority host their personal email in the cloud, handing off that substantial burden to the capable security and engineering teams at companies like Google and Microsoft. Now, cyber security experts argue that a similar switch is due - or long overdue - for corporate and government networks. For enterprises that use on-premise Microsoft Exchange, still running their own email machine somewhere in a closet or data centre, the time has come to move to a cloud service, if only to avoid the years-long plague of bugs in Exchange servers that has made it nearly impossible to keep determined hackers out.
The latest reminder of that struggle arrived earlier this week, when Taiwanese security researcher Orange Tsai published a blog post laying out the details of a security vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange. Tsai warned Microsoft about this vulnerability as early as June of 2021, and while the company responded by releasing some partial fixes, it took Microsoft 14 months to fully resolve the underlying security problem. Tsai had earlier reported a related vulnerability in Exchange that was massively exploited by a group of Chinese state-sponsored hackers known as Hafnium, which last year penetrated more than 30,000 targets by some counts. Yet according to the timeline described in Tsai’s post this week, Microsoft repeatedly delayed fixing the newer variation of that same vulnerability, assuring Tsai no fewer than four times that it would patch the bug before pushing off a full patch for months longer. When Microsoft finally released a fix, Tsai wrote, it still required manual activation and lacked any documentation for four more months.
Meanwhile, another pair of actively exploited vulnerabilities in Exchange that were revealed last month still remain unpatched after researchers showed that Microsoft’s initial attempts to fix the flaws had failed. Those vulnerabilities were just the latest in a years-long pattern of security bugs in Exchange’s code. And even when Microsoft does release Exchange patches, they’re often not widely implemented, due to the time-consuming technical process of installing them.
The result of those compounding problems, for many who have watched the hacker-induced headaches of running an Exchange server pile up, is a clear message: An Exchange server is itself a security vulnerability, and the fix is to get rid of it.
“You need to move off of on-premise Exchange forever. That’s the bottom line,” says Dustin Childs, the head of threat awareness at security firm Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative (ZDI), which pays researchers for finding and reporting vulnerabilities in commonly used software and runs the Pwn2Own hacking competition. “You’re not getting the support, as far as security fixes, that you would expect from a really mission-critical component of your infrastructure.”
Are Cyber Security Vendors Pushing Snake Oil?
Survey: 96 percent of cyber security decision makers confused by vendor marketing.
The availability of new security products increases, the amount of budget spent on cyber security grows, and the number of security breaches seems to outpace both. This basic lack of correlation between increasing cyber security spend and any clear increase in cyber security effectiveness is the subject of a new analytical survey from Egress.
With 52 million data breaches in Q2 2022 alone (Statista), Egress questioned 800 cyber security and IT leaders on why vendor claims and reality aren’t aligned. The headline response in the survey is that 91% of decision makers have difficulty in selecting cyber security vendors due to unclear marketing about their specific offerings.
The financial investment cycle doesn’t help in this. For many investors, the strength of the management team is more important than the product. The argument is not whether this product is a cyber security silver bullet, but whether this management can take the company to a point where it can exit with serious profits.
If investment is achieved, much of it will go into marketing. That marketing must compete against existing, established vendors – so it tends to be louder, more aggressive, and replete with hyperbole. Marketing noise can lead to increased valuation, which can lead to a successful and profitable exit by the investors.
Of course, this is an oversimplification and doesn’t always happen. The point, however, is that it does happen and has no relevance to the real effectiveness of the product in question. Without any doubt, there are many products that have been over-hyped by marketing funds provided by profit-driven investors.
Ransomware Preparedness: What Are You Doing Wrong?
Axio released its 2022 State of Ransomware Preparedness research report, revealing that although notable improvements have been made since Axio’s 2021 report, organisational ransomware preparedness continues to be insufficient to keep pace with new attack vectors.
The report reveals that the lack of fundamental cyber security practices and controls, including critical vulnerability patching and employee cyber security training, continues to undermine organisational attempts to improve ransomware defences.
“Ransomware continues to wreak havoc on global organisations, regardless of size or industry,” remarked the report’s co-author David White, President of Axio. “As the number of attacks will most likely continue on an exponential trajectory, it’s more important than ever for companies to re-evaluate their cyber security practices and make the needed improvements to help combat these attacks.”
The report identifies several emerging patterns that yield insights into why organisations are increasingly susceptible to ransomware attacks. In 2021, seven key areas where organisations were deficient in implementing and sustaining basic cyber security practices were identified, and these patterns dominated the 2022 study results as well:
Managing privileged access
Improving basic cyber hygiene
Reducing exposure to supply chain and third-party risk
Monitoring and defending networks
Managing ransomware incidents
Identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in a timely manner
Improving cyber security training and awareness
Overall, most organisations surveyed are not adequately prepared to manage the risk associated with a ransomware attack. Key data findings include:
The number of organisations with a functional privileged access management solution in place increased by 10% but remains low at 33% overall.
Limitations on the use of service and local administrator accounts remain average overall, with nearly 50% of organisations reporting implementing these practices.
Approximately 40% of organisations monitor third-party network access, evaluate third-party cyber security posture, and limit the use of third-party software.
Less than 50% of respondents implement basic network segmentation and only 40% monitor for anomalous connections.
Critical vulnerability patching within 24 hours was reported by only 24% of organisations.
A ransomware-specific playbook for incident management is in place for only 30% of organisations.
Active phishing training has improved but is still not practiced by 40% of organisations.
NSA Cybersecurity Director's Six Takeaways from the War in Ukraine
From the warning banner ‘Be afraid and expect the worst’ that was shown on several Ukrainian government websites on January 13, 2022, after a cyber-attack took them down, the US National Security Agency’s (NSA) cybersecurity director, Rob Joyce, knew that something was going to be different, and very aggressive, between Ukraine and Russia, and that it would be happening in the cyber space as well.
Ten months on, he was invited to speak at one of Mandiant Worldwide Information Security Exchange's (mWISE) opening keynotes on October 18, 2022. Joyce shared six takeaways from the Russia-Ukraine cyber-conflict in terms of what we learned from it and its impact on how nations should protect their organisations.
Both espionage and destructive attacks will occur in conflict
The cyber security industry has unique insight into these conflicts
Sensitive intelligence can make a decisive difference
You can develop resiliency skills
Don’t try to go it alone
You have not planned enough yet for the contingencies
Toward the end of the keynote, Joyce suggested the audience simulate a scenario based on what happened in Ukraine with the China-Taiwan conflict escalating and see what they should put in place to better prepare for such an event.
Microsoft Confirms Server Misconfiguration Led to 65,000+ Companies' Data Leak
Microsoft this week confirmed that it inadvertently exposed information related to thousands of customers following a security lapse that left an endpoint publicly accessible over the internet sans any authentication.
"This misconfiguration resulted in the potential for unauthenticated access to some business transaction data corresponding to interactions between Microsoft and prospective customers, such as the planning or potential implementation and provisioning of Microsoft services," Microsoft said in an alert.
Microsoft also emphasised that the B2B leak was "caused by an unintentional misconfiguration on an endpoint that is not in use across the Microsoft ecosystem and was not the result of a security vulnerability."
The misconfiguration of the Azure Blob Storage was spotted on September 24, 2022, by cyber security company SOCRadar, which termed the leak BlueBleed. Microsoft said it's in the process of directly notifying impacted customers.
The Windows maker did not reveal the scale of the data leak, but according to SOCRadar, it affects more than 65,000 entities in 111 countries. The exposure amounts to 2.4 terabytes of data that consists of invoices, product orders, signed customer documents, partner ecosystem details, among others.
Ransomware and Extortion
Сryptocurrency and Ransomware — The Ultimate Friendship (
Venus Ransomware targets publicly exposed Remote Desktop services (
Pendragon being held to $60m ransom by dark web hackers – Car Dealer Magazine
Magniber Ransomware Is Targeting Home PC (
Hackers exploit critical VMware flaw to drop ransomware, miners (
Ransomware Now Deployed as a Precursor to Physical War - MSSP Alert
TommyLeaks and SchoolBoys: Two sides of the same ransomware gang (
With Conti gone, LockBit takes lead of the ransomware threat landscape | CSO Online
Tactics Tie Ransom Cartel Group to Defunct REvil Ransomware (
Wholesale giant METRO hit by IT outage after cyber attack (
The link between Ransom Cartel and REvil ransomware gangs - Security Affairs
How Vice Society Got Away With a Global Ransomware Spree | WIRED
Defenders beware: A case for post-ransomware investigations - Microsoft Security Blog
Ransomware crews regrouping as LockBit rise continues (
Ransom Cartel linked to notorious REvil ransomware operation (
Hackney Council Ransomware Attack £12m+ Recovery - IT Security Guru
Microsoft Warns of Novel Ransomware Attacking Ukraine, Poland - MSSP Alert
Prestige ransomware hits victims of HermeticWiper • The Register
New ransomware targets transportation sectors in Ukraine, Poland | SC Media (
Japanese tech firm Oomiya hit by LockBit 3.0 - Security Affairs
Ransomware attack halts circulation of some German newspapers (
Ransomware Insurance Security Requirement Strategies (
Australian insurance firm Medibank confirms ransomware attack (
BlackByte ransomware uses new data theft tool for double-extortion (
Phishing & Email Based Attacks
Phishing works so well crims won't use deepfakes: Sophos • The Register
Phishing Mitigation Can Cost Businesses More Than $1M Annually (
Securing your organisation against phishing can cost up to $85 per email | CSO Online
How phishing campaigns abuse Google Ad click tracking redirects - Help Net Security
Other Social Engineering; Smishing, Vishing, etc
VMware bug with 9.8 severity rating exploited to install witch’s brew of malware | Ars Technica
Microsoft’s out-of-date driver list left Windows PCs open to malware attacks for years - The Verge
Ursnif malware switches from bank account theft to initial access (
Experts spotted a new undetectable PowerShell Backdoor - Security Affairs
Typosquat campaign mimics 27 brands to push Windows, Android malware (
Thousands of GitHub repositories deliver fake PoC exploits with malware (
Hackers use new stealthy PowerShell backdoor to target 60+ victims (
Hijacking of Popular Minecraft Launcher by Rogue Developer Raises Malware Fears - IGN
URSNIF (aka Gozi) banking trojan morphs into backdoor • The Register
What is a RAT (Remote Access Trojan)? | Definition from TechTarget
Internet of Things – IoT
Riskiest IoT Devices - Cameras, VoIP And Video Conferencing (
Securing IoT devices against attacks that target critical infrastructure - Microsoft Security Blog
74% say connected cars and EV chargers need cyber security ratings | Ars Technica
Data Breaches/Leaks
The companies most likely to lose your data - Help Net Security
Fines are not enough! Data breach victims want better security - Help Net Security
Medibank hack turned into a data breach: The attackers are demanding money - Help Net Security
Mormon Church Hit By Cyber attack, Personal Data Exposed (
Keystone Health Data Breach Impacts 235,000 Patients | SecurityWeek.Com
Fashion brand SHEIN fined $1.9m for lying about data breach – Naked Security (
Client Data Exfiltrated In Advanced NHS cyber Attack (
Australian Wine Dealer Suffers Data Breach, 500,000 Customers May Be (
Advocate Aurora Health in potential 3 million patient leak • The Register
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Why Crypto Winter is No Excuse to Let Your Cyber Defences Falter (
North Korea’s Lazarus Group Attacks Japanese Crypto Firms - Decrypt
Coinbase users scammed out of $21M in crypto sue company for negligence | Ars Technica
SIM Swappers Sentenced to Prison for Hacking Accounts, Stealing Cryptocurrency | SecurityWeek.Com
Fraud, Scams & Financial Crime
Financial losses to synthetic identity-based fraud to double by 2024 | CSO Online
AI is Key to Tackling Money Mules and Disrupting Fraud: Industry Group | SecurityWeek.Com
Deepfakes: What they are and how to spot them - Help Net Security
Phishing works so well crims won't use deepfakes: Sophos • The Register
Supply Chain and Third Parties
Software Supply Chain
Software Supply Chain Attacks Soar 742% In Three Years (
SBOMs: An Overhyped Concept That Won't Secure Your Software Supply Chain (
Denial of Service DoS/DDoS
Microsoft Data-Exposure Incident Highlights Risk of Cloud Storage Misconfiguration (
3 cloud security posture questions CISOs should answer (
Attack Surface Management
Identity and Access Management
Open Source
New security concerns for the open-source software supply chain - Help Net Security
Python vulnerability highlights open source security woes (
3 Ways to Help Customers Defend Against Linux-Based Cyber attacks - MSSP Alert
OldGremlin hackers use Linux ransomware to attack Russian orgs (
Passwords, Credential Stuffing & Brute Force Attacks
Most People Still Reuse Their Passwords Despite Years Of Hacking (
Password Report: Honeypot Data Shows Bot Attack Trends Against RDP, SSH | SecurityWeek.Com
Eight RTX 4090s Can Break Passwords in Under an Hour | Tom's Hardware (
Training, Education and Awareness
Security Awareness Urged to Grow Beyond Compliance (
Raising cyber security awareness is good for everyone - but it needs to be done better | ZDNET
Millennials, Gen Z blamed for poor company security • The Register
Privacy, Surveillance and Mass Monitoring
Regulations, Fines and Legislation
Fines are not enough! Data breach victims want better security - Help Net Security
Fashion brand SHEIN fined $1.9m for lying about data breach – Naked Security (
New York fines EyeMed $4.5 million for 2020 email hack, data breach | SC Media (
Health insurer pays out $4.5m over bungled data security • The Register
Law Enforcement Action and Take Downs
INTERPOL-led Operation Takes Down 'Black Axe' Cyber Crime Organisation (
Law enforcement arrested 31 suspects for stealing cars by hacking key fobs - Security Affairs
Interpol is setting up its own metaverse to learn how to police the virtual world | Euronews
Brazilian Police Nab Suspected Member of Lapsus$ Group (
