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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 03 November 2023
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Intelligence Briefing 03 November 2023:
-Surviving a Ransomware Attack Begins by Acknowledging it’s Inevitable
-Are You and Your Clients Soft Targets?
-Cyber Attacks Cause Revenue Losses in 42% of Small Businesses
-Executives May be The Biggest Risk to Your Business
-Organisations Can Only Stop 57 Percent of Cyber Attacks
-Many Businesses Remain Unprepared for AI as Phishing Attacks Rise 1,265% Since Launch of ChatGPT
-Business Email Compromise is Most Common Entry Point for Cyber Attack
-US Regulator Charges Firm and its CISO For Fraud and Cyber Security Failures
-Companies Scramble to Integrate Immediate Recovery into Ransomware Plans
-Your End-Users are Reusing Passwords, That’s a Big Problem
-Cyber Workforce Demand is Outpacing Supply
-What the Boardroom Is Missing: CISOs
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Surviving a Ransomware Attack Begins by Acknowledging it’s Inevitable
The best defence against a ransomware attack is assuming it will happen before it does. Research by Visa Inc found that ransomware continues to rapidly rise. One of the main factors is the use of AI services to mass produce highly personalised and plausible emails. The second is the proliferation of highly professional do-it-yourself ransomware kits, which frequently come with 24/7 tech support. These two factors drastically lower the skill level required for cyber criminals to successfully pull off an attack.
Another new ransomware trend is “dual ransomware attacks”. This is where criminals carry out two or more attacks in close proximity of each other, ranging between 48 hours to a maximum of 10 days. With an 80% chance of re-attack, small and medium sized businesses in hard-hit industries including healthcare and manufacturing are primary targets; organisations must be extra vigilant as the holidays approach because this is when cyber criminals are most likely to attack.
Black Arrow works with organisations of all sizes and sectors to design and prepare for managing a cyber security incident; this can include an Incident Response Plan and an educational tabletop exercise for the leadership team that highlights the proportionate controls to help the organisation prevent and mitigate an incident.
Source: [Venture Beat] [SC Media] [Help Net Security] [Infosecurity Magazine] [Help Net Security] [Tech Crunch]
Are You and Your Clients Soft Targets?
Cyber attacks are not a matter of "if" but "when," and the question you need to ask yourself is, ‘Are you a soft target?’. A soft target is a network or organisation that is relatively unprotected or vulnerable to cyber attacks.
You may feel confident in your ability to recover from an attack, but if you've never thoroughly tested your backup and recovery procedures, and when the time comes you find that it does not work, the result will leave you more likely to pay a ransom in an encryption based ransomware scenario. Reliance on legacy antivirus, which often fails to detect modern threats, can also render your network a soft target. Additionally, the absence of a rigorous vulnerability scanning and patching process leaves vulnerabilities undiscovered, and attackers are quick to exploit them. If you rely solely on prevention measures like firewalls and endpoint protection platforms, you are making yourself an appealing soft target for cyber criminals.
No organisation is entirely immune to cyber attacks. The key to defending you and your client's information effectively is to anticipate attacks, understand your security posture, recognise potential adversaries, and recover correctly in the event of an attack.
Source: [MSSP Alert]
Cyber Attacks Cause Revenue Losses in 42% of Small Businesses
Small businesses may be discouraged from investing in preventive cyber security measures due to the expense involved and the mistaken belief that only larger companies are the target of cyber crimes. However, according to a recent report nearly 8 in 10 small business leaders admit they are anxious about the safety of their company’s sensitive data and information. The report found that employee and customer data continue to be the most impacted categories of information in data breaches with 42% of small businesses losing revenue due to a cyber event.
The widespread use of internet-connected devices has given rise to a substantial surge in threat actors targeting small and medium-sized businesses, with malware, phishing and botnets being the most common threats. Daily malware activity has doubled year over year, and peaks in holiday seasons.
Sources: [Help Net Security] [Security Magazine] [Help Net Security] [JDSupra]
Executives May be The Biggest Risk to Your Business as One in Five Share Work Passwords Outside the Company
According to a recent report, nearly half (49%) of C-level executives have requested to bypass one or more security measures in the past year, highlighting a concerning disparity between what business leaders say about cyber and what they do. The research reported one in five sharing their work password with someone outside the company, 77% using easy-to-remember passwords including birth dates, and a third admitting to accessing unauthorised files and data with nearly two-thirds having the ability to edit those files/data.
Additionally, the C-suite was found to be more than three times as likely than regular users to share work devices with unauthorised users. An essential approach to reducing the risks is a tailored training programme that enables all users, including the C-suite, to understand the objective of security controls and the risks caused by bypassing them. Black Arrow offers bespoke training to all roles within the organisation as well as upskilling tailored to those at the board level.
Sources: [Infosecurity Magazine] [Tech Radar] [Security Magazine] [Help Net Security]
Organisations Can Only Stop 57 Percent of Cyber Attacks
According to a report from Tenable, over the last two years, the average organisation's cyber security program was prepared to preventatively defend against, or block, just 57 percent of the cyber attacks it encountered. The report found that 58% of respondents focus almost entirely on fighting successful attacks rather than working to prevent them in the first place. This is put down largely to a struggle to obtain an accurate picture of their attack surface. When it came to risks, 75% viewed cloud infrastructure as the greatest source of exposure risk in their organisation.
Source: [Beta News]
Many Businesses Remain Unprepared for AI as Phishing Attacks Rise 1,265% Since Launch of ChatGPT
Generative AI has revolutionised many aspects of life, offering new opportunities that have also greatly benefited malicious actors. A report has found that since the launch of ChatGPT, phishing attacks have increased by 1,265%. A separate report found that many businesses remain unprepared for the impact of AI, with just 16% of respondents satisfied in their organisation’s understanding of these AI tools.
Sources: [Decrypt] [Infosecurity Magazine] [Emerging Risks]
Business Email Compromise is Most Common Entry Point for Cyber Attack
According to cyber insurance provider Hiscox, almost half of UK businesses have experienced a cyber attack in the last year, an increase of 9% from the previous year. Business email compromise was recorded as the most common point of entry, mentioned by 35% of companies who suffered an attack.
The report found that 20% of attacked organisations received a ransomware demand, slightly up from 19% the previous year. The proportion paying the ransom fell from 66% to 63%, but the median ransom rose 13%.
Sources: [Hiscox] [Digital Journal]
US Regulator Charges Firm and its CISO For Fraud and Cyber Security Failures
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced plans to charge a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) with fraud for their role in allegedly lying to investors, overstating cyber security practices, and understating or failing to disclose known risks. A key piece of evidence presented by the SEC involved a presentation that was shared with the CISO, detailing a lack of security in the CISO employer’s setup. The presentation highlighted how exploitation could lead to major reputational and financial loss.
The case represents a larger shift in the dynamics and corporate reporting of security issues and within this, lies the professionalism of the CISO role. It is likely that this incident could become the start of something larger.
