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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 03 November 2023
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Intelligence Briefing 03 November 2023:
-Surviving a Ransomware Attack Begins by Acknowledging it’s Inevitable
-Are You and Your Clients Soft Targets?
-Cyber Attacks Cause Revenue Losses in 42% of Small Businesses
-Executives May be The Biggest Risk to Your Business
-Organisations Can Only Stop 57 Percent of Cyber Attacks
-Many Businesses Remain Unprepared for AI as Phishing Attacks Rise 1,265% Since Launch of ChatGPT
-Business Email Compromise is Most Common Entry Point for Cyber Attack
-US Regulator Charges Firm and its CISO For Fraud and Cyber Security Failures
-Companies Scramble to Integrate Immediate Recovery into Ransomware Plans
-Your End-Users are Reusing Passwords, That’s a Big Problem
-Cyber Workforce Demand is Outpacing Supply
-What the Boardroom Is Missing: CISOs
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Surviving a Ransomware Attack Begins by Acknowledging it’s Inevitable
The best defence against a ransomware attack is assuming it will happen before it does. Research by Visa Inc found that ransomware continues to rapidly rise. One of the main factors is the use of AI services to mass produce highly personalised and plausible emails. The second is the proliferation of highly professional do-it-yourself ransomware kits, which frequently come with 24/7 tech support. These two factors drastically lower the skill level required for cyber criminals to successfully pull off an attack.
Another new ransomware trend is “dual ransomware attacks”. This is where criminals carry out two or more attacks in close proximity of each other, ranging between 48 hours to a maximum of 10 days. With an 80% chance of re-attack, small and medium sized businesses in hard-hit industries including healthcare and manufacturing are primary targets; organisations must be extra vigilant as the holidays approach because this is when cyber criminals are most likely to attack.
Black Arrow works with organisations of all sizes and sectors to design and prepare for managing a cyber security incident; this can include an Incident Response Plan and an educational tabletop exercise for the leadership team that highlights the proportionate controls to help the organisation prevent and mitigate an incident.
Source: [Venture Beat] [SC Media] [Help Net Security] [Infosecurity Magazine] [Help Net Security] [Tech Crunch]
Are You and Your Clients Soft Targets?
Cyber attacks are not a matter of "if" but "when," and the question you need to ask yourself is, ‘Are you a soft target?’. A soft target is a network or organisation that is relatively unprotected or vulnerable to cyber attacks.
You may feel confident in your ability to recover from an attack, but if you've never thoroughly tested your backup and recovery procedures, and when the time comes you find that it does not work, the result will leave you more likely to pay a ransom in an encryption based ransomware scenario. Reliance on legacy antivirus, which often fails to detect modern threats, can also render your network a soft target. Additionally, the absence of a rigorous vulnerability scanning and patching process leaves vulnerabilities undiscovered, and attackers are quick to exploit them. If you rely solely on prevention measures like firewalls and endpoint protection platforms, you are making yourself an appealing soft target for cyber criminals.
No organisation is entirely immune to cyber attacks. The key to defending you and your client's information effectively is to anticipate attacks, understand your security posture, recognise potential adversaries, and recover correctly in the event of an attack.
Source: [MSSP Alert]
Cyber Attacks Cause Revenue Losses in 42% of Small Businesses
Small businesses may be discouraged from investing in preventive cyber security measures due to the expense involved and the mistaken belief that only larger companies are the target of cyber crimes. However, according to a recent report nearly 8 in 10 small business leaders admit they are anxious about the safety of their company’s sensitive data and information. The report found that employee and customer data continue to be the most impacted categories of information in data breaches with 42% of small businesses losing revenue due to a cyber event.
The widespread use of internet-connected devices has given rise to a substantial surge in threat actors targeting small and medium-sized businesses, with malware, phishing and botnets being the most common threats. Daily malware activity has doubled year over year, and peaks in holiday seasons.
Sources: [Help Net Security] [Security Magazine] [Help Net Security] [JDSupra]
Executives May be The Biggest Risk to Your Business as One in Five Share Work Passwords Outside the Company
According to a recent report, nearly half (49%) of C-level executives have requested to bypass one or more security measures in the past year, highlighting a concerning disparity between what business leaders say about cyber and what they do. The research reported one in five sharing their work password with someone outside the company, 77% using easy-to-remember passwords including birth dates, and a third admitting to accessing unauthorised files and data with nearly two-thirds having the ability to edit those files/data.
Additionally, the C-suite was found to be more than three times as likely than regular users to share work devices with unauthorised users. An essential approach to reducing the risks is a tailored training programme that enables all users, including the C-suite, to understand the objective of security controls and the risks caused by bypassing them. Black Arrow offers bespoke training to all roles within the organisation as well as upskilling tailored to those at the board level.