Interpol Report: "Financial Crime-as-a-Service" an Emerging Threat - MSSP Alert
Spyware, Cyber Espionage & Cyber Warfare, including Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Ransomware Now Deployed as a Precursor to Physical War - MSSP Alert
US, China, Russia, more meet at Singapore infosec event • The Register
NSA cyber chief says Ukraine war is compelling more intelligence sharing with industry - CyberScoop
China-Linked Cyber-Espionage Team Homes In on Hong Kong Government Orgs (
Microsoft Warns of Novel Ransomware Attacking Ukraine, Poland - MSSP Alert
Hackers target Asian casinos in lengthy cyber espionage campaign (
Prestige ransomware hits victims of HermeticWiper • The Register
Pro-Russia Hackers DDoS Bulgarian Government - Infosecurity Magazine (
Nation State Actors
Nation State Actors – Russia
Ukraine's cyber chief calls for global anti-fake news fight • The Register
German Cyber security Boss Sacked Over Kremlin Connection (
New ransomware targets transportation sectors in Ukraine, Poland | SC Media (
Bulgaria hit by a cyber attack originating from Russia - Security Affairs
Nation State Actors – China
As China-Taiwan tensions mount, how's your cyber defence? • The Register
Chinese 'Spyder Loader' Malware Spotted Targeting Organisations in Hong Kong (
Hackers compromised Hong Kong govt agency network for a year (
WIP19 Threat Group Cyber attacks Target IT Service Providers, Telcos - MSSP Alert
Nation State Actors – North Korea
Nation State Actors – Iran
Vulnerability Management
45,654 VMware ESXi servers reached End of Life on Oct. 15 - Security Affairs
VMware bug with 9.8 severity rating exploited to install witch’s brew of malware | Ars Technica
Text message verification flaws in your Windows Active Directory (
Apache Commons Vulnerability: Patch but Don't Panic (
Zoom for Mac patches sneaky “spy-on-me” bug – update now! – Naked Security (
ProxyLogon researcher details new Exchange Server flaws (
Exploited Windows zero-day lets JavaScript files bypass security warnings (
Dozen High-Severity Vulnerabilities Patched in F5 Products | SecurityWeek.Com
Oracle Releases 370 New Security Patches With October 2022 CPU | SecurityWeek.Com
Palo Alto Networks fixed a high-severity flaw in PAN-OS - Security Affairs
Hackers exploit critical VMware flaw to drop ransomware, miners (
Zimbra Patches Under-Attack Code Execution Bug | SecurityWeek.Com
WordPress Security Update 6.0.3 Patches 16 Vulnerabilities | SecurityWeek.Com
Python vulnerability highlights open source security woes (
Other News
Zero trust is misused in security, say Cloudflare, Zscaler - Protocol
Cyber professional shortfall hits 3.4 million (
VPN use prevails despite interest in VPN alternatives (
JP Morgan Bans Staff From Working Remotely In Hotels and Coffee Shops-But Not Airbnbs |
Experts discovered millions of .git folders exposed to public - Security Affairs
Microsoft Defender is lacking in offline detection capabilities, says AV-Comparatives | TechSpot
Internet connectivity worldwide impacted by severed fiber cables in France (
UK's Remote Shetland Mysteriously Lose Phone, Internet After Cable Cut (
CISOs, rejoice! Security spending is increasing - Help Net Security
Equifax surveilled 1,000 remote workers, fired 24 found juggling two jobs | Ars Technica
NATO Just Deployed Its First Killer Ground Robot (
Sector Specific
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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 14 October 2022
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 14 October 2022:
-Ransomware Report: Most Organisations Unprepared for an Attack, Lack Incident Playbook, Research Finds
-LinkedIn Scams, Fake Instagram Accounts Hit Businesses, Execs
-Study Highlights Surge in Identity Theft and Phishing Attacks
-Increase in Cyber Liability Insurance Claims as Cyber Crime Skyrockets
-UK Government Urges Action to Enhance Supply Chain Security
-For Most Companies Ransomware Is the Scariest Of All Cyber Attacks
-EDR Is Not a Silver Bullet
-Attackers Use Automation to Speed from Exploit to Compromise
-Rising Premiums, More Restricted Cyber Insurance Coverage Poses Big Risk for Companies
-Why CISO Roles Require Business and Technology Savvy
-Wi-Fi Spy Drones Used to Snoop on Financial Firm
-Magniber Ransomware Attacking Individuals and Home Users
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Ransomware Report: Most Organisations Unprepared for an Attack, Lack Incident Playbook, Research Finds
Some organisations have made significant improvements to their ransomware readiness profile in the last year, Axio said in a newly released report. However, a lack of fundamental cyber security practices and controls, inadequate vulnerability patching and employee training continues to leave ransomware defences lacking in potency.
Axio’s report reveals that only 30% of organisations have a ransomware-specific playbook for incident management in place. In 2021’s report Axio, maker of a cloud-based cyber management software platform, identified seven key areas emerged where organisations were deficient in implementing and sustaining basic cyber security practices.
The same patterns showed up in the 2022 report:
Managing privileged access.
Improving basic cyber hygiene.
Reducing exposure to supply chain and third-party risk.
Monitoring and defending networks.
Managing ransomware incidents.
Identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in a timely manner.
Improving cyber security training and awareness.
Overall, most organisations surveyed are not adequately prepared to manage the risk associated with a ransomware attack. Key data findings include:
The number of organisations with a functional privileged access management solution in place increased by 10% but remains low at 33% overall.
Limitations on the use of service and local administrator accounts remain average overall, with nearly 50% of organisations reporting implementing these practices.
Approximately 40% of organisations monitor third-party network access, evaluate third-party cyber security posture, and limit the use of third-party software.
Less than 50% of respondents implement basic network segmentation and only 40% monitor for anomalous connections.
Critical vulnerability patching within 24 hours was reported by only 24% of organisations.
Active phishing training has improved but is still not practiced by 40% of organisations.
LinkedIn Scams, Fake Instagram Accounts Hit Businesses, Execs
Business owners with public social media accounts are easy targets for scammers who lift information to create fake accounts. The arduous process for removing fraudulent accounts leaves victims frustrated and vulnerable to further data privacy issues. Victims say platform providers, particularly Facebook and Instagram, must improve their responses to reports of fraud.
Impersonation of a brand or executive contributed to more than 40% of all phishing and social media incidents in the second quarter, according to the Agari and Phish Labs Quarterly Threat Trends and Intelligence Report released in August. Q2 marks the second quarter that impersonation attacks have represented the majority of threats, despite a 6.1% decrease from Q1.
Executive impersonation has been on the rise over the past four quarters — representing more than 15% of attacks, according to the report — as impersonating a corporate figure or company on social media is simple and effective for threat actors.
Thom Singer, CEO for the Austin Technology Council and a public speaker, was recently impersonated on Instagram. A scammer created a fake Instagram account with his name and photos, creating a handle with an extra "r" at the end of Singer. That account appeared to amass over 2,300 followers – nearly as many as Singer's own account – lending to its appearance of authenticity.
He learned of the fake account from a contact who texted to ask if he'd reached out on Instagram, which wasn't a channel Singer typically uses to communicate. Singer reported the fraudulent account using the platform's report button and asked his followers to do the same.
"You can't reach anyone at these platforms, so it takes days to get a fake account removed," Singer said. "These social media sites have no liability, nothing to lose when fraud is happening. They need to up their game and have a better process to get [fraud] handled in a timely manner."
Study Highlights Surge in Identity Theft and Phishing Attacks
A new study from behavioural risk firm CybSafe and the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA) has been launched and it highlights an alarming surge in phishing and identity theft attacks.
The report, titled ‘Oh, Behave! The Annual Cybersecurity Attitudes and Behaviors report’, studied the opinions of 3,000 individuals across the US, the UK and Canada towards cyber security and revealed that nearly half (45%) of users are connected to the internet all the time, however, this has led to a surge in identity theft with almost 1 in 4 people being affected by the attack.
Furthermore, 1 in 3 (36%) respondents revealed they have lost money or data due to a phishing attack. Yet the study also revealed that 70% of respondents feel confident in their ability to identify a malicious email, but only 45% will confirm the authenticity of a suspicious email by reaching out to the apparent sender.
When it comes to implementing cyber security best practices, only 33% of respondents revealed they use a unique password for important online accounts, while only 16% utilise passwords of over 12 characters in length. Furthermore, only 18% of participants have downloaded a stand-alone password manager, while 43% of respondents have not even heard of multi-factor authentication.
Increase in Cyber Liability Insurance Claims as Cyber Crime Skyrockets
A cyber insurer, Acuity Insurance, is reporting an increased need for cyber liability insurance across both personal and business policyholders. From June 2021 to June 2022, the insurer saw cyber liability insurance claims on its commercial insurance policies increase by more than 50%. For personal policies, they saw more than a 90% increase in cyber claims being reported in 2021 compared with 2020.
Our lives, homes and businesses are more connected than ever before. Being connected leads to a greater risk of cyber attacks, which aren't covered under standard homeowners or business insurance policies.
The insurance experts caution that everyone is at risk — whether you are a small business owner or an individual — as cyber attacks continue to pose a serious financial threat. From 2019 to 2021, cyber attacks were up 50% from the previous year, according to recent research. Wire fraud and gift card scams are two of the most common types of cyber attacks impacting both businesses and individuals.
Scams involving social engineering are some of the easiest to fall for, as fraudsters exploit a person's trust to obtain money or personal information, which can then be used for unauthorised withdrawals of money. Cyber insurance can protect you from financial loss caused by wire transfer fraud, phishing attacks, cyber extortion, cyberbullying and more, Acuity reported.
While all cyber crimes have a financial impact, fraudulent wire transfers often come with greater losses. Banks are typically not responsible for funds lost as a result of a fraudulent wire transfer inadvertently authorised by the customer. Whether it's a wrongful money transfer by a business or an individual, cyber insurance can help mitigate some of the financial loss caused by these scams.
UK Government Urges Action to Enhance Supply Chain Security
The UK government has warned organisations to take steps to strengthen their supply chain security.
New National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) guidance has been issued amid a significant increase in supply chain attacks in recent years, such as the SolarWinds incident in 2020. The NCSC cited official government data showing that just over one in 10 businesses review the risks posed by their immediate suppliers (13%), while the proportion covering the wider supply chain is just 7%.
Aimed at medium-to-large organisations, the document sets out practical steps to better assess cyber security across increasingly complex supply chains. This includes a description of typical supplier relationships and ways that organisations are exposed to vulnerabilities and cyber-attacks via the supply chain, and the expected outcomes and key steps needed to assess suppliers’ approaches to security.
The new guidance followed a government response to a call for views last year which highlighted the need for further advice. Supply chain attacks are a major cyber threat facing organisations and incidents can have a profound, long-lasting impact on businesses and customers. With incidents on the rise, it is vital organisations work with their suppliers to identify supply chain risks and ensure appropriate security measures are in place.
For Most Companies Ransomware Is the Scariest Of All Cyber Attacks
SonicWall released the 2022 SonicWall Threat Mindset Survey which found that 66% of customers are more concerned about cyber attacks in 2022, with the main threat being focused on financially motivated attacks like ransomware.
“No one is safe from cyber attacks — businesses or individuals,” said SonicWall Executive Chairman of the Board Bill Conner. “Today’s business landscape requires persistent digital trust to exist. Supply-chain attacks have dramatically changed the attack surface of the typical enterprise in the past few years, with more suppliers and service providers touching sensitive data than ever before.
“It’s likely we’ll see continued acceleration and evolution of ransomware tactics, as well as other advanced persistent threats (APTs), as cyber crime continues to scale the globe seeking both valuable and weak targets.”
Companies are not only losing millions of dollars to unending malware and ransomware strikes, but cyber attacks on essential infrastructure are impacting real-world services. Despite the growing concern of cyber attacks, organisations are struggling to keep pace with the fast-moving threat landscape as they orient their business, networks, data and employees against unwavering cyber attacks.
“The evolving cyber threat landscape has made us train our staff significantly more,” said Stafford Fields, IT Director, Cavett Turner & Wyble. “It’s made us spend more on cyber security. And what scares me is that an end-user can click on something and bring all our systems down — despite being well protected.”
EDR Is Not a Silver Bullet
Old lore held that shooting a werewolf, vampire, or even just your average nasty villain with a silver bullet was a sure-fire takedown: one hit, no more bad guy.
As cyber security professionals, we understand – much like folks in the Old West knew – that there are no panaceas, no actual silver bullets. Yet humans gravitate towards simple solutions to complex challenges, and we are constantly (if unconsciously) seeking silver bullet technology.
Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tools have become Standard Operating Procedures for cyber security regimes. They are every CIO’s starting point, and there’s nothing wrong with this. In a recent study by Cymulate of over one million tests conducted by customers in 2021, the most popular testing vector was EDR.
Yet cyber security stakeholders should not assume that EDR is a silver bullet. The fact is that EDR’s efficacy and protective prowess as a standalone solution has been slowly diminished over the decade since the term was first coined by Gartner. Even as it became a mainstay of enterprise and SMB/SME security posture – attacks have skyrocketed in frequency, severity, and success. Today, EDR is facing some of its greatest challenges, including threats laser-targeting EDR systems like the highly-successful Grandoiero banking trojan.
While EDR should not be your only line of defence against advanced threats, including it in a defence solution array is paramount. It should be installed on all organisational servers – including Linux-based ones. Yet installation is not enough. Your organisation is at significant risk if the underlying OS and EDR are not both implemented and fine-tuned.