Sources: [The Record] [Security Week ] [Forbes]
Companies Scramble to Integrate Immediate Recovery into Ransomware Plans
A survey found that 66% of companies are reevaluating their data protection and cyber resilience strategies. Despite this, 35% are not prioritising recovery and only half (56.6%) focused on both recovery and prevention.
Whilst it is important to prevent attacks, nothing is 100% secure and organisations need to ensure that their ransomware plans include recovery as a part of this. If, or when, you experience an attack, you will not want to improvise your recovery.
Source: [Help Net Security]
Your End-Users are Reusing Passwords: That’s a Big Problem
Password reuse is a difficult vulnerability for IT teams to get full visibility over. The danger is often hidden until it turns up in the form of hackers using compromised credentials as an initial access vector. A recent survey revealed that 53% of people admit to reusing passwords, making it easier for attackers to gain access to multiple applications with a single compromised password.
While it is difficult for organisations to maintain visibility over who is reusing passwords, especially if employees are reusing passwords outside of the organisation, there are still ways to combat this. Implementing tools that can check for compromised passwords, using multi-factor authentication and ensuring all employees carry out cyber security and awareness training are a few methods to help combat password re-use.
Source: [Bleeping Computer]
Cyber Workforce Demand is Outpacing Supply
A study by ISC2 stated that we would need to double the cyber workforce to adequately protect organisations and their critical assets. The study found that the gap between the demand and supply grew 12.6%. For organisations, this can mean a struggle in hiring cyber expertise.
To address the challenge of attracting and retaining quality senior security professionals, Black Arrow offers a fractional CISO service that gives flexible access to a whole team of specialists with wide expertise, experience and backgrounds in technology, governance and transformation, for less than the cost of hiring one individual.
Source: [Cyber Scoop]
What the Boardroom Is Missing: CISOs
According to a new study only 12% of S&P 500 companies have board directors with relevant cyber credentials, highlighting a major gap in expertise needed to keep organisations secure. As most organisations shift to digital and cloud-first strategies, businesses of all shapes and sizes must protect their assets. Unfortunately, there's a considerable gap between security leaders and the board directors responsible for managing businesses. A recent Harvard Business Review survey revealed just 47% regularly interact with their company's Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). That's a severe knowledge gap for a company's security and business leaders.
Introducing CISOs to the boardroom is not just about compliance, it's also about ensuring transparency and accountability. CISOs are already building security programs from the ground up. They provide business compliance, hire the right people, and find the right technology to supplement their team's efforts. Security posture is critical to an enterprise's future success, and having a CISO on the board that speaks the language can help a board understand if their business is making suitable security investments.
Source: [Dark Reading]
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Governance, Risk and Compliance
SEC Charges SolarWinds and Its CISO With Fraud and Cyber security Failures - SecurityWeek
SolarWinds Is A Game Changer - You Cannot Sugarcoat Cyber security (
Part of an executive team? You might be the biggest security risk to your business | TechRadar
One in five executives have shared work passwords outside the company | Security Magazine
Organisations can only stop 57 percent of cyber attacks (
Cyber attacks cause revenue losses in 42% of small businesses - Help Net Security
Huge Cyber security Industry Survey Reveals Concerns Over Cuts Amid New Threats - The Messenger
'Are we adversary aligned?' is the new 'Are we secure?' (
Cyber security habits and behaviours executives need to be aware of - Help Net Security
The hidden costs of data breaches for small businesses - Help Net Security
Cyber workforce demand is outpacing supply, survey finds | CyberScoop
How Do We Truly Make Security 'Everyone's Responsibility'? (
Why lack of training can put cyber security at risk [Q&A] (
Threat Prevention Begins With IT & Security Team Collaboration (
The CISO’s toolkit must include political capital within the C-suite | CSO Online
CISO Skills in a Changing Security Market: Are You Prepared? (
Why there’s no one-size-fits all solution to security maturity | TechRadar
Ransomware, Extortion and Destructive Attacks
Ransom Groups Threaten Physical Violence as Social Engineering Tactic (
Companies scramble to integrate immediate recovery into ransomware plans - Help Net Security
Surviving a ransomware attack begins by acknowledging it's inevitable | VentureBeat
Do government sanctions against ransomware groups work? | TechCrunch
Why rookie hackers are capitalizing on ransomware | SC Media (
Experts Reconsider Banning Ransom Payments as Ransomware Attacks Surge (
Why ransomware victims can’t stop paying off hackers | TechCrunch
Key Learnings from “Big Game” Ransomware Campaigns - SecurityWeek
New Hunters International ransomware possible rebrand of Hive (
SIM Swappers Are Working Directly with Ransomware Gangs Now (
One of the most dangerous ransomware kits around might have just gotten a rebrand | TechRadar
Ransomware attacks set to break records in 2023 - Help Net Security
HelloKitty Ransomware Group Exploiting Apache ActiveMQ Vulnerability (
Ransomware Victims
Boeing Confirms Cyber Attack, System Compromise (
CCleaner says hackers stole users’ personal data during MOVEit mass-hack | TechCrunch
Stanford University investigating security incident • The Register
Massive ransomware attack hinders services in 70 German municipalities (
Medical research exec hit in SIM-swap attack by Alphv gang • The Register
Caesars Hackers Accessed Customer Data; Costs to Be Determined (
Mortgage and loan giant Mr. Cooper blames cyber attack for ongoing outage | TechCrunch
Ransomware attack shuts down Central Florida radiology imager sites (
British, Toronto Libraries Struggle After Cyber Incidents (
Ace Hardware says 1,202 devices were hit during cyber attack (
Phishing & Email Based Attacks
Artificial Intelligence
Email Phishing Attacks Up 1,265% Since ChatGPT Launched: SlashNext - Decrypt
AI poses new cyber threats with many businesses unprepared (
AI is making cyber attacks even smarter and more dangerous | TechRadar
Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure AI - Infosecurity Magazine (
Enterprise AI applications are threatening security | TechRadar
What Lurks in the Dark: Taking Aim at Shadow AI (
ChatGPT, Bard, lack effective defences against fraudsters, Which? warns | Computer Weekly
Huge Cyber security Industry Survey Reveals Concerns Over Cuts Amid New Threats - The Messenger
Over a million Windows and Linux systems infected by this tricky new malware | TechRadar
DUCKTAIL Malware employs LinkedIn messages Execute Attacks (
Daily malware activity doubled year over year for small businesses | Security Magazine
Iranian Group Tortoiseshell Launches New Wave of IMAPLoader Malware Attacks (
Malvertising via Dynamic Search Ads delivers malware bonanza (
Windows PCs are being targeted with a nasty new malware - here's what you need to know | TechRadar
Pro-Hamas Hacktivists Targeting Israeli Entities with Wiper Malware (