Sources: [Infosecurity Magazine] [Tech Radar] [Security Magazine] [Help Net Security]
Organisations Can Only Stop 57 Percent of Cyber Attacks
According to a report from Tenable, over the last two years, the average organisation's cyber security program was prepared to preventatively defend against, or block, just 57 percent of the cyber attacks it encountered. The report found that 58% of respondents focus almost entirely on fighting successful attacks rather than working to prevent them in the first place. This is put down largely to a struggle to obtain an accurate picture of their attack surface. When it came to risks, 75% viewed cloud infrastructure as the greatest source of exposure risk in their organisation.
Source: [Beta News]
Many Businesses Remain Unprepared for AI as Phishing Attacks Rise 1,265% Since Launch of ChatGPT
Generative AI has revolutionised many aspects of life, offering new opportunities that have also greatly benefited malicious actors. A report has found that since the launch of ChatGPT, phishing attacks have increased by 1,265%. A separate report found that many businesses remain unprepared for the impact of AI, with just 16% of respondents satisfied in their organisation’s understanding of these AI tools.
Sources: [Decrypt] [Infosecurity Magazine] [Emerging Risks]
Business Email Compromise is Most Common Entry Point for Cyber Attack
According to cyber insurance provider Hiscox, almost half of UK businesses have experienced a cyber attack in the last year, an increase of 9% from the previous year. Business email compromise was recorded as the most common point of entry, mentioned by 35% of companies who suffered an attack.
The report found that 20% of attacked organisations received a ransomware demand, slightly up from 19% the previous year. The proportion paying the ransom fell from 66% to 63%, but the median ransom rose 13%.
Sources: [Hiscox] [Digital Journal]
US Regulator Charges Firm and its CISO For Fraud and Cyber Security Failures
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced plans to charge a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) with fraud for their role in allegedly lying to investors, overstating cyber security practices, and understating or failing to disclose known risks. A key piece of evidence presented by the SEC involved a presentation that was shared with the CISO, detailing a lack of security in the CISO employer’s setup. The presentation highlighted how exploitation could lead to major reputational and financial loss.
The case represents a larger shift in the dynamics and corporate reporting of security issues and within this, lies the professionalism of the CISO role. It is likely that this incident could become the start of something larger.
Sources: [The Record] [Security Week ] [Forbes]
Companies Scramble to Integrate Immediate Recovery into Ransomware Plans
A survey found that 66% of companies are reevaluating their data protection and cyber resilience strategies. Despite this, 35% are not prioritising recovery and only half (56.6%) focused on both recovery and prevention.
Whilst it is important to prevent attacks, nothing is 100% secure and organisations need to ensure that their ransomware plans include recovery as a part of this. If, or when, you experience an attack, you will not want to improvise your recovery.
Source: [Help Net Security]
Your End-Users are Reusing Passwords: That’s a Big Problem
Password reuse is a difficult vulnerability for IT teams to get full visibility over. The danger is often hidden until it turns up in the form of hackers using compromised credentials as an initial access vector. A recent survey revealed that 53% of people admit to reusing passwords, making it easier for attackers to gain access to multiple applications with a single compromised password.
While it is difficult for organisations to maintain visibility over who is reusing passwords, especially if employees are reusing passwords outside of the organisation, there are still ways to combat this. Implementing tools that can check for compromised passwords, using multi-factor authentication and ensuring all employees carry out cyber security and awareness training are a few methods to help combat password re-use.
Source: [Bleeping Computer]
Cyber Workforce Demand is Outpacing Supply
A study by ISC2 stated that we would need to double the cyber workforce to adequately protect organisations and their critical assets. The study found that the gap between the demand and supply grew 12.6%. For organisations, this can mean a struggle in hiring cyber expertise.
To address the challenge of attracting and retaining quality senior security professionals, Black Arrow offers a fractional CISO service that gives flexible access to a whole team of specialists with wide expertise, experience and backgrounds in technology, governance and transformation, for less than the cost of hiring one individual.
Source: [Cyber Scoop]
What the Boardroom Is Missing: CISOs
According to a new study only 12% of S&P 500 companies have board directors with relevant cyber credentials, highlighting a major gap in expertise needed to keep organisations secure. As most organisations shift to digital and cloud-first strategies, businesses of all shapes and sizes must protect their assets. Unfortunately, there's a considerable gap between security leaders and the board directors responsible for managing businesses. A recent Harvard Business Review survey revealed just 47% regularly interact with their company's Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). That's a severe knowledge gap for a company's security and business leaders.
Introducing CISOs to the boardroom is not just about compliance, it's also about ensuring transparency and accountability. CISOs are already building security programs from the ground up. They provide business compliance, hire the right people, and find the right technology to supplement their team's efforts. Security posture is critical to an enterprise's future success, and having a CISO on the board that speaks the language can help a board understand if their business is making suitable security investments.