Attackers Use Automation to Speed from Exploit to Compromise
A report from Laceworks examines the cloud security threat landscape over the past three months and unveils the new techniques and avenues cyber criminals are exploiting for profit at the expense of businesses. In this latest edition, the Lacework Labs team found a significantly more sophisticated attacker landscape, with an increase in attacks against core networking and virtualisation software, and an unprecedented increase in the speed of attacks following a compromise. Key trends and threats identified include:
Increased speed from exposure to compromise: Attackers are advancing to keep pace with cloud adoption and response time. Many classes of attacks are now fully automated to capitalise on timing. Additionally, one of the most common targets is credential leakage. In a specific example from the report, a leaked AWS access key was caught and flagged by AWS in record time. Despite the limited exposure, an unknown adversary was able to log in and launch tens of GPU EC2 instances, underscoring just how quickly attackers can take advantage of a single simple mistake.
Increased focus on infrastructure, specifically attacks against core networking and virtualisation software: Commonly deployed core networking and related infrastructure consistently remains a key target for adversaries. Core flaws in infrastructure often appear suddenly and are shared openly online, creating opportunities for attackers of all kinds to exploit these potential targets.
Continued Log4j reconnaissance and exploitation: Nearly a year after the initial exploit, the Lacework Labs team is still commonly observing vulnerable software targeted via OAST requests. Analysis of Project Discovery ( activity revealed Cloudflare and DigitalOcean as the top originators.
Rising Premiums, More Restricted Cyber Insurance Coverage Poses Big Risk for Companies
Among the many consequences of the rising number of costly data breaches, ransomware, and other security attacks are pricier premiums for cyber security insurance. The rise in costs could put many organisations out of the running for this essential coverage, a risky proposition given the current threat landscape.
Cyber insurance is a type of specialty insurance that protects organisations against a variety of risks related to information security attacks such as ransomware and data breaches. Ordinarily, these types of risks aren’t included with traditional commercial general liability policies or are not specifically defined in these insurance plans.
Given the rise in attacks, the growing sophistication of these incidents and the potential financial impact, having cyber insurance coverage has become critical for many organisations. Premiums for these plans have been on the rise because of the increase in security-related losses and rising demand for coverage.
Cyber insurance premiums increased by an average of 28% in the first quarter of 2022 compared with the fourth quarter of 2021, according to the Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers (CIAB), an association for commercial insurance and employee benefits intermediaries.
Among the primary drivers for the continued price increases were a reduced carrier appetite for the risk and high demand for coverage, CIAB said. The high demand for cyber coverage is in part fueled by greater awareness among companies of the threat cyber risk poses for businesses of all sizes, it said.
Why CISO Roles Require Business and Technology Savvy
Listening and communicating to both the technical and business sides is critical to successfully leading IT teams and business leaders to the same end-goal.
Of all the crazy postings that advertise for CISO jobs, the one asking for a CISO to code in Python was probably the most outrageous example of the disconnect about a CISO’s role, says Joe Head, CISO search director at UK-based search firm, Intaso. This was a few years ago, and one can only guess that the role had been created by a technologist who didn’t care about or didn’t understand the business — or, inversely by a businessperson who didn’t understand enough about technology.
In either case, the disconnect is real. However, Head and other experts say that when it comes to achieving the true, executive role and reporting to the CEO and board, business skills rule. That doesn’t mean, however, that most CISOs know nothing about technology, because most still start out with technology backgrounds.
In the 2022 CISO survey by executive placement firm, Heidrick & Struggles, most CISOs come from a functional IT background that reflects the issues of the time. For example, in 2022 10% of CISOs came from software engineering backgrounds, which tracks with the White House directive to protect the software supply chain. The report notes that the majority of CISOs have experience in the financial services industry, which has a low risk tolerance and where more money is spent on security.
The survey also indicates that only a small core of CISOs (working primarily for the Fortune 500) rise to the executive level with the combination of business and technical responsibilities that come with the role. In it, more than two-thirds of CISOs responding to the survey worked for companies worth over $5 billion. So, instead of bashing a CISO’s lack of IT skills, the real need lies in developing business skills for the technologists coming up the ranks.
Wi-Fi Spy Drones Used to Snoop on Financial Firm
Modified off-the-shelf drones have been found carrying wireless network-intrusion kit in a very unlikely place.
The idea of using consumer-oriented drones for hacking has been explored over the past decade at security conferences like Black Hat 2016, in both the US and in Europe, but now these sort of attacks are actually taking place. A security researcher recently recounted an incident that occurred over the summer at a US East Coast financial firm focused on private investment.
The hacking incident was discovered when the financial firm spotted unusual activity on its internal Atlassian Confluence page that originated from within the company's network. The company's security team responded and found that the user whose MAC address was used to gain partial access to the company Wi-Fi network was also logged in at home several miles away. That is to say, the user was active off-site but someone within Wi-Fi range of the building was trying to wirelessly use that user's MAC address, which is a red flag. The team then took steps to trace the Wi-Fi signal and used a Fluke system to identify the Wi-Fi device.
This led the team to the roof, where two modified commercially available consumer drones series were discovered. One drone was in fine condition and had a modified Wi-Fi Pineapple device, used for network penetration testing. The second drone was carrying a case that contained a Raspberry Pi, several batteries, a GPD mini laptop, a 4G modem, and another Wi-Fi device. It had landed near the building's heating and ventilation system and appeared to be damaged but still operable.
During their investigation, they determined that the first drone had originally been used a few days prior to intercept a worker's credentials and Wi-Fi, and this data was then hard coded into the tools that were deployed on the second drone.
Magniber Ransomware Attacking Individuals and Home Users
A recent analysis shows that Magniber ransomware has been targeting home users by masquerading as software updates.
Reports have shown a ransomware campaign isolated by HP Wolf Security in September 2022 saw Magniber ransomware spread. The malware is known as a single-client ransomware family that demands $2,500 from victims. Magniber was previously primarily spread through MSI and EXE files, but in September 2022 HP Wolf Security began seeing campaigns distributing the ransomware in JavaScript files.
HP Wolf Security reported that some malware families rely exclusively on JavaScript, but have done so for some time. Currently, analysts are also seeing more HTML smuggling, such as with Qakbot and IcedID. This technique also makes use of JavaScript to decode malicious content. The only difference is that the HTML file is executed in the context of the browser and therefore usually requires further user interaction.
Remarkably, HP Wolf Security said, the attackers used clever techniques to evade detection, such as running the ransomware in memory, bypassing User Account Control (UAC) in Windows, and bypassing detection techniques that monitor user-mode hooks by using syscalls instead of standard Windows API libraries.
It appears that with the UAC bypass, the malware deletes the infected system’s shadow copy files and disables backup and recovery features, preventing the victim from recovering their data using Windows tools.
Having recently described the ransomware campaign in a recent interview, HP Wolf noted that the infection chain starts with a web download from an attacker-controlled website.
Ransomware and Extortion
More and more ransomware is just data theft, no encryption • The Register
Magniber ransomware now infects Windows users via JavaScript files (
Fake adult sites push data wipers disguised as ransomware (
It was LockBit that forced NHS tech supplier to shut down • The Register
Ransomware posing as Windows antivirus update will just empty your wallet | TechRadar
Microsoft: New Prestige ransomware targets orgs in Ukraine, Poland (
BlackByte ransomware uses new EDR evasion technique (
Prevent Ransomware Attacks on Critical Infrastructure (
Microsoft Exchange servers hacked to deploy LockBit ransomware (
Harvard Business Publishing licensee hit by ransomware - Security Affairs
LockBit affiliates compromise Microsoft Exchange servers to deploy ransomware - Security Affairs
Police tricks DeadBolt ransomware out of 155 decryption keys (
Phishing & Email Based Attacks
Caffeine service lets anyone launch Microsoft 365 phishing attacks (
A whole load of phishing emails make it past Microsoft Defender, researchers say | TechRadar
Google Forms abused in new COVID-19 phishing wave in the U.S. (
US election workers hit with phishing, malware emails • The Register
Cyber criminals are having it easy with phishing-as-a-service - Help Net Security
Other Social Engineering; Smishing, Vishing, etc
How a Microsoft blunder opened millions of PCs to potent malware attacks | Ars Technica
Banks face their 'darkest hour' as crimeware powers up • The Register
Emotet Rises Again With More Sophistication, Evasion (
QAKBOT Attacks Spike Amid Concerning Cyber Criminal Collaborations (
Hackers behind IcedID malware attacks diversify delivery tactics (
Eternity threat group’s LilithBot: A criminal multitool • The Register
Here's another excellent reason not to browse adult websites at work | TechRadar
Experts analysed the evolution of the Emotet supply chain - Security Affairs
Modified WhatsApp App Caught Infecting Android Devices with Malware (
Meta uncovers 400 malicious apps on Android and iOS apps | SC Media (
‘Zero-Click’ Spyware Emerges as a Menacing Mobile Threat - Bloomberg
Mullvad: Android may leak information when connected to a VPN - gHacks Tech News
Android Security Updates Patch Critical Vulnerabilities | SecurityWeek.Com
Hackers Using Vishing to Trick Victims into Installing Android Banking Malware (
Mystery iPhone update patches against iOS 16 mail crash-attack – Naked Security (
Internet of Things – IoT
Data Breaches/Leaks
Client data exfiltrated in Advanced NHS cyber attack (
Mormon Church data stolen in 'state-sponsored' cyber attack • The Register
2K Customer Data Stolen, Sold Online After Support Desk Scam (
Toyota discloses data leak after access key exposed on GitHub (
Fast Company says Executive Board member info was not stolen in attack (
State Bar of Georgia Confirms Data Breach Following Ransomware Attack | SecurityWeek.Com
Singtel's second unit faces cyber attack weeks after Optus data breach | Reuters
Zoetop pays $1.9m to settle customer data theft case • The Register
CommonSpirit Health IT still suffering after cyber attack • The Register
Over 80,000 DJI drone IDs exposed in data leak: Report (
High-Value Targets: String of Aussie Telco Breaches Continues (
Data of 380K patients compromised in hack of 13 anesthesia practices | SC Media (
Australian police secret agents exposed in Colombian data leak (
Toyota Reveals Data Leak of 300,000 Customers - Infosecurity Magazine (
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
INTERPOL arrests ‘Black Axe’ cyber crime syndicate members (
Caffeine Phishing-as-a-Service toolkit available in the underground - Security Affairs
North Korea's Crypto Hackers Are Paving the Road to Nuclear Armageddon - CNET
Fake Solana Phantom security updates push crypto-stealing malware (
'Baby Al Capone' to pay $22m to SIM-swap crypto-heist victim • The Register
Fraud, Scams & Financial Crime
Alternative payment methods are creating new fraud risks - Help Net Security
Prison inmate charged with $11m fraud via cell phone • The Register
Mastercard moves to protect ‘risky and frisky’ transactions • The Register
Dark Web
Software Supply Chain
Denial of Service DoS/DDoS
US airports' sites taken down in DDoS attacks by pro-Russian hackers (
Russian DDoS attack project pays contributors for more firepower (
Microsoft Office 365 uses insecure block ciphers • The Register
Microsoft Office 365 email encryption could expose message content (
Passwords, Credential Stuffing & Brute Force Attacks
Social Media
Training, Education and Awareness
Parental Controls and Child Safety
Cyber Bullying and Cyber Stalking
Regulations, Fines and Legislation
Backup and Recovery
Spyware, Cyber Espionage & Cyber Warfare, including Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Vladimir Putin’s hybrid war has begun and the West must be ready | Evening Standard
Internet outages hit Ukraine following Russian missile strikes (
Seven 'Creepy' Backdoors Used by Lebanese Cyberspy Group in Israel Attacks | SecurityWeek.Com
Researchers Uncover Custom Backdoors and Spying Tools Used by Polonium Hackers (
We must tackle Europe’s winter cyber threats head-on – POLITICO
Researchers Detail Malicious Tools Used by Cyber Espionage Group Earth Aughisky (
‘Zero-Click’ Spyware Emerges as a Menacing Mobile Threat - Bloomberg
SpaceX’s Starlink terminals in Ukraine back online after outages | Financial Times
Nation State Actors
Nation State Actors – Russia
German Cyber security Chief Accused of Russian Contact Faces Sacking - IT Security Guru
Russian DDoS attack project pays contributors for more firepower (
Extreme Networks admits sales to banned Russian arms maker • The Register
Nation State Actors – China
UK Spy Chief to Warn of 'Huge' China Tech Threat | SecurityWeek.Com
China’s attack motivations, tactics, and how CISOs can mitigate threats | CSO Online
China will manipulate new tech for global influence, warns GCHQ boss | Metro News
UK telcos legally required to remove Huawei equipment • The Register
Chinese-linked hackers targeted U.S. state legislature, researchers say - CyberScoop
New Chinese Malware Attack Framework Targets Windows, macOS, and Linux Systems (
UK to designate China a ‘threat’ in hawkish foreign policy shift | Foreign policy | The Guardian
WIP19, a new Chinese APT targets IT Service Providers and Telcos - Security Affairs
China-linked Budworm APT returns to target a US entity - Security Affairs
We must tackle China’s satellite-busting technology, says GCHQ chief | News | The Times
GCHQ boss: China could use Digital Yuan to swerve sanctions • The Register
Young people using TikTok is no problem, GCHQ chief says | TikTok | The Guardian
Nation State Actors – North Korea
Nation State Actors – Misc
Vulnerability Management
Concerns Over Fortinet Flaw Mount; PoC Released, Exploit Activity Grows (
Microsoft October 2022 Patch Tuesday fixes zero-day used in attacks, 84 flaws (
Microsoft Addresses Zero-Days, but Exchange Server Exploit Chain Remains Unpatched (
Auth bypass bug in FortiOS, FortiProxy is exploited in the wild (CVE-2022-40684) - Help Net Security
Chrome 106 Update Patches Several High-Severity Vulnerabilities | SecurityWeek.Com
Researchers Detail Windows Zero-Day Vulnerability Patched Last Month (
Almost 900 servers hacked using Zimbra zero-day flaw (
Patch Tuesday: Critical Flaws in ColdFusion, Adobe Commerce | SecurityWeek.Com
Aruba fixes critical RCE and auth bypass flaws in EdgeConnect (
WordPress Vulnerability In Shortcodes Ultimate Impacts 700,000 Sites (
Critical Open Source vm2 Sandbox Escape Bug Affects Millions (
VMware vCenter Server bug disclosed last year still not patched (
Other News
Board members should make CISOs their strategic partners - Help Net Security
5 Attack Elements Every Organisations Should Be Monitoring (
Ukraine’s Starlink problems show the dangers of digital dependency | Financial Times (
Here's 5 of the world's riskiest connected devices - Help Net Security
Older, Stored Data Is Cyber Security Risk, Report Warns - MSSP Alert
What the Uber Breach Verdict Means for CISOs in the US (
Increasing network visibility is critical to improving security posture - Help Net Security
What the Uber Hack can teach us about navigating IT Security (
Consumers want more transparency on how companies manage their data - Help Net Security
Gaming Is Booming. That’s Catnip for Cyber criminals. - The New York Times (
Fear of cyber criminals drives cyber security improvements - Help Net Security
The next Ford Mustang won’t be easy to tune; blame cyber security | Ars Technica
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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 07 October 2022
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 07 October 2022:
-Russian Sanctions Instigator Lloyd's Possibly Hit by Cyber Attack
-Former Uber Security Chief Convicted of Covering Up Data Breach
-First 72 Hours of Incident Response Critical to Taming Cyber Attack Chaos
-Email Defences Under Siege: Phishing Attacks Dramatically Improve
-Remote Services Are Becoming an Attractive Target for Ransomware
-Growing Reliance on Cloud Brings New Security Challenges
-Many IT Pros Don’t Think a Ransomware Attack Can Impact Microsoft 365 Data
-Ransomware Group Bypasses "Enormous" Range of EDR Tools
-MS Exchange Zero-Days: The Calm Before the Storm?