These Seemingly Innocent Search Terms Could Lead Kids to Malware-Filled Websites (
Malware 'Meal Kits' Serve Up No-Fuss RAT Attacks (
Arid Viper Camouflages Malware in Knockoff Dating App (
Ghostpulse Malware Targets Windows PCs With Fake App Installers (
Latest RAT attack surge bypasses Microsoft's XLL block • The Register
Mozi malware botnet goes dark after mysterious use of kill-switch (
Iranian Cyber Spies Use 'LionTail' Malware in Latest Attacks - SecurityWeek
Turla Updates Kazuar Backdoor with Advanced Anti-Analysis to Evade Detection (
16 more infected Android apps you need to delete ASAP (
iOS 17.1 finally fixes a three-year-old Private Wi-Fi Address security hole | Macworld
Android 14’s user-profile data bug seems indistinguishable from ransomware | Ars Technica
New banking scams delivered instantly via WhatsApp - F-Secure Blog
Security Expert: Apple's Lockdown Mode Still Defeats Commercial Spyware | PCMag
Google One data breach: Dark web report at your hand - gHacks Tech News
SIM swapping crypto crook jailed, ordered to pay $945,833 • The Register
SIM Swappers Are Working Directly with Ransomware Gangs Now (
Israel Calls In Hackers And Spyware Companies To Break Into Abductees’ Phones (
Denial of Service/DoS/DDOS
DDoS attacks are getting bigger and more powerful, and that's a really bad thing | TechRadar
Why Does "Anonymous" Launch DDoS Cyber Attacks? (
Internet of Things – IoT
IoT's convenience comes with cyber security challenges - Help Net Security
RCE exploit for Wyze Cam v3 publicly released, patch now (
Data Breaches/Leaks
CCleaner says hackers stole users’ personal data during MOVEit mass-hack | TechCrunch
Okta discloses a data breach after a third-party vendor was hacked (
ServiceNow Data Exposure: A Wake-Up Call for Companies (
LastPass breach linked to theft of $4.4 million in crypto (
Public exposure of data breaches is becoming inevitable – Help Net Security
Browser extensions could capture passwords and sensitive info as plain text (
Seiged Sec Breach Top Israeli Telecom, Leak Customers Data (
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
‘Prolific Puma’ Hacker Gives Cyber criminals Access to .us Domains (
Two Russians indicted for hacking JFK taxi dispatch system • The Register
How cyber criminals adapt and thrive amidst changing consumer trends – Help Net Security
Crypto thief steals $4.4M in a day as toll rises from LastPass breach (
UK's National Crime Agency Establishes Crypto Investigative Team (
Insider Risk and Insider Threats
Supply Chain and Third Parties
N. Korean Lazarus Group Targets Software Vendor Using Known Flaws (
North Korean Hackers Are Trying to Stage Another Supply Chain Hack (
Okta discloses a data breach after a third-party vendor was hacked (
Within 5 Minutes, Hackers Were Able to Get AWS Credentials From GitHub (cyber
Cryptojackers steal AWS credentials from GitHub in 5 minutes • The Register
Microsoft is Getting Serious About Security. Again. -
Microsoft is overhauling its software security after major Azure cloud attacks - The Verge
Identity and Access Management
Passwords, Credential Stuffing & Brute Force Attacks
Your end-users are reusing passwords – that’s a big problem (
One in five executives have shared work passwords outside the company | Security Magazine
Within 5 Minutes, Hackers Were Able to Get AWS Credentials From GitHub (
Browser extensions could capture passwords and sensitive info as plain text (
Social Media
DUCKTAIL Malware employs LinkedIn messages Execute Attacks (
Russian hacking tool floods social networks with bots, researchers say (
Training, Education and Awareness
Finding the right approach to security awareness - Help Net Security
Why lack of training can put cyber security at risk [Q&A] (
Regulations, Fines and Legislation
FTC orders non-bank financial firms to report breaches in 30 days (
SEC Charges SolarWinds and Its CISO With Fraud and Cyber security Failures - SecurityWeek
Why The SEC Cyber Security Disclosure Rules Will Improve Cybersecurity (
The UK Online Safety Bill Becomes Law, What Does It Mean? | Hackaday
Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure AI - Infosecurity Magazine (
Setting the standard for cyber security across the EU | Business Post
Models, Frameworks and Standards
Top 12 IT security frameworks and standards explained | TechTarget
MITRE Releases ATT&CK v14 With Improvements to Detections, ICS, Mobile - SecurityWeek
Careers, Working in Cyber and Information Security
UK cyber skills gap grows 29% despite record hiring (
Cyber workforce demand is outpacing supply, survey finds | CyberScoop
Cyber security workforce shortages: 67% report people deficits - Help Net Security
CISO Skills in a Changing Security Market: Are You Prepared? (
Law Enforcement Action and Take Downs
Nation State Actors, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), Cyber Warfare, Cyber Espionage and Geopolitical Threats/Activity
Misc Nation State/Cyber Warfare/Cyber Espionage
Geopolitical Threats/Activity
Hacktivist Activity Related to Gaza Conflict Dwindles (
New BiBi-Linux wiper malware targets Israeli orgs in destructive attacks (
Israel Calls In Hackers And Spyware Companies To Break Into Abductees’ Phones (
Spies and Lies: China’s Cyber Espionage Is on an Unprecedented Level | Mind Matters
Microsoft upgrades security for signing keys in wake of Chinese breach | CyberScoop
Boeing. ‘Sensitive Data’ Reportedly Stolen by Ransomware Group Linked to Russia - The Messenger
Russian hacking tool floods social networks with bots, researchers say (
FSB arrests Russian hackers working for Ukrainian cyber forces (
Russia to launch its own version of VirusTotal due to US snooping fears (
A Ukrainian Company Shares Lessons in Wartime Resilience (
Two Russians indicted for hacking JFK taxi dispatch system • The Register
Iranian Group Tortoiseshell Launches New Wave of IMAPLoader Malware Attacks (
Iranian Cyber Spies Use 'LionTail' Malware in Latest Attacks - SecurityWeek
New Iranian state-sponsored hacking campaign uncovered - SiliconANGLE
FBI Director Warns of Increased Iranian Attacks (
Iran's MuddyWater Targets Israel in New Spear-Phishing Cyber Campaign (
'Scarred Manticore' Unleashes the Most Advanced Iranian Cyber Espionage Yet (
North Korea
Vulnerability Management
Lazarus Group Looking for Unpatched Software Vulnerabilities (
CVSS 4.0 keys-in on threat intelligence metrics and OT, ICS and IoT | SC Media (
Vulnerability management metrics: How to measure success - Help Net Security
From Windows 9x to 11: Tracing Microsoft's security evolution - Help Net Security
It's Cheap to Exploit Software — and That's a Major Security Problem (
Exploit released for critical Cisco IOS XE flaw, many hosts still hacked (
F5 fixes BIG-IP auth bypass allowing remote code execution attacks (
Hackers use Citrix Bleed flaw in attacks on govt networks worldwide (
Cisco Patches 27 Vulnerabilities in Network Security Products - SecurityWeek
Atlassian warns users: patch critical Confluence flaw ASAP • The Register
Researchers Find 34 Windows Drivers Vulnerable to Full Device Takeover (
Urgent: New Security Flaws Discovered in NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes (
D-LINK SQL Injection Vulnerability Let Attacker Escalate Privileges (
3,000 Apache ActiveMQ servers vulnerable to RCE attacks exposed online (
More Than 100 Vulns in Microsoft 365 Tied to SketchUp 3D Library (
No patches yet for Apple iLeakage side-channel attack | TechTarget
HelloKitty Ransomware Group Exploiting Apache ActiveMQ Vulnerability (
iOS 17.1 finally fixes a three-year-old Private Wi-Fi Address security hole | Macworld
Tools and Controls
Companies scramble to integrate immediate recovery into ransomware plans - Help Net Security