Source: [Dark Reading]
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Governance, Risk and Compliance
SEC Charges SolarWinds and Its CISO With Fraud and Cyber security Failures - SecurityWeek
SolarWinds Is A Game Changer - You Cannot Sugarcoat Cyber security (
Part of an executive team? You might be the biggest security risk to your business | TechRadar
One in five executives have shared work passwords outside the company | Security Magazine
Organisations can only stop 57 percent of cyber attacks (
Cyber attacks cause revenue losses in 42% of small businesses - Help Net Security
Huge Cyber security Industry Survey Reveals Concerns Over Cuts Amid New Threats - The Messenger
'Are we adversary aligned?' is the new 'Are we secure?' (
Cyber security habits and behaviours executives need to be aware of - Help Net Security
The hidden costs of data breaches for small businesses - Help Net Security
Cyber workforce demand is outpacing supply, survey finds | CyberScoop
How Do We Truly Make Security 'Everyone's Responsibility'? (
Why lack of training can put cyber security at risk [Q&A] (
Threat Prevention Begins With IT & Security Team Collaboration (
The CISO’s toolkit must include political capital within the C-suite | CSO Online
CISO Skills in a Changing Security Market: Are You Prepared? (
Why there’s no one-size-fits all solution to security maturity | TechRadar
Ransomware, Extortion and Destructive Attacks
Ransom Groups Threaten Physical Violence as Social Engineering Tactic (
Companies scramble to integrate immediate recovery into ransomware plans - Help Net Security
Surviving a ransomware attack begins by acknowledging it's inevitable | VentureBeat
Do government sanctions against ransomware groups work? | TechCrunch
Why rookie hackers are capitalizing on ransomware | SC Media (
Experts Reconsider Banning Ransom Payments as Ransomware Attacks Surge (
Why ransomware victims can’t stop paying off hackers | TechCrunch
Key Learnings from “Big Game” Ransomware Campaigns - SecurityWeek
New Hunters International ransomware possible rebrand of Hive (
SIM Swappers Are Working Directly with Ransomware Gangs Now (
One of the most dangerous ransomware kits around might have just gotten a rebrand | TechRadar
Ransomware attacks set to break records in 2023 - Help Net Security
HelloKitty Ransomware Group Exploiting Apache ActiveMQ Vulnerability (
Ransomware Victims
Boeing Confirms Cyber Attack, System Compromise (
CCleaner says hackers stole users’ personal data during MOVEit mass-hack | TechCrunch
Stanford University investigating security incident • The Register
Massive ransomware attack hinders services in 70 German municipalities (
Medical research exec hit in SIM-swap attack by Alphv gang • The Register
Caesars Hackers Accessed Customer Data; Costs to Be Determined (
Mortgage and loan giant Mr. Cooper blames cyber attack for ongoing outage | TechCrunch
Ransomware attack shuts down Central Florida radiology imager sites (
British, Toronto Libraries Struggle After Cyber Incidents (
Ace Hardware says 1,202 devices were hit during cyber attack (
Phishing & Email Based Attacks
Artificial Intelligence
Email Phishing Attacks Up 1,265% Since ChatGPT Launched: SlashNext - Decrypt
AI poses new cyber threats with many businesses unprepared (
AI is making cyber attacks even smarter and more dangerous | TechRadar
Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure AI - Infosecurity Magazine (
Enterprise AI applications are threatening security | TechRadar
What Lurks in the Dark: Taking Aim at Shadow AI (
ChatGPT, Bard, lack effective defences against fraudsters, Which? warns | Computer Weekly
Huge Cyber security Industry Survey Reveals Concerns Over Cuts Amid New Threats - The Messenger
Over a million Windows and Linux systems infected by this tricky new malware | TechRadar
DUCKTAIL Malware employs LinkedIn messages Execute Attacks (
Daily malware activity doubled year over year for small businesses | Security Magazine
Iranian Group Tortoiseshell Launches New Wave of IMAPLoader Malware Attacks (
Malvertising via Dynamic Search Ads delivers malware bonanza (
Windows PCs are being targeted with a nasty new malware - here's what you need to know | TechRadar
Pro-Hamas Hacktivists Targeting Israeli Entities with Wiper Malware (
These Seemingly Innocent Search Terms Could Lead Kids to Malware-Filled Websites (
Malware 'Meal Kits' Serve Up No-Fuss RAT Attacks (
Arid Viper Camouflages Malware in Knockoff Dating App (
Ghostpulse Malware Targets Windows PCs With Fake App Installers (
Latest RAT attack surge bypasses Microsoft's XLL block • The Register
Mozi malware botnet goes dark after mysterious use of kill-switch (
Iranian Cyber Spies Use 'LionTail' Malware in Latest Attacks - SecurityWeek
Turla Updates Kazuar Backdoor with Advanced Anti-Analysis to Evade Detection (
16 more infected Android apps you need to delete ASAP (
iOS 17.1 finally fixes a three-year-old Private Wi-Fi Address security hole | Macworld
Android 14’s user-profile data bug seems indistinguishable from ransomware | Ars Technica
New banking scams delivered instantly via WhatsApp - F-Secure Blog