-Average Company with Data in the Cloud Faces $28 Million in Data-Breach Risk
-Secureworks Finds Network Intruders See Little Resistance
-Regulations, Laws and Accountability are Changing the Cyber Security Landscape
-This Year’s Biggest Cyber Threats
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Russian Sanctions Instigator Lloyd's Possibly Hit by Cyber Attack
Lloyd’s of London, the London-based insurance market heavily involved in implementing sanctions against Russia, may have been hit by a cyber-attack. On Wednesday, October 5, 2022, the British insurance market revealed it had detected “unusual activity” on its systems and has turned off all external connectivity “as a precautionary measure.”
“We have informed market participants and relevant parties, and we will provide more information once our investigations have concluded,” said a Lloyd’s spokesperson.
The company did not comment on whether or not it has been contacted by hackers, if a ransom demand has been issued, or on the possible source of the attack.
However, the insurance market has been closely involved with the design and implementation of sanctions imposed on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine – a potential motive for the attack. Lloyd’s itself has confirmed it was working closely with British and international governments to implement such sanctions.
Around 100 insurance syndicates operate at Lloyd's.
Earlier in 2022, Lloyd’s instructed its 76 insurance syndicates to remove “nation-state-backed cyber attacks” from insurance policies by March 2023, as well as losses “arising from a war.”
Former Uber Security Chief Convicted of Covering Up Data Breach
Uber’s former head of security has been convicted of covering up a 2016 data breach at the rideshare giant, hiding details from US regulators and paying off a pair of hackers in return for their discretion.
The trial, closely watched in cyber security circles, is believed to be the first criminal prosecution of a company executive over the handling of a data breach.
Joe Sullivan, who was fired in 2017 over the incident, was found guilty by a San Francisco jury of obstructing an investigation by the Federal Trade Commission. At the time of the 2016 breach, the regulator had been investigating the car-booking service over a different cyber security lapse that had occurred two years earlier.
Jurors also convicted Sullivan of a second count related to having knowledge of but failing to report the 2016 breach to the appropriate government authorities. The incident eventually became public in 2017 when Dara Khosrowshahi, who had just taken over as chief executive, disclosed details of the attack.
Prosecutors said Sullivan had taken steps to make sure data compromised in the attack would not be revealed. According to court documents, two hackers approached Sullivan’s team to notify Uber of a security flaw that exposed the personal information of almost 60mn drivers and riders on the platform.
First 72 Hours of Incident Response Critical to Taming Cyber Attack Chaos
Cyber security professionals tasked with responding to attacks experience stress, burnout, and mental health issues that are exacerbated by a lack of breach preparedness and sufficient incident response practice in their organisations.
A new IBM Security-sponsored survey published this week found that two-thirds (67%) of incident responders suffer stress and anxiety during at least some of their engagements, while 44% have sacrificed the well-being of their relationships, and 42% have suffered burnout, according to the survey conducted by Morning Consult. In addition, 68% of incidents responders often have to work on two or more incidents at the same time, increasing their stress, according to the survey's results.
Companies that plan and practice responding to a variety of incidents can lower the stress levels of their incident responders, employees, and executives, says John Dwyer, head of research for IBM Security's X-Force response team.
"Organisations are not effectively establishing their response strategies with the responders in mind — it does not need to be as stressful as it is," he says. "There is a lot of time when the responders are managing organisations during an incident, because those organisations were not prepared for the crisis that occurs. These attacks happen every day."
The IBM Security-funded study underscores why the cyber security community has focused increasingly on the mental health of its members. About half (51%) of cyber security defenders have suffered burnout or extreme stress in the past year, according to a VMware survey released in August 2021. Cyber security executives have also spotlighted the issue as one that affects the community and companies' ability to retain skilled workers.
Email Defences Under Siege: Phishing Attacks Dramatically Improve
This week's report that cyber attackers are laser-focused on crafting attacks specialised to bypass Microsoft's default security showcases an alarming evolution in phishing tactics, security experts said this week.
Threat actors are getting better at slipping phishing attacks through the weak spots in platform email defences, using a variety of techniques, such as zero-point font obfuscation, hiding behind cloud-messaging services, and delaying payload activation, for instance. They're also doing more targeting and research on victims.
As a result, nearly 1 in 5 phishing emails (18.8%) bypassed Microsoft's platform defences and landed in workers' inboxes in 2022, a rate that increased 74% compared to 2020, according to research published by cyber security firm Check Point Software. Attackers increasingly used techniques to pass security checks, such as Sender Policy Framework (SPF), and obfuscate functional components of an e-mail, such as using zero-size fonts or hiding malicious URLs from analysis.
The increasing capabilities of attackers is due to the better understanding of current defences, says Avanan, an email security firm acquired by Check Point in August 2021.
"It is a family of 10 to 20 techniques, but they all lead to the objective of deceiving a company's security layers," he says. "The end result is always an email that looks genuine to the recipient but looks different to the algorithm that analyses the content."
Microsoft declined to comment on the research. However, the company has warned of advanced techniques, such as adversary-in-the-middle phishing (AiTM), which uses a custom URL to place a proxy server between a victim and their desired site, allowing the attacker to capture sensitive data, such as usernames and passwords. In July, the company warned that more than 10,000 organisations had been targeted during one AiTM campaign.
Remote Services Are Becoming an Attractive Target for Ransomware
Stolen credentials are no longer the number one initial access vector for ransomware operators looking to infect a target network and its endpoints - instead, they’ve become more interested in exploiting vulnerabilities found in internet-facing systems.
A report from Secureworks claims ransomware-as-a-service developers are quick to add newly discovered vulnerabilities into their arsenals, allowing even less competent hackers to exploit them swiftly, and with relative ease.
In fact, the company's annual State of the Threat Report reveals that flaw exploitation in remote services accounted for 52% of all ransomware incidents the company analysed over the last 12 months.
Besides remote services, Secureworks also spotted a 150% increase in the use of infostealers, which became a “key precursor” to ransomware. Both these factors, the report stresses, kept ransomware as the number one threat for businesses of all sizes, “who must fight to stay abreast of the demands of new vulnerability prioritisation and patching”.
All things considered, ransomware is still the biggest threat for businesses. It takes up almost a quarter of all attacks that were reported in the last 12 months, Secureworks says, and despite law enforcement being actively involved, operators remained highly active.
Growing Reliance on Cloud Brings New Security Challenges
There was a time when cloud was just a small subset of IT infrastructure, and cloud security referred to a very specific set of tasks. The current reality is very different, organisations are heavily dependent on cloud technologies and cloud security has become a much more complex endeavour.
Organisations increasingly rely on the cloud to deliver new applications, reduce costs, and support business operations. One in every four organisations already have majority workloads in the cloud, and 44% of workloads currently run in some form of public cloud, says Omdia, a research and advisory group.
Practically every midsize and large organisation now operates in some kind of a hybrid cloud environment, with a mix of cloud and on-premises systems. For most organisations, software-as-a-service constitute the bulk (80%) of their cloud environments, followed by infrastructure-as-a-service and platform-as-a-service deployments.
In the past, cloud security conversations tended to focus on making sure cloud environments are being configured properly, but cloud security nowadays goes far beyond just configuration management. The sprawling cloud environment means security management has to be centralised, Omdia said. Security functions also need to be integrated into existing application deployment workflows.
On top of all of this, multicloud is becoming more common among organisations as they shift their workloads to avoid being dependent on a single platform. The three major cloud providers – Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform – account for 65% of the cloud market.
Many IT Pros Don’t Think a Ransomware Attack Can Impact Microsoft 365 Data
The 2022 Ransomware Report, which surveyed over 2,000 IT leaders, revealed that 24% have been victims of a ransomware attack, with 20% of attacks happening in the last year.
Cyber attacks are happening more frequently. Last year’s ransomware survey revealed that 21% of companies experienced an attack. This year it rose by three percent to 24%.
“Attacks on businesses are increasing, and there is a shocking lack of awareness and preparation by IT pros. Our survey shows that many in the IT community have a false sense of security. As bad actors develop new techniques, companies like ours have to do what it takes to come out ahead and protect businesses around the world,” said Hornetsecurity.
The report highlighted a lack of knowledge on the security available to businesses. 25% of IT professionals either don’t know or don’t think that Microsoft 365 data can be impacted by a ransomware attack.
Just as worryingly, 40% of IT professionals that use Microsoft 365 in their organisation admitted they do not have a recovery plan in case their Microsoft 365 data was compromised by a ransomware attack.
“Microsoft 365 is vulnerable to phishing attacks and ransomware attacks, but with the help of third-party tools, IT admins can backup their Microsoft 365 data securely and protect themselves from such attacks,” said Hofmann.
Ransomware Group Bypasses "Enormous" Range of EDR Tools
A notorious ransomware group has been spotted leveraging sophisticated techniques to bypass endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools.
BlackByte, which the US government has said poses a serious threat to critical infrastructure, used a “Bring Your Own Driver” technique to circumvent over 1000 drivers used by commercially available EDR products, according to Sophos. The UK cyber security vendor explained in a new report that the group had exploited a known vulnerability, CVE-2019-16098, in Windows graphics utility driver RTCorec6.sys. This enabled it to communicate directly with a victim system’s kernel and issue commands to disable callback routines used by EDR tools.
The group also used EDR bypass techniques borrowed from open source tool EDRSandblast to deactivate the Microsoft-Windows-Threat-Intelligence ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) provider. This is a Windows feature “that provides logs about the use of commonly maliciously abused API calls such as NtReadVirtualMemory to inject into another process’s memory,” explained Sophos. Neutralising it in this way renders any security tool relying on the feature also useless, the firm argued.
“If you think of computers as a fortress, for many EDR providers, ETW is the guard at the front gate,” said Sophos. “If the guard goes down, then that leaves the rest of the system extremely vulnerable. And, because ETW is used by so many different providers, BlackByte’s pool of potential targets for deploying this EDR bypass is enormous.”
BlackByte is not the only ransomware group using these advanced techniques to get around existing detection tools, illustrating the continued arms race between attackers and defenders. AvosLocker used a similar method in May, Sophos said. “Anecdotally, from what we’re seeing in the field, it does appear that EDR bypass is becoming a more popular technique for ransomware threat groups,” the firm confirmed. “This is not surprising. Threat actors often leverage tools and techniques developed by the ‘offensive security’ industry to launch attacks faster and with minimal effort.”
MS Exchange Zero-Days: The Calm Before the Storm?
Two exploited MS Exchange zero-days that still have no official fix, have been added to CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) Catalog.
But mitigating the risk of exploitation until patches are ready will require patience and doggedness, as Microsoft is still revising its advice to admins and network defenders, and still working on the patches.
The two vulnerabilities were publicly documented last Wednesday, by researchers with Vietnamese company GTSC, and Microsoft soon after sprung into (discernible) action by offering customer guidance, followed by an analysis of the attacks exploiting the two vulnerabilities. Several changes have been made to the documents since then, after the company found and other researchers pointed out several shortcomings.
Microsoft says its threat analysts observed “activity related to a single activity group in August 2022 that achieved initial access and compromised Exchange servers by chaining CVE-2022-41040 and CVE-2022-41082 in a small number of targeted attacks,” and that the attackers breached fewer than 10 organisations globally. “MSTIC assesses with medium confidence that the single activity group is likely to be a state-sponsored organisation,” they added.