Vulnerability management metrics: How to measure success - Help Net Security
6 steps to accelerate cyber security incident response | SC Media (
Ethical hackers are helping more and more business stay safe | TechRadar
Getting Smart With Cyber security: AI Can Help the Good Guys, Too (
Massive cyber crime URL shortening service uncovered via DNS data (
Huge Cyber security Industry Survey Reveals Concerns Over Cuts Amid New Threats - The Messenger
Defence in depth: Layering your security coverage (
Finding the right approach to security awareness - Help Net Security
Mainframes are around to stay, it’s time to protect them - Help Net Security
Reports Published in the Last Week
Other News
Four Under-The-Radar Security Risks That Can Endanger Your Business (
ING CISO says data sharing is key to financial cyber security (
Threat Prevention Begins With IT & Security Team Collaboration (
F5 Labs Report Reveals Rise in Malicious Automation | The Fintech Times
Microsoft Vows to Revamp Security Products After Repeated Hacks - Bloomberg
Microsoft launches Secure Future Initiative to bolster security | TechTarget
The 5 Cs of effective cyber defence: Beyond traditional technical skills | SC Media (
9 Innovative Ways to Boost Security Hygiene for Cyber Awareness Month (
How governments can keep data secure in a digital age - New Statesman
Cyber security insights for secure manufacturing - Aerospace Manufacturing and Design
Demystifying the top five OT security myths | Computer Weekly
20 scary cyber security facts and figures for a haunting Halloween (
Construction among industries most at risk from cyber attacks, insurer warns | News | Building
Sector Specific
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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 22 September 2023
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Intelligence Briefing 22 September 2023:
-New Ransomware Victims Surge by 47% as Small Businesses Targeted
-MGM Resorts Lost Millions of Dollars a Day in What Should be a Wakeup Call for Corporate Boards
-SMEs Overestimate Their Cyber Security Preparedness
-China’s Hacking Power Bigger Than Rest of World Combined
-Cyber Insurance Claims for Ransomware Reach Record High
-Cyber Security Still Remains the Greatest Concern for Many C-Suite Executives
-Bad Torts: Law Firms Feel the Heat from Rising Cyber Threats
-Attacker Deepfakes IT Employees’ Voice in Phone Call to Breach Company
-Insider Risks are Getting Increasingly Costly as Organisations Fail to Proactively Address Them
-Half of Executives Expect Supply Chain Challenges
-How Social Engineering Takes Advantage of Your Kindness
-Employers Blame Employees as 54% of Firms Face Cyber Attacks Annually
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
New Ransomware Victims Surge by 47% as Small Businesses Targeted
Ransomware attackers are shifting away from “big game” targets and towards easier, less defended organisations, a new report from Trend Micro has found. The report observed a 47% increase in the number of new victims of this vector from the second half of 2022, many of which were small organisations with less mature cyber postures. In fact, 57% of victims of the infamous ransomware gang LockBit, were of organisations up to 200 employees.
Small businesses can be attractive targets; they don’t have the budget of a large organisation and therefore they are more likely to have gaps that can be exploited. To combat this, small businesses need to prioritise their security budgets effectively, to allow themselves the most protection that their budget allows.
Source [Infosecurity Magazine]
MGM Resorts Lost Millions of Dollars a Day in What Should be a Wakeup Call for Corporate Boards
The recent ransomware attack on MGM Resorts has resulted in the loss of millions of dollars daily, not accounting for ransomware fees and reputational damage. MGM Resorts are a client of Okta, who noted that Caesars entertainment and three (not named) other organisations have been hit. Although the other victims have not yet been named, it has been revealed that they are in the manufacturing, retail and technology sectors. As a result of the attacks, Beazley and AIG, who provide cyber insurance, are likely to face significant losses.
The attack should act as wakeup call for corporate boards, as it once again highlights how anyone can be a victim, and if the right controls are not in place, an attack won’t be stopped. Cyber incidents are a matter of when, not if, and boards need to ensure they are prepared, and prepared to handle the fallout when an attack happens.
Sources: [Proactive Investors] [Reuters] [Insurance Insider] [OODA Loop] [Claims Journal]
SMEs Overestimate Their Cyber Security Preparedness
According to a recent report, 57% of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have experienced a cyber security breach, with 31% facing such an incident in the past year. Despite the increasing threat, 70% are confident in their defences, though 44% solely rely on their antivirus solutions, and a quarter don't regularly train employees on cyber security best practices or never have.
The report also found that many SMEs either underestimate the importance of robust security, believing they’re too small to be targeted, or put too much trust in their current defences. The increasing number of evolving cyber threats poses a significant risk to SMEs. Rising patterns show frequent and sophisticated attacks, highlighting the urgent need for effective security measures. Understandably, not all small business owners have the resources to obtain in-house cyber security experts. Black Arrow works with organisations of all sizes and sectors to design and prepare for managing a cyber security incident; this can include an Incident Response Plan and an educational tabletop exercise for the leadership team that highlights the proportionate controls to help the organisation prevent and mitigate an incident.
Sources: [Helpnet Security] [Security Magazine]
China’s Hacking Power Bigger Than Rest of World Combined
In a recent conference the director of the FBI highlighted the magnitude of China’s cyber power, most notably explaining that China has a bigger hacking program than the competition combined.
This comes as recent attacks have seen malicious USB drives used to spread malware and now, something we’ve not seen much before, financially motivated hacks by Chinese-speaking actors through a piece of malware known as “ValleyRAT”.
Sources: [Reuters] [Infosecurity Magazine] [WIRED] [Inforisk Today] [TechRadar]
Cyber Insurance Claims for Ransomware Reach Record High
A new report from cyber insurance provider Coalition shows a 12% increase in cyber claims over the first six months of this year, driven by the notable spikes in ransomware (19%), business email compromise (BEC) attacks (26%) and funds transfer fraud (FTF) (31%). The report found that claims severity also increased 61% from the previous six months and 117% over the last year. The average ransom demand was $1.62 million, a 47% increase over the previous six months and a 74% increase over the past year.
The report comes as the FBI and the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a joint advisory warning that ransomware gangs are increasingly evolving their tactics while targeting critical infrastructure sectors, including Information Technology, and Food and Agriculture. The advisory strongly discourages organisations from paying ransoms and encourages victims to report ransomware incidents to a local agency’s reporting channel. Similar advisories were released earlier in the year warning of ransomware groups such as Cl0p who exploited the vulnerability in MOVEit earlier this year.