Security Expert: Apple's Lockdown Mode Still Defeats Commercial Spyware | PCMag
Google One data breach: Dark web report at your hand - gHacks Tech News
SIM swapping crypto crook jailed, ordered to pay $945,833 • The Register
SIM Swappers Are Working Directly with Ransomware Gangs Now (
Israel Calls In Hackers And Spyware Companies To Break Into Abductees’ Phones (
Denial of Service/DoS/DDOS
DDoS attacks are getting bigger and more powerful, and that's a really bad thing | TechRadar
Why Does "Anonymous" Launch DDoS Cyber Attacks? (
Internet of Things – IoT
IoT's convenience comes with cyber security challenges - Help Net Security
RCE exploit for Wyze Cam v3 publicly released, patch now (
Data Breaches/Leaks
CCleaner says hackers stole users’ personal data during MOVEit mass-hack | TechCrunch
Okta discloses a data breach after a third-party vendor was hacked (
ServiceNow Data Exposure: A Wake-Up Call for Companies (
LastPass breach linked to theft of $4.4 million in crypto (
Public exposure of data breaches is becoming inevitable – Help Net Security
Browser extensions could capture passwords and sensitive info as plain text (
Seiged Sec Breach Top Israeli Telecom, Leak Customers Data (
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
‘Prolific Puma’ Hacker Gives Cyber criminals Access to .us Domains (
Two Russians indicted for hacking JFK taxi dispatch system • The Register
How cyber criminals adapt and thrive amidst changing consumer trends – Help Net Security
Crypto thief steals $4.4M in a day as toll rises from LastPass breach (
UK's National Crime Agency Establishes Crypto Investigative Team (
Insider Risk and Insider Threats
Supply Chain and Third Parties
N. Korean Lazarus Group Targets Software Vendor Using Known Flaws (
North Korean Hackers Are Trying to Stage Another Supply Chain Hack (
Okta discloses a data breach after a third-party vendor was hacked (
Within 5 Minutes, Hackers Were Able to Get AWS Credentials From GitHub (cyber
Cryptojackers steal AWS credentials from GitHub in 5 minutes • The Register
Microsoft is Getting Serious About Security. Again. -
Microsoft is overhauling its software security after major Azure cloud attacks - The Verge
Identity and Access Management
Passwords, Credential Stuffing & Brute Force Attacks
Your end-users are reusing passwords – that’s a big problem (
One in five executives have shared work passwords outside the company | Security Magazine
Within 5 Minutes, Hackers Were Able to Get AWS Credentials From GitHub (
Browser extensions could capture passwords and sensitive info as plain text (
Social Media
DUCKTAIL Malware employs LinkedIn messages Execute Attacks (
Russian hacking tool floods social networks with bots, researchers say (
Training, Education and Awareness
Finding the right approach to security awareness - Help Net Security
Why lack of training can put cyber security at risk [Q&A] (
Regulations, Fines and Legislation
FTC orders non-bank financial firms to report breaches in 30 days (
SEC Charges SolarWinds and Its CISO With Fraud and Cyber security Failures - SecurityWeek
Why The SEC Cyber Security Disclosure Rules Will Improve Cybersecurity (
The UK Online Safety Bill Becomes Law, What Does It Mean? | Hackaday
Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure AI - Infosecurity Magazine (
Setting the standard for cyber security across the EU | Business Post
Models, Frameworks and Standards
Top 12 IT security frameworks and standards explained | TechTarget
MITRE Releases ATT&CK v14 With Improvements to Detections, ICS, Mobile - SecurityWeek
Careers, Working in Cyber and Information Security
UK cyber skills gap grows 29% despite record hiring (
Cyber workforce demand is outpacing supply, survey finds | CyberScoop
Cyber security workforce shortages: 67% report people deficits - Help Net Security
CISO Skills in a Changing Security Market: Are You Prepared? (
Law Enforcement Action and Take Downs
Nation State Actors, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), Cyber Warfare, Cyber Espionage and Geopolitical Threats/Activity
Misc Nation State/Cyber Warfare/Cyber Espionage
Geopolitical Threats/Activity
Hacktivist Activity Related to Gaza Conflict Dwindles (
New BiBi-Linux wiper malware targets Israeli orgs in destructive attacks (
Israel Calls In Hackers And Spyware Companies To Break Into Abductees’ Phones (
Spies and Lies: China’s Cyber Espionage Is on an Unprecedented Level | Mind Matters
Microsoft upgrades security for signing keys in wake of Chinese breach | CyberScoop
Boeing. ‘Sensitive Data’ Reportedly Stolen by Ransomware Group Linked to Russia - The Messenger
Russian hacking tool floods social networks with bots, researchers say (
FSB arrests Russian hackers working for Ukrainian cyber forces (
Russia to launch its own version of VirusTotal due to US snooping fears (
A Ukrainian Company Shares Lessons in Wartime Resilience (
Two Russians indicted for hacking JFK taxi dispatch system • The Register
Iranian Group Tortoiseshell Launches New Wave of IMAPLoader Malware Attacks (
Iranian Cyber Spies Use 'LionTail' Malware in Latest Attacks - SecurityWeek