The other good news is there are still no public exploits for the two vulnerabilities. But, Microsoft says, “Prior Exchange vulnerabilities that require authentication have been adopted into the toolkits of attackers who deploy ransomware, and these vulnerabilities are likely to be included in similar attacks due to the highly privileged access Exchange systems confer onto an attacker.”
Enterprise defenders should expect trouble via this attack path in the near future, it seems, so keeping abreast of the changing situation and springing into action as quickly as possible once the patches are made available is advised. Scammers have since started impersonating security researchers and offering non-existing PoC exploits for CVE-2022-41082 for sale via GitHub
Average Company with Data in the Cloud Faces $28 Million in Data-Breach Risk
Hard-to-control collaboration, complex SaaS permissions, and risky misconfigurations — such as admin accounts without multi-factor authentication (MFA) — have left a dangerous amount of cloud data exposed to insider threats and cyber attacks, according to Varonis.
For the report, researchers analysed nearly 10 billion cloud objects (more than 15 petabytes of data) across a random sample of data risk assessments performed at more than 700 companies worldwide. In the average company, 157,000 sensitive records are exposed to everyone on the internet by SaaS sharing features, representing $28 million in data-breach risk, Varonis researchers have found.
One out of every 10 records in the cloud is exposed to all employees — creating an impossibly large internal blast radius, which maximises damage during a ransomware attack. The average company has 4,468 user accounts without MFA enabled, making it easier for attackers to compromise internally exposed data.
Out of 33 super admin accounts in the average organisation, more than half did not have MFA enabled. This makes it easier for attackers to compromise these powerful accounts, steal more data, and create backdoors. Companies have more than 40 million unique permissions across SaaS applications, creating a nightmare for IT and security teams responsible for managing and reducing cloud data risk.
“Cloud security shouldn’t be taken for granted. When security teams lack critical visibility to manage and protect SaaS and IaaS apps and services, it’s nearly impossible to ensure your data isn’t walking out the door,” said Varonis. “This report is a true-to-life picture of over 700 real-world risk assessments of production SaaS environments. The results underscore the urgent need for CISOs to uncover and remediate their cloud risk as quickly as possible.”
Secureworks Finds Network Intruders See Little Resistance
Attackers who break into networks only need to take a few basic measures in order to avoid detection.
Security vendor Secureworks said in its annual State of the Threat report that it observed several data breaches between June 2021 and June 2022 and found that, by and large, once network intruders gained a foothold on the targets' environment, they had to do relatively little to stay concealed.
"One thing that is notable about them is that none of these techniques are particularly sophisticated," the vendor said. "That is because threat actors do not need them to be; the adversary will only innovate enough to achieve their objectives. So there is a direct relationship between the maturity of the controls in a target environment and the techniques they employ to bypass those controls."
Among the more basic measures taken by the attackers was coding their tools in newer languages such as Go or Rust. This tweak created enough of a difference in the software to evade signature-checking tools, according to Secureworks' report. In other cases, the network intruders hid their activity by packing their malware within a trusted Windows installer or by sneaking it into the Authenticode signature of a trusted DLL. In another case, a malware infection was seen moving data out of the victim's network via TOR nodes. While effective, Secureworks said the techniques are hardly innovative. Rather, they indicate that threat actors find themselves only needing to do the bare minimum to conceal themselves from detection.
Regulations, Laws and Accountability are Changing the Cyber Security Landscape
As cyber criminals continue to develop new ways to wreak havoc, regulators have been working to catch up. They aim to protect data and consumers while avoiding nation-state attacks that are a risk to national and economic security. But some of these regulations may provide an opportunity for MSSPs.
Some of these regulations are a response to what’s generally been a hands-off approach to telling organisations what to do. Unfortunately, cyber security isn’t always prioritised when budgets and resources are allocated. The result is a steadily rising tide of breaches and exploits that have held organisations hostage and made private information available on the dark web.
The new regulations are coming from all directions: at the state and federal levels in the US and around the world. While many of these regulations aren’t yet final, there’s no reason not to start aligning with where trends will ease the impact of changing rules. At the same time, many organisations want to hold the government responsible for some kinds of attacks. It will be interesting to see how regulating works, as most politicians and bureaucrats aren’t known for their technological savvy.
In the US, for example, new regulations are in development in the Federal Trade Commission, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Transportation, Department of Energy, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Thirty-six states have enacted cyber security legislation, and the count increases as other countries join.
One of the motivating factors for all these new regulations is that most cyber attacks aren’t reported. Lawmakers realise cyber security threats continue to be one of the top national security and economic risks. In the last year and a half (2020-2022), there have been attacks on America’s gas supply, meat supply, and various other companies, courts, and government agencies. One FBI cyber security official estimated the government only learns about 20% to 25% of intrusions at US business and academic institutions.
In March, Congress passed legislation requiring critical infrastructure operators to report significant cyber attacks to CISA within 72 hours of learning about the attack. It also required them to report a ransomware payment within 24 hours. These regulations will also consider reporting “near misses” so that this data can also be studied and tracked. The problem is, how does one define a “near miss”?
This Year’s Biggest Cyber Threats
OpenText announced the Nastiest Malware of 2022, a ranking of the year’s biggest cyber threats. For the fifth year running, experts combed through the data, analysed different behaviours, and determined which malicious payloads are the nastiest.
Emotet regained its place at the top, reminding the world that while affiliates may be taken down, the masterminds are resilient. LockBit evolved its tactics into something never seen before: triple extortion. Analysis also revealed an almost 1100% increase in phishing during the first four months of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021, indicating a possible end to the “hacker holiday,” a hacker rest period following the busy holiday season.
“The key takeaway from this year’s findings is that malware remains centre stage in the threats posed towards individuals, businesses, and governments,” said OpenText.
“Cyber criminals continue to evolve their tactics, leaving the infosec community in a constant state of catch-up. With the mainstream adoption of ransomware payloads and cryptocurrency facilitating payments, the battle will continue. No person, no business—regardless of size—is immune to these threats.”
While this year’s list may designate payloads into different categories of malware, it’s important to note many of these bad actor groups contract work from others. This allows each group to specialise in their respective payload and perfect it.
Ransomware and Extortion
Ransomware Attacks On The Rise, Secureworks Reveals in its State of the Threat Report - MSSP Alert
Ransomware: This is how half of attacks begin, and this is how you can stop them | ZDNET
Fake adult sites push data wipers disguised as ransomware (
BlackByte ransomware abuses legit driver to disable security products (
Ransomware attacks ravage schools, municipal governments (
More and more ransomware is just data theft, no encryption • The Register
Netwalker ransomware affiliate sentenced to 20 years in prison (
Cheerscrypt ransomware is linked to Chinese DEV-0401 APT group - Security Affairs
ADATA denies RansomHouse cyber attack, says leaked data from 2021 breach (
Avast releases a free decryptor for some Hades ransomware variants - Security Affairs
Cyber criminals Leak LA School Data After It Refuses to Ransom (
How Ransomware Is Causing Chaos in American Schools (
Ransomware hunters: the self-taught tech geniuses fighting cyber crime | Cyber crime | The Guardian
BEC – Business Email Compromise
BEC fraudster and romance scammer sent to prison for 25 years – Naked Security (
Hackers Target Homebuyers’ Life Savings in Real Estate Scam - Bloomberg
Phishing & Email Based Attacks
Other Social Engineering; Smishing, Vishing, etc
Callback phishing attacks evolve their social engineering tactics (
3 ways enterprises can mitigate social engineering risks - Help Net Security
OpenText Releases List Of The Year’s “Nastiest” Malware - MSSP Alert
This devious malware is able to disable your antivirus | TechRadar
Bumblebee Malware Loader's Payloads Significantly Vary by Victim System (
Live support service hacked to spread malware in supply chain attack (
NullMixer Dropper Delivers a Multimalware Code Bomb (
Maggie malware already infected over 250 Microsoft SQL servers - Security Affairs
Internet of Things – IoT
7 IoT Devices That Make Security Pros Cringe (
Ikea Smart Light System Flaw Lets Attackers Turn Bulbs on Full Blast (
Acronis founder is afraid of his own vacuum cleaner • The Register
Data Breaches/Leaks
“Egypt Leaks” – Hacktivists are Leaking Financial Data - Security Affairs
No Shangri-La for you: Top hotel chain confirms data leak • The Register
NSA: Someone hacked military contractor and stole data • The Register
City of Tucson discloses data breach affecting over 123,000 people (
Optus Says ID Numbers of 2.1 Million Compromised in Data Breach | SecurityWeek.Com
Aussie Telco Telstra Breached, Reportedly Exposing 30,000 Employees' Data (
2K warns users their info has been stolen following breach of its help desk | Ars Technica
Russian retail chain 'DNS' confirms hack after data leaked online (
Breaking: Scams Linked To Crypto Soared By 335% (
Hacker steals $566 million worth of crypto from Binance Bridge (
Hackers are breaching scam sites to hijack crypto transactions (
Binance Says $100 Million Stolen in Latest Crypto Hack (
Hackers are breaching scam sites to hijack crypto transactions (
Insider Risk and Insider Threats
Meta sues app dev for stealing over 1 million WhatsApp accounts (
Microsoft publishes report on holistic insider risk management - Microsoft Security Blog
Unearth offboarding risks before your employees say goodbye - Help Net Security
Splunk alleges source code theft by former employee • The Register
Ex-NSA Employee Arrested for Trying to Sell U.S. Secrets to a Foreign Government (
Fraud, Scams & Financial Crime
Consumers Feel Hopeless in Protecting Themselves Against Cyber crime, ISACA Reports - MSSP Alert
BEC fraudster and romance scammer sent to prison for 25 years – Naked Security (
Hackers Target Homebuyers’ Life Savings in Real Estate Scam - Bloomberg
Russians dodging mobilization behind flourishing scam market (
Scammers and rogue callers – can anything ever stop them? – Naked Security (
Online romance scam boss netted $9.5m, jailed for 25 years • The Register
Supply Chain and Third Parties
Live support service hacked to spread malware in supply chain attack (
Supply Chain Attack Targets Customer Engagement Firm Comm100 | SecurityWeek.Com
Denial of Service DoS/DDoS
More Than 30% of All Malicious Attacks Target Shadow APIs (
APIs are quickly becoming the most popular attack vector - Help Net Security
The Problem of API Security and How To Fix It (
API authentication failures demonstrate the need for zero trust - Help Net Security
Shadow APIs hit with 5 billion malicious requests - Help Net Security
Open Source
When transparency is also obscurity: The conundrum that is open-source security - Help Net Security
How Secure is Using Open Source Components? - IT Security Guru
Passwords, Credential Stuffing & Brute Force Attacks
Microsoft warns Basic Auth users over password spray attacks • The Register
Is mandatory password expiration helping or hurting your password security? - Help Net Security
Detecting and preventing LSASS credential dumping attacks - Microsoft Security Blog
Meta Says It Has Busted More Than 400 Login-Stealing Apps This Year | WIRED
Privacy, Surveillance and Mass Monitoring
Regulations, Fines and Legislation
Models, Frameworks and Standards
Secure Disposal
Backup and Recovery
Law Enforcement Action and Take Downs
Spyware, Cyber Espionage & Cyber Warfare, including Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Relentless Russian Cyber attacks on Ukraine Raise Important Policy Questions (
Finnish intelligence warns of Russia's cyber espionage activities - Security Affairs
Kazakhstan Pins Wave Of Cyber attacks On Foreign Actors |
Albania weighed invoking NATO’s Article 5 over Iranian cyber attack - POLITICO
We breached Russian satellite network, say pro-Ukraine partisans | Cybernews
Ukrainian forces report Starlink outages during push against Russia | Financial Times (
Report: Mexico Continued to Use Spyware Against Activists | SecurityWeek.Com
Nation State Actors
Nation State Actors – China
US authorities name China's 20 favourite vulns to exploit • The Register
Cheerscrypt ransomware is linked to Chinese DEV-0401 APT group - Security Affairs
Nation State Actors – North Korea
Fortinet warns admins to patch critical auth bypass bug immediately (
Atlassian, Microsoft bugs make CISA’s must-patch list • The Register
US authorities name China's 20 favourite vulns to exploit • The Register
October 2022 Patch Tuesday forecast: Looking for treats, not more tricks - Help Net Security
Fake Microsoft Exchange ProxyNotShell exploits for sale on GitHub (
CISA Warns of Attacks Exploiting Recent Atlassian Bitbucket Vulnerability | SecurityWeek.Com
No fix in sight for mile-wide loophole plaguing a key Windows defence for years | Ars Technica
Hackers Exploiting Unpatched RCE Flaw in Zimbra Collaboration Suite (
Lazarus employed an exploit in a Dell firmware driver in recent attacks - Security Affairs
Unpatched Zimbra flaw under attack is letting hackers backdoor servers | Ars Technica
macOS Archive Utility Bug Lets Malicious Apps Bypass Security Checks (
Fortinet Warns of New Auth Bypass Flaw Affecting FortiGate and FortiProxy (
VMware fixed a high-severity bug in vCenter Server - Security Affairs
Reports Published in the Last Week
Other News
Guilty verdict in the Uber breach case makes personal liability real for CISOs | CSO Online
Cyber attackers view smaller organisations as easier targets - Help Net Security
Moody's turns up the heat on 'riskiest' sectors for attacks • The Register
5 reasons why security operations are getting harder | CSO Online
Former NSA Employee Faces Death Penalty for Selling Secrets (
Fast Company Is Back From the Dead After Being Hacked (
Ready Or Not, Web 3 Is Coming And With It Comes Cybersquatting 2.0 (
Cyber Hygiene: 5 Best Practices for Company Buy-In (
School Is in Session: 5 Lessons for Future Cyber Security Pros (
Want More Secure Software? Start Recognizing Security-Skilled Developers (
Incident responders increasingly seek out mental health assistance - Help Net Security
You Are Not Alone If You're Unclear About Extended Detection and Response (XDR) - MSSP Alert
Why digital trust is the bedrock of business relationships - Help Net Security
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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 24 June 2022
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 24 June 2022:
-The NCSC Sets Out the UK’s Cyber Threat Landscape
-We're Now Truly in The Era of Ransomware as Pure Extortion Without the Encryption
-5 Social Engineering Assumptions That Are Wrong
-Gartner: Regulation, Human Costs Will Create Stormy Cyber Security Weather Ahead
-Ransomware Attacks - This Is the Data That Cyber Criminals Really Want to Steal
-Cloud Email Threats Soar 101% in a Year
-80% of Firms Suffered Identity-Related Breaches in Last 12 Months
-After Being Breached Once, Many Companies Are Likely to Be Hit Again
-Do You Have Ransomware Insurance? Look at the Fine Print
-The Price of Stolen Info: Everything on Sale On The Dark Web
-How Companies Are Prioritizing Infosec and Compliance
-Businesses Risk ‘Catastrophic Financial Loss’ from Cyber Attacks, US Watchdog Warns
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
The NCSC Sets Out the UK’s Cyber Threat Landscape
The current state of the UK’s cyber threat landscape was outlined by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), during a keynote address on the final day of Infosecurity Europe 2022.