Sources: [NextGov] [BetanNews] [Security Magazine] [CSO Online]
Cyber Security Still Remains the Greatest Concern for Many C-Suite Executives
Almost three-quarters (73%) of nearly 700 board members surveyed in a new study, believe their organisations are at risk of cyber attack, including targeted attacks; a sizable increase from the 65% last year, according to a recently released Proofpoint report. Worryingly, with the high number believing they are at risk from an attack, 53% still believed they would be unprepared for such an attack. When it came to their main concerns, malware was the top concern (40%), followed by insider threat (36%) and cloud account compromise (36%).
C-suite concern has propelled budgets, with a third of businesses increasing cyber security spending by a significant margin. As IT has become less centralised with a move towards cloud-based systems, combined with a shortage of skilled cyber security workers, businesses are having to rely more heavily on third party security according to a recent report.
This investment, along with improved security communications to executives, should enhance IT upskilling and employee awareness of cyber security.
Sources: [MSSP Alert] [Tech Radar]
Bad Torts: Law Firms Feel the Heat from Rising Cyber Threats
Publicly available reports of ransomware attacks on law firms have accelerated this year, with massive amounts of sensitive client data now in the hands of threat actors, highlighting a growing trend of cyber incidents afflicting the legal business.
One of the reasons law firms are increasingly targeted is due to the amount of sensitive data that they hold. This data can be used for extortion, insider training and general ransom purposes. In addition, many law firms utilise third parties to handle their data, increasing their risk of becoming a victim through their supply chain.
Source: [Synack]
Attacker Deepfakes IT Employees’ Voice in Phone Call to Breach Company
A recent cyber attack used AI to deepfake an IT employee’s voice. The attack started off with a phishing mail, which the unsuspecting victim employee clicked. The attacker then hit a challenge: multi-factor authentication (MFA). That was until they decided to use artificial intelligence to clone the voice of an IT employee. The attacker, now speaking as if they were the IT employee, was then able to convince the victim employee to provide the needed MFA code. As a result, the attack was successful.
The attack highlights the increase in AI for attacks, whilst also demonstrating that cyber security is more than just technology: it is people and operations too. Think about voice cloning, how would your organisation prepare for this?
Sources [PC Mag]
Insider Risks are Getting Increasingly Costly as Organisations Fail to Proactively Address Them
With the cost of insider risk the highest it has ever been (£13.25m per incident), organisations need to effectively budget and find ways to proactively address insider risk. A report found that 55% of money spent on insider incident response went toward problems caused by negligence or mistakes, and 25% for those were caused by actively malicious insiders, with the remaining 20% being attacks that out-smarted employees.
The cost and damage is acknowledged by organisations, with a separate report finding 46% of organisations self-reported that they were actively planning to spend more on proactively addressing insider risk in 2024. Budgets are not infinite however, and organisations need to effectively allocate their spending to ensure they are getting the most protection for their spend.
Sources: [Computer Weekly] [CSO Online]
Half of Executives Expect Supply Chain Challenges
With the surge in the number of attacks taking place through the software supply chain, it is no wonder almost half of executives expect supply chain challenges in the year ahead according to a survey by Deloitte. When asked about their experience, 34% of respondents self-reported that their organisation has experienced one or more supply chain cyber security events during the past year.
One of the ways to improve organisations’ supply chain security is to conduct assessments on the third parties they use, yet 21% of respondents did not do this at all. Potentially, one of the reasons for this is not knowing the correct questions to ask. Black Arrow can support you through a structured approach to asking a suite of targeted questions to your third parties, and assessing the responses for indicators of risk to your business.
Sources [PRnewswire] [SiliconANGLE]
How Social Engineering Takes Advantage of Your Kindness
Last week, MGM Resorts disclosed a massive systems issue that reportedly rendered slot machines, room keys and other critical devices inoperable. What elaborate methods were required to crack a nearly $34 billion casino and hotel empire? According to the hackers themselves, all it took was a ten minute phone call, allowing them to gain access through a simple social engineering attack. Social engineering psychologically manipulates a target into doing what the attacker wants, or giving up information that they shouldn’t. The consequences range from taking down global corporations to devastating the personal finances of unfortunate individual victims.
Extroverted, agreeable, and open individuals are often cyber victims; fear is an attack vector and so is helpfulness. As comfort increases, so too does vulnerability to being hacked. Social engineering attacks target both corporations and individuals. A person’s positive traits can be weaknesses against such threats. Balancing kindness with scepticism is essential.
Source: [Engadget]
Employers Blame Employees as 54% of Firms Face Cyber Attacks Annually
A survey found that despite the percentage of companies that have encountered a cyber security incident in the last 12 months, a worrying 24% of employees have never had any cyber security training. The survey further found that alarmingly 42% of respondents used the same password for both home and work accounts, increasing the risk of exposing their organisational passwords. This risk was furthered by 40% of the total number of respondents keeping their password in an open file or physical notebook.
Organisations, including those already providing training, should look to ensure they implement training from experts that covers such areas; by effectively training employees, organisations will increase their cyber resilience and reduce their risk of suffering a cyber attack. Black Arrow supports organisations of all sizes in designing and delivering proportionate user education and awareness programmes, including in-person and online training as well as simulated phishing campaigns. Our programmes are secure employee engagement and build a cyber security culture to protect the organisation.