New Iranian state-sponsored hacking campaign uncovered - SiliconANGLE
FBI Director Warns of Increased Iranian Attacks (
Iran's MuddyWater Targets Israel in New Spear-Phishing Cyber Campaign (
'Scarred Manticore' Unleashes the Most Advanced Iranian Cyber Espionage Yet (
North Korea
Vulnerability Management
Lazarus Group Looking for Unpatched Software Vulnerabilities (
CVSS 4.0 keys-in on threat intelligence metrics and OT, ICS and IoT | SC Media (
Vulnerability management metrics: How to measure success - Help Net Security
From Windows 9x to 11: Tracing Microsoft's security evolution - Help Net Security
It's Cheap to Exploit Software — and That's a Major Security Problem (
Exploit released for critical Cisco IOS XE flaw, many hosts still hacked (
F5 fixes BIG-IP auth bypass allowing remote code execution attacks (
Hackers use Citrix Bleed flaw in attacks on govt networks worldwide (
Cisco Patches 27 Vulnerabilities in Network Security Products - SecurityWeek
Atlassian warns users: patch critical Confluence flaw ASAP • The Register
Researchers Find 34 Windows Drivers Vulnerable to Full Device Takeover (
Urgent: New Security Flaws Discovered in NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes (
D-LINK SQL Injection Vulnerability Let Attacker Escalate Privileges (
3,000 Apache ActiveMQ servers vulnerable to RCE attacks exposed online (
More Than 100 Vulns in Microsoft 365 Tied to SketchUp 3D Library (
No patches yet for Apple iLeakage side-channel attack | TechTarget
HelloKitty Ransomware Group Exploiting Apache ActiveMQ Vulnerability (
iOS 17.1 finally fixes a three-year-old Private Wi-Fi Address security hole | Macworld
Tools and Controls
Companies scramble to integrate immediate recovery into ransomware plans - Help Net Security
Vulnerability management metrics: How to measure success - Help Net Security
6 steps to accelerate cyber security incident response | SC Media (
Ethical hackers are helping more and more business stay safe | TechRadar
Getting Smart With Cyber security: AI Can Help the Good Guys, Too (
Massive cyber crime URL shortening service uncovered via DNS data (
Huge Cyber security Industry Survey Reveals Concerns Over Cuts Amid New Threats - The Messenger
Defence in depth: Layering your security coverage (
Finding the right approach to security awareness - Help Net Security
Mainframes are around to stay, it’s time to protect them - Help Net Security
Reports Published in the Last Week
Other News
Four Under-The-Radar Security Risks That Can Endanger Your Business (
ING CISO says data sharing is key to financial cyber security (
Threat Prevention Begins With IT & Security Team Collaboration (
F5 Labs Report Reveals Rise in Malicious Automation | The Fintech Times
Microsoft Vows to Revamp Security Products After Repeated Hacks - Bloomberg
Microsoft launches Secure Future Initiative to bolster security | TechTarget
The 5 Cs of effective cyber defence: Beyond traditional technical skills | SC Media (
9 Innovative Ways to Boost Security Hygiene for Cyber Awareness Month (
How governments can keep data secure in a digital age - New Statesman
Cyber security insights for secure manufacturing - Aerospace Manufacturing and Design
Demystifying the top five OT security myths | Computer Weekly
20 scary cyber security facts and figures for a haunting Halloween (
Construction among industries most at risk from cyber attacks, insurer warns | News | Building
Sector Specific
Industry specific threat intelligence reports are available.
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As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
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Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 03 September 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 03 September 2021
-Ransomware Attacks Soar 288% in H1 2021
-Ransomware Costs Expected To Reach $265 Billion By 2031
-Brute Force Email Attacks and Account Takeover Attempts Rise 671%, Reaching Unprecedented Levels, Causing Financial And Reputational Damage
-Investigation Into Hacked "Map" Of UK Gun Owners
-Eight US Financial Services Firms Given Six-Figure Fines Over BEC Data Breaches
-Ransomware Has Been A ‘Game Changer’ For Cyber Insurance
-WhatsApp hit with $267 million GDPR fine for bungling user privacy disclosure
-Microsoft Warns About Open Redirect Phishing Campaign
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Ransomware Attacks Soar 288% in First Half of 2021
The number of ransomware attacks surged by 288% between the first and second quarters of 2021 as double extortion attempts grew, according to the latest data.
Nearly a quarter (22%) of data leaks in the second quarter came from the Conti ransomware group, who typically gain initial network access to victim organisations via phishing emails.
It’s an unfortunate fact that no organisation in any sector is safe from ransomware today.
Targets range from IT companies and suppliers to financial institutions and critical national infrastructure providers, with ransomware-as-a-service increasingly being sold by ransomware gangs in a subscription model.