They described the cyber threats posed by nation-states, particularly Russia and China. Russia remains “one of the world’s most prolific cyber actors and dedicates significant resources to conducting cyber operations across the globe.” The NCSC and international partner organisations have attributed a number of high-profile attacks related to the conflict to Russian state actors, including the Viasat incident on the eve of the invasion of Ukraine on February 24. Therefore, the NCSC recommends that organisations prepare for a dynamic situation that is liable to change rapidly.
The NCSC emphasised that a more significant long-term threat comes from China, citing GCHQ director Jeremy Fleming’s assertion that “Russia is affecting the weather, but China is shaping the climate.” She described the nation’s “highly sophisticated” activities in cyberspace, born out of its “increasing ambitions to project its influence beyond its borders.” This includes a keen interest in the UK’s commercial secrets.
In addition to nation-state attacks, the NCSC noted that cyber crime is continuing to rise, with ransomware a continuing concern. Attacks are expected to grow in scale, with threat actors likely to increasingly target managed service providers (MSPs) to gain access to a wider range of targets. More generally, cyber capabilities will become more commoditised over the next few years, meaning they are increasingly available to a larger group of would-be attackers who are willing to pay.
We're Now Truly in The Era of Ransomware as Pure Extortion Without the Encryption
Increasingly cyber crime rings tracked as ransomware operators are turning toward primarily data theft and extortion – and skipping the encryption step altogether. Rather than scramble files and demand payment for the decryption keys, and all the faff in between in facilitating that, simply exfiltrating the data and demanding a fee to not leak it all is just as effective. This shift has been ongoing for many months, and is now virtually unavoidable.
The FBI and CISA this month warned about a lesser-known extortion gang called Karakurt, which demands ransoms as high as $13 million. Karakurt doesn't target any specific sectors or industries, and the gang's victims haven't had any of their documents encrypted and held to ransom. Instead, the crooks claim to have stolen data, with screenshots or copies of exfiltrated files as proof, and they threaten to sell it or leak it publicly if they don't receive a payment.
Some of these thieves offer discounted ransoms to corporations to encourage them to pay sooner, with the demanded payment getting larger the longer it takes to cough up the cash (or Bitcoin, as the case may be).
Additionally, some crime groups offer sliding-scale payment systems. So you pay for what you get, and depending on the amount of ransom paid you get a control panel, you get customer support, you get all of the tools you need."
5 Social Engineering Assumptions That Are Wrong
Social engineering is involved in the vast majority of cyber attacks, but a new report from Proofpoint has revealed five common social engineering assumptions that are not only wrong but are repeatedly subverted by malicious actors in their attacks.
Threat actors don’t have conversations with targets.
Legitimate services are safe from social engineering abuse.
Attackers only use computers, not telephones.
Replying to existing email conversations is safe.
Fraudsters only use business-related content as lures.
Commenting on the report’s findings, Sherrod DeGrippo, Proofpoint’s Vice-President Threat Research and Detection, stated that the vendor has attempted to debunk faulty assumptions made by organisations and security teams so they can better protect employees against cyber crime. “Despite defenders’ best efforts, cyber criminals continue to defraud, extort and ransom companies for billions of dollars annually. Security-focused decision makers have prioritised bolstering defences around physical and cloud-based infrastructure, which has led to human beings becoming the most relied upon entry point for compromise. As a result, a wide array of content and techniques continue to be developed to exploit human behaviours and interests.”
Indeed, cyber criminals will go to creative and occasionally unusual lengths to carry out social engineering campaigns, making it more difficult for users to avoid falling victim to them.
Gartner: Regulation, Human Costs Will Create Stormy Cyber Security Weather Ahead
Security teams should prepare for what researchers say will be a challenging environment through 2023, with increased pressure from government regulators, partners, and threat actors.
Gartner kicked off its Security & Risk Management Summit with the release of its analysts' assessments of the work ahead, which Richard Addiscott, the company's senior director analyst, discussed during his opening keynote address.
“We can’t fall into old habits and try to treat everything the same as we did in the past,” Addiscott said. “Most security and risk leaders now recognise that major disruption is only one crisis away. We can’t control it, but we can evolve our thinking, our philosophy, our program, and our architecture.”
Topping Gartner's list of eight predictions is a rise in the government regulation of consumer privacy rights and ransomware response, a widespread shift by enterprises to unify security platforms, more zero trust, and, troublingly, the prediction that by 2025 threat actors will likely have figured out how to "weaponise operational technology environments successfully to cause human casualties”, the cyber security report said.
Ransomware Attacks - This Is the Data That Cyber Criminals Really Want to Steal
There are certain types of data that criminals target the most, according to an analysis of attacks.
Data theft and extortion has become a common – and unfortunately effective – part of ransomware attacks, where in addition to encrypting data and demanding a ransom payment for the decryption key, gangs steal information and threaten to publish it if a payment isn't received.
These so-called double extortion attacks have become an effective tool in the arsenal of ransomware gangs, who leverage them to force victims to pay up, even in cases where data could be restored from offline backups, because the threat of sensitive information being published is too great.
Any stolen data is potentially useful to ransomware gangs, but according to analysis by researchers at cyber security company Rapid7, of 161 disclosed ransomware incidents where data was published, some data is seen as more valuable than others.
According to the report, financial services is the sector that is most likely to have customer data exposed, with 82% of incidents involving ransomware gangs accessing and making threats to release this data. Stealing and publishing sensitive customer information would undermine consumer trust in financial services organisations: while being hacked in the first place would be damaging enough, some business leaders might view paying a ransom to avoid further damage caused by data leaks to be worth it.
The second most-leaked type of file in ransomware attacks against financial services firms, featuring in 59% of disclosures from victims, is employee personally identifiable information (PII) and data related to human resources.
Cloud Email Threats Soar 101% in a Year
The number of email-borne cyber-threats blocked by Trend Micro surged by triple digits last year, highlighting the continued risk from conventional attack vectors.
The vendor stopped over 33.6 million such threats reaching customers via cloud-based email in 2021, a 101% increase. This included 16.5 million phishing emails, a 138% year-on-year increase, of which 6.5 million were credential phishing attempts.
Trend Micro also blocked 3.3 million malicious files in cloud-based emails, including a 134% increase in known threats and a 221% increase in unknown malware.
The news comes as Proofpoint warned in a new report of the continued dangers posed by social engineering, and the mistaken assumptions many users make.
Many users don’t realise that threat actors may spend considerable time and effort building a rapport over email with their victims, especially if they’re trying to conduct a business email compromise (BEC) attack, it said.
80% of Firms Suffered Identity-Related Breaches in Last 12 Months
Rapidly growing employee identities, third-party partners, and machine nodes have companies scrambling to secure credential information, software secrets, and cloud identities, according to researchers.
In a survey of IT and identity professionals from Dimensional Research, almost every organisation — 98% — experienced rapid growth in the number of identities that have to be managed, with that growth driven by expanding cloud usage, more third-party partners, and machine identities. Furthermore, businesses are also seeing an increase in breaches because of this, with 84% of firms suffering an identity-related breach in the past 12 months, compared with 79% in a previous study covering two years.
The number and complexity of identities organisations are having to manage and secure is increasing. Whenever there is an increase in identities, there is a corresponding heightened risk of identity-related breaches due to them not being properly managed and secured, and with the attack surfaces also growing exponentially, these breaches can occur on multiple fronts.
For the most part, organisations focus on employee identities, which 70% consider to be the most likely to be breached and 58% believe to have the greatest impact, according to the 2022 "Trends in Securing Digital Identities" report based on the survey. Yet third-party partners and business customers are significant sources of risk as well, with 35% and 25% of respondents considering those to be a major source of breaches, respectively.
After Being Breached Once, Many Companies Are Likely to Be Hit Again
Cymulate announced the results of a survey, revealing that two-thirds of companies who have been hit by cyber crime in the past year have been hit more than once, with almost 10% experiencing 10 or so more attacks a year.
Research taken from 858 security professionals surveyed across North America, EMEA, APAC and LATAM across a wide range of industries including technology, banking, finance and government, also highlighted larger companies hit by cyber crime are experiencing shorter disruption time and damage to business with 40% reported low damage compared with medium-size businesses (less than 2,500 employees) which had longer recovery times and more business affecting damage.
Other highlights
40% of respondents admitted to being breached over the past 12 months.
After being breached once, statistics showed they were more likely to be hit again than not (66%).
Malware (55%), and more specifically ransomware (40%) and DDoS (32%) were the main forms of cyber attacks experienced by those surveyed.
Attacks primarily occurred via end-user phishing (56%), via third parties connected to the enterprise (37%) or direct attacks on enterprise networks (34%).
22% of companies publicly disclosed cyber attacks in the worst-case breaches, with 35% needing to hire security consultants, 12% dismissing their current security professionals and 12% hiring public relations consultants to deal with the repercussions to their reputations. Top three best practices for cyber attack prevention, mitigation and remediation include multi-factor authentication (67%), proactive corporate phishing and awareness campaigns (53%), and well-planned and practiced incident response plans (44%). Least privilege also ranked highly, at 43%.
29% of attacks come from insider threats – intentionally or unintentionally.
Leadership and cyber security teams who meet regularly to discuss risk reduction are more cyber security-ready – those who met 15 times a year incurred zero breaches whereas those who suffered six or more breaches met under nine times on average.
Do You Have Ransomware Insurance? Look at the Fine Print
Insurance exists to protect the insured party against catastrophe, but the insurer needs protection so that its policies are not abused – and that's where the fine print comes in. However, in the case of ransomware insurance, the fine print is becoming contentious and arguably undermining the usefulness of ransomware insurance.
In recent years, ransomware insurance has grown as a product field because organisations are trying to buy protection against the catastrophic effects of a successful ransomware attack. Why try to buy insurance? Well, a single, successful attack can just about wipe out a large organisation, or lead to crippling costs – NotPetya alone led to a total of $10bn in damages.
Ransomware attacks are notoriously difficult to protect against completely. Like any other potentially catastrophic event, insurers stepped in to offer an insurance product. In exchange for a premium, insurers promise to cover many of the damages resulting from a ransomware attack.
Depending on the policy, a ransomware policy could cover loss of income if the attack disrupts operations, or loss of valuable data, if data is erased due to the ransomware event. A policy may also cover you for extortion – in others, it will refund the ransom demanded by the criminal.
The exact payout and terms will of course be defined in the policy document, also called the "fine print." Critically, fine print also contains exclusions, in other words circumstances under which the policy won't pay out. And therein lies the problem.
The Price of Stolen Info: Everything on Sale on The Dark Web
What is the price for personal information, including credit cards and bank accounts, on the dark web?
Privacy Affairs researchers concluded that criminals using the dark web need only spend $1,115 for a complete set of a person’s account details, enabling them to create fake IDs and forge private documents, such as passports and driver’s licenses.
Access to other information is becoming even cheaper. The Dark Web Price Index 2022 – based on data scanning dark web marketplaces, forums, and websites, revealed:
Credit card details and associated information cost between $17-$120
Online banking login information costs $45
Hacked Facebook accounts cost $45
Cloned VISA with PIN cost $20
Stolen PayPal account details, with minimum $1000 balances, cost $20.
In December 2021, about 4.5 million credit cards went up for sale on the dark web, the study found. The average price ranged from $1-$20.
Scammers can buy full credit card details, including CVV number, card number, associated dates, and even the email, physical address and phone number. This enables them to penetrate the credit card processing chain, overriding any security countermeasures.
How Companies Are Prioritising Infosec and Compliance
New research conducted by Enterprise Management Associates (EMA), examines the impact of the compliance budget on security strategy and priorities. It describes areas for which companies prioritise information security and compliance, which leaders control information security spending, how compliance has shifted the overall security strategy of the organisation, and the solutions and tools on which organisations are focusing their technology spending.
The findings cover three critical areas of an organisation’s security and compliance posture: information security and IT audit and compliance, data security and data privacy, and security and compliance spending.
One key takeaway is that merging security and compliance priorities addresses regulatory control gaps while improving the organisation’s security posture. Respondents revealed insights on how they handle compliance, who is responsible for compliance and security responsibilities, and what compliance-related security challenges organisations face.
Additional findings:
Companies found the need to shift their information security strategy to address compliance priorities (93%).
Information security and IT compliance priorities are generally aligned (89%).
Existing security tools have to address data privacy considerations going forward (76%).
Managing an organisation’s multiple IT environments and the controls that govern those environments is the greatest challenge in the IT audit and compliance space (39%).