Source: [Information Security Buzz]
Governance, Risk and Compliance
Cyber security still remains the greatest concern for many executives | TechRadar
Cyber attacks are constant and test even the best | Newsroom
Companies Struggling With Cyber security: Big Players In Bad Situations (
SMEs overestimate their cyber security preparedness - Help Net Security
Almost Half of Executives Expect Supply Chain Security Challenges in Year Ahead (
Organisations failing to proactively address insider cyber risk | Computer Weekly
Expensive Investigations Drive Surging Data Breach Costs (
Most Global Board Members Unprepared for “Targeted” Cyber attack, Report Finds | MSSP Alert
Changing Role of the CISO: A Holistic Approach Drives the Future (
How to Get Your Board on Board With Cyber security (
Regulatory activity forces compliance leaders to spend more on GRC tools - Help Net Security
Going Up! How to Handle Rising Cyber security Costs (
Balancing budget and system security: Approaches to risk tolerance - Help Net Security
Is Director Liability For Cyber security Failure An Immediate Risk? (
83% of IT Security Professionals Say Burnout Causes Data Breaches (
Why Cyber security Compliance Standards Still Have A Long Way To Go (
Bot Attack Costs Double to $86m Annually - Infosecurity Magazine (
Adapting to new rule changes in cyber risk management: How the SEC changed the game - SiliconANGLE
Poor digital experience a blocker for cyber resilience | Computer Weekly
What is Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)? | TechTarget Definition
How to prevent and prepare for a cyber catastrophe (
2023 Cyber Risk and Resiliency Report: How CIOs Are Dueling Disaster (
Why more security doesn’t mean more effective compliance - Help Net Security
Ransomware, Extortion and Destructive Attacks
Digesting the Digits - 2023 ‘record year’ for ransomware attacks -
Attacks on Casino Giants Heralds Resurgence in Ransomware Attacks (
Beazley and AIG likely to face cyber attack losses on casinos (
LockBit Is Using RMMs to Spread Its Ransomware (
‘Top’ ransomware gangs favour smaller businesses | Computer Weekly
US cyber insurance claims spike amid ransomware, funds transfer fraud, BEC attacks | CSO Online
Ransomware group's evolving tactics pose growing threat - Nextgov/FCW
Malware distributor Storm-0324 facilitates ransomware access | Microsoft Security Blog
Who is behind the latest wave of UK ransomware attacks? | Cyber crime | The Guardian
NCSC: Why Cyber Extortion Attacks No Longer Require Ransomware (
Scattered Spider, Alphv, and the MGM hack, explained - The Hustle
Quadruple extortion ransomware maximising monetisation (
What is Extortionware? How is it Different from Ransomware? (
Ransomware cyber insurance claims rose by 27% | Security Magazine
Cyber insurance claims for ransomware reach record high (
Ransomware gang targeting defence firms, FBI warns - Defence One
Scattered Spider snares 100+ victims, moves into ransomware • The Register
BlackCat ransomware hits Azure Storage with Sphynx encryptor (
FBI, CISA Issue Joint Warning on 'Snatch' Ransomware-as-a-Service (
Critical Infrastructure Organisations Warned of Snatch Ransomware Attacks - Security Week
Healthcare's ransomware defences need more preventative action (
Ransomware vs. resources: A higher education dilemma - eCampus News
Ransomware Victims
Hackers who breached casino giants MGM, Caesars also hit 3 other firms, Okta says | Reuters
Okta Agent Involved in MGM Resorts Breach, Attackers Claim (
Hackers claim it only took a 10-minute phone call to shut down MGM Resorts (
MGM, Caesars Face Regulatory, Legal Maze After Cyber Incidents (
Beazley and AIG likely to face cyber attack losses on casinos (
Greater Manchester Police Hack Follows Third-Party Supplier Fumble (
Clorox products in short supply after cyber attack disrupts operations | CNN Business
Psychiatric hospital near Jerusalem hit by suspected cyber attack | The Times of Israel
UMass Medical School Sued Over MOVEit File-Transfer Data Breach (
UK IT services provider Agilitas hit by Donut ransomware attack? (
Cyber attack blamed for outages at hospitals in Illinois, Wisconsin (
Major trucking software provider confirms ransomware incident (
Handbag maker Radley London hit by RansomHouse cyber attack? (
Phishing & Email Based Attacks
HR phishing: self-evaluation questionnaire | Kaspersky official blog
Phishing victim sends eye-watering $4.5M in USDT to scammer (
BEC – Business Email Compromise
Other Social Engineering; Smishing, Vishing, etc
Hackers claim it only took a 10-minute phone call to shut down MGM Resorts (
How social engineering takes advantage of your kindness (
Artificial Intelligence
Hacker Deepfakes Employee's Voice in Phone Call to Breach IT Company | PCMag
NSA Report: Deepfakes Threaten National Security | MSSP Alert
Microsoft AI Researchers Accidentally Expose 38 Terabytes of Confidential Data (
Artificial Intelligence Making Cyber Crime Harder to Fight (
Companies still don’t know how to handle generative AI risks - Help Net Security
85% of cyber leaders believe AI will outpace cyber defences (
McAfee CEO Greg Johnson on the Cyber security Threat From Generative AI (
Companies Rely on Multiple Methods to Secure Generative AI Tools (
NodeStealer Malware Now Targets Facebook Business Accounts on Multiple Browsers (
Malware distributor Storm-0324 facilitates ransomware access | Microsoft Security Blog
macOS MetaStealer attacks take aim at business Mac users (
Earth Lusca Employs New Linux Backdoor, Uses Cobalt Strike for Lateral Movement (
A mysterious new Chinese malware strain is targeting large firms across the globe | TechRadar
New SprySOCKS Linux malware used in cyber espionage attacks (
Bumblebee malware returns in new attacks abusing WebDAV folders (
Fake WinRAR exploit PoC drops VenomRAT malware | SC Media (
P2PInfect botnet activity surges 600x with stealthier malware variants (
Ukrainian Hacker Suspected to be Behind "Free Download Manager" Malware Attack (
‘Sandman’ hackers backdoor telcos with new LuaDream malware (
Kaspersky uncovers 3-year old supply chain attack campaign (
Dangerous permissions detected in top Android health apps (
Android security updates: Everything you need to know | Android Central
Hook: New Android Banking Trojan That Expands on ERMAC's Legacy (
APT36 state hackers infect Android devices using YouTube app clones (
Bot Attack Costs Double to $86m Annually - Infosecurity Magazine (
P2PInfect botnet activity surges 600x with stealthier malware variants (
Vast majority of bot attacks emanate from China and Russia | SC Media (
Denial of Service/DoS/DDOS
Internet of Things – IoT
Hikvision Intercoms Allow Snooping on Neighbors (
No dedicated hardware security for 66% IoT modules: IoT Analytics (
Data Breaches/Leaks
Pirated Software Likely Cause of Airbus Breach - Infosecurity Magazine (
Microsoft AI Researchers Accidentally Expose 38 Terabytes of Confidential Data (
Police data breach: 20,000 data points 'at risk' (
CardX released a data leak notification impacting their customers in Thailand (
Pizza Hut Australia hack: data breach exposes customer information and order details | Australia
Air Canada says unauthorized group breached employee data, hacked internal system (
83% of IT Security Professionals Say Burnout Causes Data Breaches (
T-Mobile app glitch let users see other people's account info (
T-Mobile Racks Up Third Consumer Data Exposure of 2023 ( a Third of UK
TransUnion says dump of customer data came from third party • The Register
US govt IT worker accused of leaking top secrets • The Register
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Europol lifts the lid on cyber crime tactics (
One of the FBI’s most wanted hackers is trolling the US government | TechCrunch
India's biggest tech centres named as cyber crime hotspots • The Register