Ransomware Costs Expected To Reach $265 Billion By 2031
Think ransomware is expensive now? It’s not predicted to get any cheaper over the next decade. Ransoms could cost victims a collective total of $265 billion by 2031. The estimate is based on the prediction that the price tag will increase 30% every year over the next 10 years.
Brute Force Email Attacks and Account Takeover Attempts Rise 671%, Reaching Unprecedented Levels, Causing Financial And Reputational Damage
A new Email Threat Report for Q3 2021 examines the escalating adverse impact of socially-engineered and never-seen-before email attacks, and other advanced email threats—both financial and reputational—to organisations worldwide. The report surveyed advanced email attacks across eight major industry sectors, including retail and consumer goods, manufacturing, technology, energy and infrastructure services, medical, media and television, finance, and hospitality.
The report also finds 61% of organisations experienced a vendor email compromise/supply chain attack in Q2 2021.
Key report findings include:
32.5% of all companies were targeted by brute force attacks in early June 2021
137 account takeovers occurred per 100,000 mailboxes for members of the C-suite
61% of organisations experienced a vendor email compromise attack this quarter
22% more business email compromise attacks since Q4 2020
60% chance of a successful account takeover each week for organisations with 50,000+ employees
73% of all advanced threats were credential phishing attacks
80% probability of attack every week for retail and consumer goods, technology, and media and television companies
Investigation Into Hacked "Map" Of UK Gun Owners
Gun-selling site Guntrader announced a data breach affecting more than 100,000 customers in July. This week, reports emerged that an animal rights activist blog had published the information. The group had formatted the data so it could be easily imported into mapping software to show individual homes. The National Crime Agency, which has been investigating the data breach and its fallout, said it "is aware that information has been published online as a result of a recent data breach which impacted Guntrader".
Eight US Financial Services Firms Given Six-Figure Fines Over BEC Data Breaches
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has sanctioned multiple financial services firms for cyber security failures that led to the compromise of corporate email accounts and the personal data of thousands of individuals. The case was brought after the unauthorised takeover of cloud-based email accounts at Seattle-based KMS Financial Services, and subsidiaries of California-headquartered Cetera Financial Group and Iowa-based Cambridge Investment Group.
Ransomware Has Been A ‘Game Changer’ For Cyber Insurance
Ransomware attacks accounted for nearly one quarter of all cyber incidents globally last year, according to a software company. The researchers “think of December 2019 as the tipping point for when we started to see ransomware take hold”. The U.S. was hit by a barrage of ransomware attacks in 2019 that impacted at least 966 government agencies, educational establishments, and healthcare providers at a potential cost in excess of $7.5 billion. All of this has a massive knock-on affect for the Insurance firms.
Getting Ahead Of A Major Blind Spot For CISOs: Third-Party Risk
For many CISOs and security leaders, it was not long ago that their remit focused on the networks and digital ecosystems for their organisation alone. In today’s digital world, those days are a thing of the past with a growing number of businesses relying on third-party vendors to scale, save time and outsource expertise to stay ahead. With this change, new security risks affiliated with third-party vendors are more prevalent than ever before.
WhatsApp Hit With $267 Million GDPR Fine For Bungling User Privacy Disclosure
Ireland’s Data Protection Commission fined Facebook-owned messenger WhatsApp for $225 million for failing to provide users enough information about the data it shared with other Facebook companies.
The fine is the largest penalty that the Irish regulator has waged since the European Union data protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, went into effect in 2018.
Microsoft Warns About Open Redirect Phishing Campaign
Microsoft’s Security Intelligence team is warning over phishing campaigns using open redirector links, links crafted to subvert normal inspection efforts. Smart users know to hover over links to see where they're going to lead, but these links are prepared for that type of user and display a safe destination designed to lure targets into a false sense of security. Click the link and you'll be redirected to a domain that appears legit (such as a Microsoft 365 login page, for example) and sets the stage for you to voluntarily hand over credentials to bad actors without even realising it until it's too late.
Previous Employees With Access To Corporate Data Remain A Threat To Businesses
Offboarding employees securely is a key problem for business leaders, with 40% concerned that employees who leave a company retain knowledge of passwords that grant access to corporate data. This is according to a report, which found few organisations are implementing access management solutions that work with all applications, meaning most lack the ability to revoke access to all corporate data as soon as an employee leaves.
BEC Scammers Seek Native English Speakers On Underground
Looking for work? Speak fluent English? Capable of convincingly portraying a professional – as in, somebody a highly ranked corporate leader would talk to? If you lack scruples and disregard those pesky things called “laws,” it could be your lucky day: Cyber Crooks are putting up help-wanted ads, looking for native English speakers to carry out the social-engineering elements of business email compromise (BEC) attacks.
