Threat Intelligence Blog

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How Much Security is Enough Security - Cyber Tip Tuesday video blog for 28 March 2020
How much security is enough security?
You can never have too much security - right…?!
Maybe not - watch to find out
How much security is enough security?
You can never have too much security - right…?!
Maybe not - watch to find out
Tip Tuesday - Defensible vs Indefensible positions for firms that have not done all they could to defend against an attack
In today's 'Tip Tuesday' we're talking about firms being in a defensible vs an indefensible positions in the event they suffered a significant breach. A firm that has taken cyber security seriously and has done all it could and yet still ended up the victim of a breach, possibly at the hands of sophisticated and well resourced nation state level attacker, is in a far more defensible position than a firm that has not done all it could, or all that could reasonably be expected of a diligent firm. A firm that has been breached by an unsophisticated attacker or otherwise left itself open to attack will have a much harder time defending their actions to affected customers, shareholders, authorities and regulators. Talk to us today to see how we can help you ensure you will be in a more defensible position