Scattered Spider snares 100+ victims, moves into ransomware • The Register
Financially Motivated Hacks by Chinese-Speaking Actors Surge (
Multiple crypto raids net Lazarus Group $290M in 15 weeks | SC Media (
TikTok flooded by 'Elon Musk' cryptocurrency giveaway scams (
Phishing victim sends eye-watering $4.5M in USDT to scammer (
Mark Cuban loses $870k to a crypto scam: ‘They must have been watching’ – DL News
How Sam Bankman-Fried's parents enabled his criminal empire | Fortune Crypto
Insider Risk and Insider Threats
Organisations failing to proactively address insider cyber risk | Computer Weekly
HR’s role in cyber security and insider threat mitigation - Hindustan Times
Fraud, Scams & Financial Crime
Brits Lose $9.3bn to Scams in a Year - Infosecurity Magazine (
US cyber insurance claims spike amid ransomware, funds transfer fraud, BEC attacks | CSO Online
TikTok flooded by 'Elon Musk' cryptocurrency giveaway scams (
Mark Cuban loses $870k to a crypto scam: ‘They must have been watching’ – DL News
How Sam Bankman-Fried's parents enabled his criminal empire | Fortune Crypto
Payment Card-Skimming Campaign Now Targeting Websites in North America (
Court sentences pair for India-based robocall scam • The Register
Shift from UK Analogue to Digital Phone Lines Breeds New SCAMs - ISPreview UK
Singapore to detail fraud liability split for bank & victim • The Register
Cyber insurance claims for ransomware reach record high (
US cyber insurance claims spike amid ransomware, funds transfer fraud, BEC attacks | CSO Online
Beazley and AIG likely to face cyber attack losses on casinos (
Ransomware cyber insurance claims rose by 27% | Security Magazine
Dark Web
Supply Chain and Third Parties
Almost Half of Executives Expect Supply Chain Security Challenges in Year Ahead (
Okta Agent Involved in MGM Resorts Breach, Attackers Claim (
Greater Manchester Police Hack Follows Third-Party Supplier Fumble (
Kaspersky uncovers 3-year old supply chain attack campaign (
Evaluating New Partners and Vendors from an Identity Security Perspective (
How cyber attacks on Taiwan are hurting global business - Raconteur
Software Supply Chain
Why Shared Fate is a Better Way to Manage Cloud Risk (
IBM X-Force: Use of compromised credentials darkens cloud security picture | Network World
Retool blames breach on Google Authenticator MFA cloud sync feature (
Mastering Defence-In-Depth and Data Security in the Cloud Era (
Understanding the Differences Between On-Premises and Cloud Cyber security (
Hybrid/Remote Working
Shadow IT
Identity and Access Management
EU's quest to fix the internet could become a privacy nightmare | TechRadar
UK Minister Warns Meta Over End-to-End Encryption - Security Week
Signal Messenger Introduces PQXDH Quantum-Resistant Encryption (
Open Source
Kaspersky uncovers 3-year old supply chain attack campaign (
Chinese hackers have unleashed a never-before-seen Linux backdoor | Ars Technica
New SprySOCKS Linux malware used in cyber espionage attacks (
Ukrainian Hacker Suspected to be Behind "Free Download Manager" Malware Attack (
Passwords, Credential Stuffing & Brute Force Attacks
Are your end-users' passwords compromised? Here's how to check. (
Why employee login credentials are 'the weakest link in security' (
Social Media
TikTok fined 345m euro by watchdog over how it processed children’s data | The Independent
NodeStealer Malware Now Targets Facebook Business Accounts on Multiple Browsers (
APT36 state hackers infect Android devices using YouTube app clones (
Donald Trump Jr.'s X Account Appears To Have Been Hacked (
UK Minister Warns Meta Over End-to-End Encryption - Security Week
TikTok flooded by 'Elon Musk' cryptocurrency giveaway scams (
Training, Education and Awareness
Parental Controls and Child Safety
Regulations, Fines and Legislation
UK Minister Warns Meta Over End-to-End Encryption - Security Week
EU's quest to fix the internet could become a privacy nightmare | TechRadar
TikTok Is Hit With $368 Million Fine Under Europe's Strict Data Privacy Rules - Security Week
MGM, Caesars Face Regulatory, Legal Maze After Cyber Incidents (
California Settles With Google Over Location Privacy Practices for $93 Million - Security Week
Why Cyber security Compliance Standards Still Have A Long Way To Go (
Adapting to new rule changes in cyber risk management: How the SEC changed the game - SiliconANGLE
Models, Frameworks and Standards
How to Interpret the 2023 MITRE ATT&CK Evaluation Results (
How NIST Cyber security Framework 2.0 Tackles Risk Management (
Data Protection
Careers, Working in Cyber and Information Security
Expert: Three Skills Cyber security Professionals Should Have in 2024 (
83% of IT Security Professionals Say Burnout Causes Data Breaches (
IT pros told to accept burnout as normal part of their job - Help Net Security
Wanted: another 3mn cyber professionals | Financial Times (
Law Enforcement Action and Take Downs
How the FBI Fights Back Against Worldwide Cyber attacks (
Court sentences pair for India-based robocall scam • The Register
Finnish Authorities Dismantle Notorious PIILOPUOTI Dark Web Drug Marketplace (
Privacy, Surveillance and Mass Monitoring
California Settles With Google Over Location Privacy Practices for $93 Million - Security Week
TikTok fined 345m euro by watchdog over how it processed children’s data | The Independent
EU's quest to fix the internet could become a privacy nightmare | TechRadar
Misinformation, Disinformation and Propaganda
Nation State Actors, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), Cyber Warfare and Cyber Espionage
China, Russia ‘Prepared’ to Use Cyber If War Breaks Out, US Warns (
International Criminal Court hacked amid Russia probe • The Register
Portuguese company detects 961 pro-Russian cyber attacks in Western Europe –
Vast majority of bot attacks emanate from China and Russia | SC Media (
One of the FBI’s most wanted hackers is trolling the US government | TechCrunch
Senators want clarity from Pentagon on Ukraine Starlink access fiasco | SC Media (
Russian allegedly smuggled US weapons electronics to Moscow • The Register
China, Russia ‘Prepared’ to Use Cyber If War Breaks Out, US Warns (
FBI chief says China has bigger hacking program than the competition combined | Reuters
EU warns China on Ukraine disinformation and cyber attacks – POLITICO
Chinese Spies Infected Dozens of Networks With Thumb Drive Malware | WIRED
Chinese hackers have unleashed a never-before-seen Linux backdoor | Ars Technica
Trouble brews after embassy worker finds spy bug in China teapot (
Vast majority of bot attacks emanate from China and Russia | SC Media (
A mysterious new Chinese malware strain is targeting large firms across the globe | TechRadar
Financially Motivated Hacks by Chinese-Speaking Actors Surge (
Growing Chinese Tech Influence in Africa Spurs 'Soft Power' Concerns (
How cyber attacks on Taiwan are hurting global business - Raconteur
DoD: China's ICS Cyber Onslaught Aimed at Gaining Kinetic Warfare Advantage (
Microsoft: 'Peach Sandstorm' Cyber attacks Target Defence, Pharmaceutical Orgs (
Pro-Iranian Attackers Target Israeli Railroad Network (
North Korea
Multiple crypto raids net Lazarus Group $290M in 15 weeks | SC Media (
How a North Korean cyber group impersonated a Washington D.C. analyst (
Misc Nation State/Cyber Warfare
Vulnerability Management
KEV Catalog Reaches 1000, What Does That Mean and What Have We Learned | CISA
Vulnerability management, its impact and threat modeling methodologies (
How SBOMs Help Uncover Vulnerabilities In Enterprise Applications (
Fortinet Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products | CISA
Critical Trend Micro vulnerability exploited in the wild (CVE-2023-41179) - Help Net Security
iOS 17.0.1 re-patches 3 actively exploited security flaws - 9to5Mac
If you're still using WinRAR, watch out for this dangerous exploit - and please stop | TechRadar