Half Of Businesses Can't Spot These Signs Of Insider Cyber Security Threats
Most businesses are struggling to identify and detect early indicators that could suggest an insider is plotting to steal data or carry out other cyber attacks. Research suggests that over half of companies find it impossible or very difficult to prevent insider attacks. These businesses are missing indicators that something might be wrong. Those include unusual amounts of files being opened, attempts to use USB devices, staff purposefully circumventing security controls, masking their online activities, or moving and saving files to unusual locations. All these and more might suggest that a user is planning malicious activity, including the theft of company data.
Conti Ransomware Now Hacking Exchange Servers With ProxyShell Exploits
LockFile Ransomware Bypasses Protection Using Intermittent File Encryption
FBI, CISA: Ransomware Attack Risk Increases On Holidays, Weekends
LockBit Jumps Its Own Countdown, Publishes Bangkok Air Files
Cyber Attackers Are Now Quietly Selling Off Their Victim's Internet Bandwidth
Cyber Criminal Sells Tool To Hide Malware In AMD, NVIDIA GPUS
Cyber Criminals Abusing Internet-Sharing Services To Monetise Malware Campaigns
Snowden Slams Apple CSAM: Warns iPad, iPhone, Mac Users Worldwide
Kaspersky Lab Has Reported About Android Viruses Designed To Steal Money Automatically
Dangerous Android Malware Is Spreading — Beware Of Text Message Scam
New BrakTooth Flaws Leave Millions Of Bluetooth-Enabled Devices Vulnerable
Meltdown-Like Vulnerability Disclosed For AMD Zen+ And Zen 2 Processors
NPM Package With 3 Million Weekly Downloads Had A Severe Vulnerability
Cisco Patches Critical Authentication Bug With Public Exploit
QNAP Working On Patches For OpenSSL Flaws Affecting Its NAS Devices
This Top TP-Link Router Ships With Some Serious Security Flaws
Data Breaches/Leaks
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Dark Web
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our weekly ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 27 August 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 27 August 2021
-Cyber Crime Losses Triple To £1.3bn In 1h 2021
-New Ransomware Wake-Up Call
-22% Of Cyber Security Incidents In H1 2021 Were Ransomware Attacks
-Key Email Threats And The High Cost Of Business Email Compromise
-Microsoft Warns Thousands Of Cloud Customers Of Exposed Databases
-58% Of IT Leaders Worried Their Business Could Become A Target Of Rising Nation State Attacks
-Cyber Insurance Market Encounters ‘Crisis Moment’ As Ransomware Costs Pile Up
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Cyber Crime Losses Triple To £1.3bn In H1 2021
Individuals and organisations lost three times more money to cyber crime and fraud in the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2020, as incidents soared, according to new figures. The report revealed that between January 1 and July 31 2020, victims lost £414.7m to cyber crime and fraud. However, the figure surged to £1.3bn for the same period in 2021. This can be partly explained by the huge increase in cases from last year to this. In the first half of 2020, there were just 39,160 reported to Action Fraud, versus 289,437 in the first six months of 2021.
Ransomware On A Rampage; A New Wake-Up Call
The ransomware rampage is continuing at pace and continues to create significant cyber security challenges. The use of ransomware by hackers to leverage exploits and extract financial benefits is not new. Ransomware has been around for over 2 decades, (early use of basic ransomware malware was used in the late 1980s) but as of late, it has become a trending and more dangerous cybersecurity threat. The inter-connectivity of digital commerce and expanding attack surfaces have enhanced the utility of ransomware as cyber weapon of choice for bad actors. Like bank robbers, cyber criminals go where the money is accessible. And it is now easier for them to reap benefits from extortion. Hackers can now demand cryptocurrencies payments or pre-paid cards that can be anonymously transacted. Those means of digital payments are difficult to trace by law enforcement.
22% Of Cyber Security Incidents In H1 2021 Were Ransomware Attacks
A report uncovered the number and nature of UK cyber security breaches reported to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) in 2020 and 2021. So far in 2021 phishing was to blame for most incidents, accounting for 40% of all cyber security cases reported to the ICO, slightly down from 44% the year before. However, ransomware is surging, up from 11% of all reported incidents in the first half of 2020 to 22% in 2021.
Ransomware: These Four Rising Gangs Could Be Your Next Major Cyber Security Threat
In recent months some significant ransomware operators have seemingly disappeared. But that doesn't mean that ransomware is any less of a problem, quite the opposite – new groups are emerging to fill the gaps and are often worse than the gangs that went before them. Cyber security researchers have detailed four upcoming families of ransomware discovered during investigations – and under the right circumstances, any of them could become the next big ransomware threat. One of these is LockBit 2.0, a ransomware-as-a-service operation that has existed since September 2019 but has gained major traction over the course of this summer. Those behind it revamped their dark web operations in June – when they launched the 2.0 version of LockBit – and aggressive advertising has drawn attention from cyber criminals.