Businesses Risk ‘Catastrophic Financial Loss’ from Cyber Attacks, US Watchdog Warns
A US Government watchdog has warned that private insurance companies are increasingly backing out of covering damages from major cyber attacks — leaving businesses facing “catastrophic financial loss” unless another insurance model can be found.
The growing challenge of covering cyber risk is outlined in a new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which calls for a government assessment of whether a federal cyber insurance option is needed.
The report draws on threat assessments from the National Security Agency (NSA), Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and Department of Justice, to quantify the risk of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, identifying vulnerable technologies that might be attacked and a range of threat actors capable of exploiting them.
Citing an annual threat assessment released by the ODNI, the report finds that hacking groups linked to Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea pose the greatest threat to US infrastructure — along with certain non-state actors like organised cyber criminal gangs.
Given the wide and increasingly skilled range of actors willing to target US entities, the number of cyber incidents is rising at an alarming rate.
Attackers exploited a Mitel VOIP zero-day to compromise a network Security Affairs
Chinese hackers use ransomware as decoy for cyber espionage (
If you don't store valuable data, ransomware is impotent • The Register
Ransomware-as-a-Service: Learn to Enhance Cyber security Approaches (
Mitigate Ransomware in a Remote-First World (
Delivery Firm Yodel Scrambling to Restore Operations Following Cyber attack | SecurityWeek.Com
Black Basta Ransomware Becomes Major Threat in Two Months | SecurityWeek.Com
These hackers are spreading ransomware as a distraction - to hide their cyber spying | ZDNet
Conti ransomware hacking spree breaches over 40 orgs in a month (
Conti effectively created an extortion-oriented IT company, says Group-IB - Help Net Security
Conti ransomware finally shuts down data leak, negotiation sites (
Conti ransomware group's pulse stops, but did it fake its own death? | Malwarebytes Labs
Without Conti on the Scene, LockBit 2.0 Leads Ransomware Attacks (
Cyber attack: Gloucester council services still not back to normal - BBC News
Phishing & Email Based Attacks
Your email is a major source of security risks and it's getting worse | ZDNet
New Phishing Attack Infects Devices with Cobalt Strike- IT Security Guru
Voicemail phishing emails steal Microsoft credentials • The Register
The Risk of Multichannel Phishing Is on the Horizon (
Cops arrests nine suspected of stealing millions via email • The Register
Cyber criminals Use Azure Front Door in Phishing Attacks - Security Affairs
Microsoft Exchange servers hacked by new ToddyCat APT gang (
Cyber attackers Abuse QuickBooks Cloud Service in 'Double-Spear' Campaign (
Other Social Engineering
Proofpoint: Social engineering attacks slipping past users (
Inside a large-scale phishing campaign targeting millions of Facebook users - Help Net Security
RIG Exploit Kit Now Infects Victims' PCs With Dridex Instead of Raccoon Stealer (
Organisations Battling Phishing Malware, Viruses the Most (
This Linux botnet has found a novel way of spreading to new devices | ZDNet
New 'Quantum' Builder Lets Attackers Easily Create Malicious Windows Shortcuts (
NSA warns against silly mistake in the fight against Windows malware | TechRadar
This Android malware is so dangerous, even Google is worried | TechRadar
Google is notifying Android users targeted by Hermit government-grade spyware | TechCrunch
This phone-wiping Android banking trojan is getting nastier | ZDNet
BRATA Android Malware Group Now Classified As Advanced Persistent Threat - Infosecurity Magazine
Spurred by Roe overturn, senators seek FTC probe of iOS and Android tracking | Ars Technica
Internet of Things – IoT
Data Breaches/Leaks
US Bank Data Breach Impacts Over 1.5 Million Customers - Infosecurity Magazine
CafePress fined $500,000 for breach affecting 23 million users (
Hackers steal $100 million from California cryptocurrency firm - CNN
DARPA study finds blockchain not as decentralised as assumed • The Register
Insider Risk and Insider Threats
Fraud, Scams & Financial Crime
Supply Chain and Third Parties
Microsoft 365 Users in US Face Raging Spate of Attacks (
Getting a Better Handle on Identity Management in the Cloud (
Researchers Uncover Ways to Break the Encryption of 'MEGA' Cloud Storage Service (
Identity and Access Management
Risky behaviour reduced when executives put focus on identity security - Help Net Security
Access management issues may create security holes (
IAM Research: Inadequate Programs Leave Organisations Open to Cyber Attacks - MSSP Alert
Why 84% Of US Firms Hit With Identity-Related Breaches In 2021 – Information Security Buzz
Open Source
Open-source software risks persist, according to new reports | CSO Online
Less Than Half of Organisations Have Open Source Security Policy - Infosecurity Magazine
Blind trust in open source security is hurting us: Report | ZDNet
Training, Education and Awareness
Privacy-focused Brave Search grew by 5,000% in a year (
Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade reversal sparks calls for strengthening privacy - CyberScoop
Regulations, Fines and Legislation
Do Privacy and Data Protection Regulations Create as Many Problems as They Solve? | SecurityWeek.Com
Law Enforcement Action and Take Downs
Phishing gang behind millions in losses dismantled by police (
Euro Police Target Crime Groups Grooming Ukrainian Refugees Online - Infosecurity Magazine
Spyware, Cyber Espionage & Cyber Warfare, including Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Microsoft: Russian Cyber Spying Targets 42 Ukraine Allies | SecurityWeek.Com
Italian spyware firm is hacking into iOS and Android devices, Google says | Computerworld
NSO claims 'more than 5' EU states used its Pegasus spyware • The Register
#InfosecurityEurope2022: Geopolitical Tensions a “Danger” to Cyber security - Infosecurity Magazine
Examples of Cyber Warfare #TrendTalksBizSec (
Ukraine deploys a DDoS protection service to survive the cyberwar | VentureBeat
Lithuania warns of rise in DDoS attacks against government sites (
Russia's APT28 Launches Nuke-Themed Follina Exploit Campaign (
Ukrainian cyber security officials disclose two new hacking campaigns - IT Security Guru
Scalper bots out of control in Israel, selling state appointments (
Research questions potentially dangerous implications of Ukraine's IT Army - CyberScoop
Lithuania under cyber-attack after ban on Russian railway goodsSecurity Affairs
Nation State Actors
Nation State Actors – Russia
Russia Steps Up Cyber-Espionage Against Ukraine Allies - Infosecurity Magazine
Fancy Bear Uses Nuke Threat Lure to Exploit 1-Click Bug | Threatpost
Russian APT28 hacker accused of the NATO think tank hack in Germany - Security Affairs
Russia fines Google for spreading ‘unreliable’ info defaming its army (
Nation State Actors – China
Chinese APT 'Bronze Starlight' Uses Ransomware to Disguise Cyberespionage | SecurityWeek.Com
Chinese Tropic Trooper APT spreads a hacking tool laced with a backdoor - Security Affairs
Chinese hackers target script kiddies with info-stealer trojan (
Nation State Actors – Iran
Nation State Actors – Misc APT
Vulnerability Management
Cisco warns of security holes in its security appliances • The Register
Google Patches 14 Vulnerabilities With Release of Chrome 103 | SecurityWeek.Com
Cisco will not address critical RCE in end-of-life Small Business RV routers - Security Affairs
Google expert detailed a 5-Year-Old flaw in Apple Safari exploited in the wild - Security Affairs
Oracle spent 6 months to fix 'Mega' flaws in the Fusion Middleware - Security Affairs
Researchers criticize Oracle's vulnerability disclosure process (
Critical PHP Vulnerability Exposes QNAP NAS Devices to Remote Attacks (
Sector Specific
Financial Services Sector
Flagstar Bank discloses data breach impacting 1.5 million customers (
7 Cyber security Best Practices for Financial Services Firms - MSSP Alert
Why Financial Institutions Must Double Down on Open Source Investments (
SMBs – Small and Medium Businesses
How tool sprawl is becoming a common issue for SMEs - Help Net Security
Middle market companies under attack: Threats coming from all directions - Help Net Security
#InfosecurityEurope2022: How Should SMEs Defend Against Cyber-Risks? - Infosecurity Magazine
Health/Medical/Pharma Sector
Magecart attacks are still around. And they are becoming more stealthy | ZDNet
Newly Discovered Magecart Infrastructure Reveals the Scale of Ongoing Campaign- IT Security Guru
Reports Published in the Last Week
Other News
Threat Intelligence Services Are Universally Valued by IT Staff (
Security pros increasingly plan to adopt MDR services in the next 12 months - Help Net Security
Board members and the C-suite need secure communication tools - Help Net Security
Adobe Acrobat may block antivirus tools from monitoring PDF files (
7 Ways to Avoid Worst-Case Cyber Scenarios (
3 threats dirty data poses to the enterprise (
Data recovery depends on how good your backup strategy is - Help Net Security
Unsecured APIs Could Be Costing Firms $75bn Per Year - Infosecurity Magazine
The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of the Presumption of Compromise (
#InfosecurityEurope2022: Are You Prepared For The Next Big Crisis? - Infosecurity Magazine
Ongoing PowerShell security threats prompt a call to action (
Despite known security issues, VPN usage continues to thrive - Help Net Security
Space-based assets aren’t immune to cyber attacks | CSO Online
Cyber security expert on how $13K of fuel was stolen from station (
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 02 July 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 02 July 2021: Russian Hackers Target IT Supply Chain In Ransomware Attack Leading To Hundreds Of Firms Being Hit; 71% Of Orgs Experienced BEC Attacks Over The Past Year; Cyber Insurance Making Ransomware Crisis Worse; Breach Exposes 92% Of LinkedIn Users; Users Clueless About Cyber Security Risks; Paying Ransoms Make You A Bigger Target; Cyber Crime Never Sleeps; Classified MOD Docs Found At Bus Stop; Don’t Leave Your Cyber IR Plan To IT, It’s An Organisational Risk
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Russian Hackers Target IT Supply Chain In Ransomware Attack Leading To Hundreds Of Firms Being Hit
Hackers began a ransomware attack on Friday, hitting at least 200 companies, according to cyber security researchers.
In what appears to be one of the largest supply chain attacks to date, hackers compromised Kaseya, an IT management software supplier, in order to spread ransomware to the managed service providers that use its technology, as well as to their clients in turn.
The attacks have been attributed t=to REvil, the notorious Russia-linked ransomware cartel that the FBI claimed was behind recent crippling attack on beef supplier JBS.
The attack is the latest example of hackers weaponising the IT supply chain in order to attack victims at scale, by breaching just one provider. Last year, it emerged that Russian state-backed hackers had hijacked the SolarWinds IT software group in order to penetrate the email networks of US federal agencies and corporations, for example.
Late on Friday, Kaseya urged those using the compromised “VSA server” tool, which provides remote monitoring and patching capabilities, to shut it down immediately.
71% Of Organisations Experienced BEC Attacks Over The Past Year
Business email compromise (BEC) attacks are one of the most financially damaging cyber crimes and have been on the rise over the past year. This is according to a new report which revealed that spoofed email accounts or websites accounted for the highest number of BEC attack as 71% of organisations acknowledged they had seen one over the past year. This is followed by spear phishing (69%) and malware (24%). Data from 270 IT and cyber security professionals were collected to identify the latest enterprise adoption trends, gaps and solution preferences related to phishing attacks.
Cyber Insurance Isn't Helping With Cyber Security, And It Might Be Making The Ransomware Crisis Worse, Say Researchers
Cyber insurance is designed to protect organisations against the fallout of cyber attacks, including covering the financial costs of dealing with incidents. However, some critics argue that insurance encourages ransomware victims to simply pay the ransom demand that will then be covered by the insurers, rather than have adequate security to deter hackers in the first place. Insurers argue that it's the customer that makes any decision to pay the ransom, not the insurer.
LinkedIn Breach Reportedly Exposes Data Of 92% Of Users, Including Inferred Salaries
A second massive LinkedIn breach reportedly exposes the data of 700M users, which is more than 92% of the total 756M users. The database is for sale on the dark web, with records including phone numbers, physical addresses, geolocation data, and inferred salaries. The hacker who obtained the data has posted a sample of 1M records, and checks confirm that the data is both genuine and up to date. No passwords are included, but as the site notes, this is still valuable data that can be used for identity theft and convincing-looking phishing attempts that can themselves be used to obtain login credentials for LinkedIn and other sites.
Users Clueless About Cyber Security Risks
Organisations are facing yet another unprecedented threat to their cyber security now that employees are headed back into offices with their personal devices, lax security hygiene and no clue about some of the most catastrophic attacks in history, such as the Colonial Pipeline shutdown. A new survey shows the mountains of work ahead for security teams in not just locking down their organisations’ systems but also in keeping users from getting duped into handing over the keys to the kingdom. 2,000 end users were surveyed in the U.S. and found the dangers to critical infrastructure, utilities and food supplies are not sinking in with the public, despite the deluge of headlines.
Ransomware: Paying Up Won't Stop You From Getting Hit Again, Says Cyber Security Chief
Ireland's Health Service Executive (HSE) has been praised for its response after falling victim to a major ransomware attack and for not giving into cyber criminals and paying a ransom. HSE was hit with Conti ransomware in May, significantly impacting frontline health services. The attackers initially demanded a ransom of $20 million in bitcoin for the decryption key to restore the network. While the gang eventually handed over a decryption key without receiving a ransom, they still published stolen patient data – a common technique by ransomware attackers, designed to pressure victims into paying.
Don’t Leave Your Cyber IR Plan To IT, It’s An Organisational Risk
Phishing attacks, insider threats, denial of service disruptions, malware and ransomware — cyber security incidents like these happen on a daily basis. For most of these incidents, the onsite IT team will remediate based on a pre-developed plan and process. And for many of these incidents, that’s a solid approach. But those incident response plans and strategies are IT oriented and geared toward short-term fixes and single incident responses. Meaning, if an incident accelerates beyond a handful of infected laptops or a compromised server and begins to affect operations of all or even part of the organisation, business itself can be disrupted — or even shut down entirely.