Key Email Threats And The High Cost Of Business Email Compromise
Researchers published the results of a study analysing over 31 million threats across multiple organisations and industries, with new findings and warnings issued by technical experts that every organisation should be aware of. A key aspect to preventing attacks is having a deep understanding of cyber actor patterns and continuously monitoring and deconstructing campaigns to anticipate future ones. Phishing can be a profitable business model, and most breaches begin with a phishing email. What appears to be an innocent email from a trusted vendor or internal department can lead to firm-wide shutdowns, loss of crucial data, and millions in financial costs. As detailed in the report, threats ranging from ransomware, credential harvesters to difficult-to-discover but costly Business Email Compromise (BEC) targeted inboxes, could have resulted in over $354 million in direct losses had they been successful.
Microsoft Warns Thousands Of Cloud Customers Of Exposed Databases
Microsoft on Thursday warned thousands of its cloud computing customers, including some of the world's largest companies, that intruders could have the ability to read, change or even delete their main databases, according to a copy of the email and a cyber security researcher. The vulnerability is in Microsoft Azure's flagship Cosmos DB database. A research team at security a company discovered it was able to access keys that control access to databases held by thousands of companies.
58% Of IT Leaders Worried Their Business Could Become A Target Of Rising Nation State Attacks
Researchers released the findings of a global survey of 1,100 IT decision makers (ITDMs), examining their concerns around rising nation state attacks. 72% of respondents said they worry that nation state tools, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) could filter through to the dark net and be used to attack their business.
Cyber Insurance Market Encounters ‘Crisis Moment’ As Ransomware Costs Pile Up
It’s a sure sign of trouble when leading insurance industry executives are worried about their own prices going up. Ransomware now accounts for 75% of all cyber insurance claims, up from 55% in 2016, according to the credit ratings agency. The percentage increase in claims is outpacing that of premiums, said a June report which concluded that “the prospects for the cyber insurance market are grim.” Fitch Ratings in April found that the ratio of losses to premiums earned was at 73% last year, jeopardizing the profitability of the industry.
Security Teams Report Rise In Cyber Risk
Do you feel like you are gaining in your ability to protect your data and your network? If you are like 80% of respondents to the a recent report, you expect to experience a data breach that compromises customer data in the next 12 months. The report surveyed more than 3,600 businesses of all sizes and industries across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America for their thoughts on cyber risk. Despite an increased focus on security due to high-profile ransomware and other attacks in the past year, respondents reported a rise in risk due to inadequate security processes like backing up key assets.
WARNING: Microsoft Exchange Under Attack With ProxyShell Flaws
The U.S. Cyber security and Infrastructure Security Agency is warning of active exploitation attempts that leverage the latest line of "ProxyShell" Microsoft Exchange vulnerabilities that were patched earlier this May, including deploying LockFile ransomware on compromised systems. The vulnerabilities enable adversaries to bypass ACL controls, elevate privileges on the Exchange PowerShell backend, effectively permitting the attacker to perform unauthenticated, remote code execution. While the former two were addressed by Microsoft on April 13, a patch for CVE-2021-31207 was shipped as part of the Windows maker's May Patch Tuesday updates.
70% of Cyber Pros Believe Cyber Insurance is Exacerbating Ransomware
Nigerian Threat Actors Solicit Employees To Deploy Ransomware for Cut Of Profits
New Ransomware Called LockFile Targets Microsoft Exchange Servers
Researchers Find New Evidence Linking Diavol Ransomware To TrickBot Gang
FBI Sends Its First-Ever Alert About A ‘Ransomware Affiliate’
That Email Asking For Proof Of Vaccination Might Be A Phishing Scam
Phishing Could Have Cost Businesses $354m In Potential Direct Losses
Other Social Engineering
Scammers Impersonate Europol Chief In An Effort To Defraud Belgians
Man Admits Impersonating Apple Support Staff To Steal 620,000 Photos From iCloud Accounts
New SideWalk Backdoor Targets U.S.-Based Computer Retail Business
Mozi Botnet Gains The Ability To Tamper With Its Victims’ Traffic
Shadowpad Malware Is Becoming A Favourite Choice Of Chinese Espionage Groups
Mirai-Style Iot Botnet Is Now Scanning For Router-Pwning Critical Vuln In Realtek Kit
IoT Market To Reach $1.5 Trillion By 2027, Security Top Priority
Hackers Could Increase Medication Doses Through Infusion Pump Flaws
VMware Issues Patches To Fix New Flaws Affecting Multiple Products
Critical Flaw Discovered In Cisco APIC for Switches — Patch Released
CISA Warns Admins To Urgently Patch Exchange ProxyShell Bugs
Data Breaches/Leaks
Guernsey Data Authority Imposed Sanctions On 11 Firms For Breaches Last Year
Data Leak Exposed 38 Million Records, Including COVID-19 Vaccination Statuses
Nokia Subsidiary Discloses Data Breach After Conti Ransomware Attack
T-Mobile Breach Hits 53 Million Customers As Probe Finds Wider Impact
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Insider Threats
Nation State Actors
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our weekly ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.