Cyber Crime Never Sleeps
When the Colonial Pipeline fell victim to a ransomware attack, people across the United States were shocked to find that a single episode of cyber crime could lead to widespread delays, gas shortages and soaring prices at the pump. But disruptive ransomware attacks like these are far from rare; in fact, they are becoming more and more frequent. Cyber crime is on the rise, and our cyber security infrastructure desperately needs to keep up. A quick look at the data from the last year confirms that cyber crime is a growing threat. Identity theft doubled in 2020 over 2019.
IT, Healthcare And Manufacturing Facing Most Phishing Attacks
Researchers examined more than 905 million emails for the H1 2021 Global Phish Cyber Attack Report, finding that the IT industry specifically saw 9,000 phishing emails in a one month span out of almost 400,000 total emails. Their healthcare industry customers saw more than 6,000 phishing emails in one month out of an average of over 450,000 emails and manufacturing saw a bit less than 6,000 phishing emails out of about 330,000 total emails. Researchers said these industries are ripe targets because of the massive amount of personal data they collect and because they are often stocked with outdated technology that can be easily attacked.
Classified Ministry Of Defence Documents Found At Bus Stop
Classified Ministry of Defence documents containing details about HMS Defender and the British military have been found at a bus stop in Kent. One set of documents discusses the likely Russian reaction to the ship's passage through Ukrainian waters off the Crimea coast on Wednesday. Another details plans for a possible UK military presence in Afghanistan after the US-led NATO operation there ends. The government said an investigation had been launched.
Cabinet Office Increases Cyber Security Training Budget By Almost 500%
The UK’s Cabinet Office increased its cyber security training budget to £274,142.85 in the fiscal year 2021 – a 483% increase from the £47,018 spent in the previous year. In its FOI response, the Cabinet Office detailed the cyber security courses attended by its staff, revealing that the number of booked courses grew from 35 in 2019-20 to 428 in the current fiscal year.
Increase In Ransomware Attacks ‘Absolutely Aligns’ With Rise Of Crypto, FireEye CEO Says
Ransomware Gangs Now Creating Websites To Recruit Affiliates
New Ransomware Highlights Widespread Adoption Of Golang Language By Cyber Attackers
This Major Ransomware Attack Was Foiled At The Last Minute. Here's How They Spotted It
Using VMs To Hide Ransomware Attacks Is Becoming More Popular
Microsoft Admits To Signing Rootkit Malware In Supply-Chain Fiasco
The 'ChaChi' Trojan Is Helping A Ransomware Gang Target Schools
Data Breaches
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Nation State Actors
Russian Hackers Had Months-Long Access To Denmark's Central Bank
Russian Hackers Are Trying To Brute-Force Hundreds Of Networks
US And UK Agencies Accuse Russia Of Political Cyber Campaign
Microsoft Finds Netgear Router Bugs Enabling Corporate Breaches
Exploitable Critical RCE Vulnerability Allows Regular Users To Fully Compromise Active Directory
Critical VMware Carbon Black Bug Allows Authentication Bypass
My Book Live Users Wake Up To Wiped Devices, Active RCE Attacks
Flaws In FortiWeb WAF Expose Fortinet Devices To Remote Hack
Hackers Exploited 0-Day, Not 2018 Bug, To Mass-Wipe My Book Live Devices
A Second Exploit Has Emerged In The Sad WD My Book Live Data Deletion Saga
Microsoft Adds Second CVE For PrintNightmare Remote Code Execution
Zyxel Says A Threat Actor Is Targeting Its Enterprise Firewall And VPN Devices
Other News
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our weekly ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 26 March 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 26 March 2021: Cyber Warfare Will Grind Britain’s Economy To A Halt; $2 Billion Lost To BEC Scams In 2020; Ransomware Gangs Targets Firms With Cyber Insurance; Three Billion Phishing Emails Are Sent Every Day; $50 Million Ransomware For Computer Maker Acer; Office 365 Phishing Attack Targets Financial Execs; MS Exchange Hacking, Thousands Of Email Servers Still Compromised; Average Ransom Payment Surged 171% in 2020; Phishers’ Perfect Targets: Employees Getting Back To The Office; Nasty Malware Stealing Amazon, Facebook And Google Passwords
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Cyber Warfare Will Grind Britain’s Economy To A Halt
The UK Integrated Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy Review was published this week, reflecting on current concerns and previously announced initiatives. The policy made it clear that emerging networks and technologies, such as electric vehicle charging points, provide an opportunity for adversaries to unbalance, paralyse or even defeat us, and a large scale attack on the UK could grind Britain’s economy to a halt.
Almost $2 Billion Lost To BEC Scams In 2020
Losses emanating from Business Email Compromise (BEC) and Email Account Compromise (EAC) scams surpassed US$1.86 billion last year, which is more than the combined losses stemming from the next six costliest types of cyber crime. 19,000 reports of BEC/EAC scams last year, a decrease compared to the almost 24,000 incidents reported in 2019. The associated losses, however, increased by over US$90 million and accounted for 45 percent of the total losses (US$4.2 billion).
Ransomware Gang Says It Targets Firms Who Have Cyber Insurance
What I found particularly fascinating was a claim made by “Unknown” that the REvil gang specifically targets firms who have taken out insurance against ransomware attacks – presumably in the understandable belief that those corporate victims are more likely to pay up.
Three Billion Phishing Emails Are Sent Every Day
Cyber criminals are sending over three billion emails a day as part of phishing attacks designed to look like they come from trusted senders. By spoofing the sender identity used in the 'from' field in messages, cyber criminals attempt to lure potential victims into opening emails from names they trust. This could be the name of a trusted brand like a retailer or delivery company, or even, in more sophisticated attacks, the name of their CEO or a colleague.
Ransomware Gang Demands $50 Million From Computer Maker Acer
Acer has suffered a ransomware attack over the past weekend at the hands of the REvil ransomware gang, which is now demanding a whopping $50 million ransom payment to decrypt the company’s computers and not leak its data on the dark web. The attack has not disrupted production systems but only hit the company’s back-office network. The security breach was not deemed disruptive enough to prevent or delay the computer maker from announcing its Q4 2020 financial results on Wednesday.
Office 365 Phishing Attack Targets Financial Execs
A new phishing scam is on the rise, targeting executives in the insurance and financial services industries to harvest their Microsoft 365 credentials and launch business email compromise (BEC) attacks. These new, sophisticated attacks are aimed at C-suite executives, their assistants, and financial departments, and can work around email security and Office 365 defences.
Microsoft Exchange Hacking: Thousands Of Email Servers Still Compromised – Ransomware Operators Still Piling In On Already Hacked Servers
Thousands of Microsoft Exchange servers are still compromised by hackers even after applying fixes. Owners of email servers that were compromised before Microsoft Corp. issued a patch nearly three weeks ago must take additional measures to remove the hackers from their networks. Microsoft has previously warned that patching will not evict a hacker who has already compromised a server.
Average Ransom Payment Surged 171% in 2020
The average ransomware payment soared by 171% year-on-year in 2020 as cyber crime gangs queued up to exploit the pandemic. The security vendor’s Unit 42 division compiled its Ransomware Threat Report 2021 from analysis of over 19,000 network sessions, 252 ransomware leak sites and 337 victim organizations.
Phishers’ Perfect Targets: Employees Getting Back To The Office
Phishers have been exploiting people’s fear and curiosity regarding breakthroughs and general news related to the COVID-19 pandemic from the very start and will continue to do it for as long it affects out private and working lives. Cyber criminals continually exploit public interest in COVID-19 relief, vaccines, and variant news, spoofing the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), World Health Organization (WHO), and other agencies and businesses.
Nasty Malware Stealing Amazon, Facebook And Google Passwords
A new piece of malware called CopperStealer is lurking in “cracked” software downloads available on pirated-content sites, and the malware can compromise your login info for Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, among other services. Notably, CopperStealer runs on the same basic principles as SilentFade, a pernicious piece of malware that ravaged Facebook accounts back in 2019.
9,000 Employees Targeted In Phishing Attack Against California Agency
Microsoft Warns Of Phishing Attacks Bypassing Email Gateways
Fraudsters Jump On Clubhouse Hype To Push Malicious Android App
Purple Fox Malware Evolves To Propagate Across Windows Machines
Nasty malware stealing Amazon, Facebook and Google passwords
5G Network Slicing Vulnerability Leaves Enterprises Exposed To Cyber Attacks
Hackers Are Exploiting A Server Vulnerability With A Severity Of 9.8 Out Of 10
Openssl Fixes Severe Dos, Certificate Validation Vulnerabilities
Data Breaches
FatFace Tells Customers To Keep Its Data Breach ‘Strictly Private’
Energy giant Shell discloses data breach after Accellion hack
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Nation State Actors
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our weekly ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 12 February 2021
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
2020 Sees Ransomware Increase By Over 400 Percent
A new study from Cyber Security company, finds that last year malware increased by 358 percent overall and ransomware increased by 435 percent as compared with 2019. The report which analyzes millions of attacks taking place across the year finds distribution of the Emotet malware skyrocketed by 4,000 percent, while malware threats attacking Android phones increased by 263 percent. July saw the largest increase in malicious activity, up by 653 percent compared with the previous year. Microsoft Office documents are the most manipulated document attack vector and these attacks were up by 112 percent.
Remote Desktop Protocol Attacks Surge By 768%
Remote desktop protocol (RDP) attacks increase by 768% between Q1 and Q4 last year, fuelled by the shift to remote working. However, a slower rate of growth was observed in the final quarter of the year, indicating that organizations have enhanced their security for remote users.
Even Minor Phishing Operations Can Distribute Millions Of Malicious Emails Per Week
Even small-scale phishing campaigns are capable of distributing millions and millions of malicious emails to victims around the world, according to a new report. Describing the most popular styles of phishing attack, criminal today rely on fast-churning campaigns. They create a single phishing email template (usually in English) and send it out to anywhere between 100 and 1,000 targets.
With One Update, This Malicious Android App Hijacked Millions Of Devices
With a single update, a popular barcode scanner app on Google Play transformed into malware and was able to hijack up to 10 million devices. Lavabird Ltd.'s Barcode Scanner was an Android app that had been available on Google's official app repository for years. The app, accounting for over 10 million installs, offered a QR code reader and a barcode generator -- a useful utility for mobile devices.
Cd Projekt Hit By Ransomware Attack, Refused To Pay Ransom, Data Reportedly Sold Off By Hackers
Polish video game maker CD Projekt, which makes Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher, has confirmed it was hit by a ransomware attack. In a statement posted to its Twitter account, the company said it will “not give in nor negotiate” with the hackers, saying it has backups in place. “We have already secured our IT infrastructure and begun restoring data,” the company said.
Hacked Florida Water Plant Used Shared Passwords And Windows 7 PCs
The Oldsmar, Florida water plant hacked earlier this week used outdated Windows 7 PCs and shared passwords, the Associated Press has reported. A government advisory also revealed that the relatively unsophisticated attack used the remote-access program TeamViewer. However, officials also said that the hacker’s attempt to boost chemicals to dangerous levels was stopped almost immediately after it started.
Top Web Hosting Provider Shuts Down Following Cyber Attack
Cybercriminals often attack websites in order to extort a ransom from their victims but a recent cyberattack against the web hosting company No Support Linux Hosting took quite a different turn. After a hacker managed to breach the company's internal systems and compromise its entire operation, No Support Linux Hosting has announced that it is shutting down. The company alerted its customers to the situation before shutting down its website in a message.
High Demand For Hacker Services On Dark Web Forums
Nine in 10 (90%) users of dark web forums are searching for a hacker who can provide them with a particular resource or who can download a user database. This is according to new research by Positive Technologies, which analyzed activity on the 10 most prominent forums on the dark web, which offer services such as website hacking and the buying/selling of databases. The study highlights the growing demand for hackers’ services and stolen data, exacerbated by the increased internet usage by both organizations and individuals since the start of COVID-19.
Facebook Phishing Campaign Tricked Nearly 500,000 Users In Two Weeks
A recent investigation uncovered a large scale phishing operation on Facebook. The Facebook phishing campaign is dangerous and targets user personal information. The phishing scam “Is that you” currently on Facebook has been around in multiple forms for years. The whole trouble starts with a “friend” sending you a message claiming to have found a video or image with you in it. The message is usually a video and after clicking, it takes you through a series of websites. These websites have malicious scripts that get your location, device type, and operating system.
Hackers Are Tweaking Their Approach To Phishing Attacks In 2021
Cyber criminals are a creative bunch, constantly coming up with new ways to avoid detection and advance their sinister goals. A new report from cyber security experts at BitDam describes a few fresh techniques used in the wild so far in 2021. According to the report, email protection solutions tend to trust newly created email domains that are yet to be flagged as dangerous. Criminals are now increasingly exploiting this fact to increase the chances that phishing, and malware emails make it into victims' inboxes.
Researchers identify 223 vulnerabilities used in recent ransomware attacks (Potential headline)
This old form of ransomware has returned with new tricks and new targets
Attackers Exploit Critical Adobe Flaw to Target Windows Users
Microsoft issues emergency fix for Wi-Fi foul-up delivered hot and fresh on Patch Tuesday
Data Breaches
Organised Crime
Supply Chain
Nation-State Actors
Android spyware strains linked to state-sponsored Confucius threat group
'BendyBear' APT malware linked to Chinese government hackers
Microsoft to alert Office 365 users of nation-state hacking activity
Reports Published in the Last Week
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