GitLab Releases Urgent Security Patches for Critical Vulnerability (
Microsoft releases firmware update for all Surface devices | TechSpot
Tools and Controls
Expensive Investigations Drive Surging Data Breach Costs (
Enterprise networks are evolving; your security architecture needs to evolve, too (
Think Your MFA and PAM Solutions Protect You? Think Again (
Do You Really Trust Your Web Application Supply Chain? (
Regulatory activity forces compliance leaders to spend more on GRC tools - Help Net Security
Going Up! How to Handle Rising Cyber security Costs (
Shadow IT: Security policies may be a problem - Help Net Security
Balancing budget and system security: Approaches to risk tolerance - Help Net Security
How NIST Cyber security Framework 2.0 Tackles Risk Management (
How Choosing Authentication Is a Business-Critical Decision (
Understanding the Differences Between On-Premises and Cloud Cyber security (
Adapting to new rule changes in cyber risk management: How the SEC changed the game - SiliconANGLE
Reports Published in the Last Week
Other News
Why automakers are worried your car is the next target for cyber attacks - CityAM
Consumers are being bombarded with billions of threats every year | TechRadar
Bad torts: Law firms feel the heat from rising cyber threats (
SME Cyber Security – Time for a New Approach? - IT Security Guru
Time to Demand IT Security by Design and Default - Infosecurity Magazine (
Australia’s new cyber security strategy: Build “cyber shields” around the country | CSO Online
Home Office sets up cyber security for Emergency Services Network | UKAuthority
Cyber security Tops Business Risks Challenging European Auditors (
Energy Is the Most-Targeted Sector for Cyber attacks: Here’s What to Do (
Cyber on the battlefield is about more than IT - Nextgov/FCW
Every Network Is Now an OT Network. Can Your Security Keep Up? - Security Week
Pentagon's 2023 Cyber Strategy Focuses on Helping Allies - Security Week
Singapore's retail banks take steps to enhance cyber security (
Experts fret over fate of CISA cyber programs as shutdown clouds loom | SC Media (
Strong compliance management is crucial for fintech-bank partnerships - Help Net Security
Rail Travel Free in Estonia as Cyber Attack Disrupts Ticketing (
Dairy industry teams with cyber security group to beef up defences | Food Dive
Securing Eurovision’s online voting system against cyber attacks (
GCHQ chief takes job in private security company | The Independent
Sector Specific
Industry specific threat intelligence reports are available.
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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 02 June 2023
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 02 June 2023:
-How to Keep Cyber Attacks from Tanking Your Balance Sheet
-Company Size Doesn’t Matter When It Comes to Cyber Attacks
-‘Exceptional’ Cyber Attacks Now Normal, says BT Security Chief
-How State-Sponsored/Advanced Persistent Threat Groups (APTs) Target SMBs
-Phishing Campaigns Thrive as Evasive Tactics Outsmart Conventional Detection
-Don't be Polite When you Get a Text from a Wrong Number
-Capita Cyber Attack: 90 Downstream Organisations Reported Data Breaches
-Travel-Themed Phishing, BEC Campaigns Get Smarter as Summer Season Arrives
-Organisations Spend 100 Hours Battling Post-Delivery Email Threats
-Ransomware Gangs Adopting Business-like Practices to Boost Profits
-The Sobering Truth About Ransomware—For The 80% Who Paid Up
-The Great CISO Resignation: Why Security Leaders are Quitting in Droves
-When is it Time for a Cyber Hygiene Audit?
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
How to Keep Cyber Attacks from Tanking Your Balance Sheet
According to a recent Forrester report, last year saw 1 billion records exposed in the top 35 breaches, $2.6 billion stolen in the top nine cryptocurrency breaches, and $2.7 billion in fines levied to the top 35 violators.
The average cost of a data breach reached $4.35 million in 2022, according to IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report for that year, which represents a 2.6% increase over the prior year, and a 12.7% increase from 2020. For ransomware, a report found the average payment in 2021 was approximately $1.85 million, more than double the $760,000 figure from 2020. These are just direct costs; indirect costs are far greater and can include lost business, lost customers, reputational loss and regulatory fines.
When it comes to managing cyber risk, corporate boards should look to understand cyber security as a strategic business enabler, understand the impacts, align risk-management with business needs, ensure the organisation supports cyber security, incorporate cyber security expertise into governance and encourage systemic resilience.
Company Size Doesn’t Matter When It Comes to Cyber Attacks
65% of large organisations suffered a cyber attack within the last 12 months, which is similar to the results among companies of all sizes (68%), according to a recent report. The most common security incidents were the same for all companies; these were phishing, ransomware and user account compromise, also known as business email compromise (BEC).
Smaller companies often underestimate their risk, with the reasoning that cyber criminals want the biggest targets as they will likely have more intellectual property, however all businesses have valuable data and are therefore a target. Additionally, smaller organisations can sometimes be seen as a way into larger organisations that use their services.
‘Exceptional’ Cyber Attacks Now Normal, says BT Security Chief
The threat of cyber attacks is growing at an “unprecedented” pace, according to the chief security officer at multinational teleco BT, Howard Watson, but it is not just large organisations such as BT who will be impacted by this increase.
Watson highlighted that the increase in sophisticated technology poses the biggest threat in the long run: “Technological advancement, as ever, is a double-edged sword in security. Quantum and AI have great potential for benefits in the right hands, or to cause massive damage in the wrong hands. But we know that cyber criminals will utilise these technologies, so we have to be able to respond in kind.” Adding to this, the chief security officer highlighted that events that were previously considered as ‘exceptional’ need to be assessed and planned for as a probability, rather than a possibility.
How State-Sponsored/Advanced Persistent Threat Groups (APTs) Target SMBs
Small and medium businesses (SMBs) are not exempt from being targeted by advanced persistent threat (APT) actors, according to Proofpoint researchers who collected data from over 200,000 SMB customers. Proofpoint identified a rise in phishing campaigns originating from such state-sponsored APT groups, who are highly skilled and typically state-sponsored groups with distinct strategic goals. These goals range from espionage and intellectual property theft to destructive attacks, state-sponsored financial theft, and disinformation campaigns.
Unfortunately, SMBs often lack adequate cyber security measures, making them vulnerable to all kinds of cyber threats. APT actors exploit this weakness by targeting SMBs as a stepping stone towards achieving their larger goals.
Alongside phishing campaigns, it was identified that APTs are increasingly targeting regional outsourced IT providers/Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to mount supply chain attacks. By compromising regional MSPs within geographies that align with the strategic collection requirements of APT actors, threat actors can gain access to multiple SMBs to extract sensitive information or execute further attacks.
Phishing Campaigns Thrive as Evasive Tactics Outsmart Conventional Detection
According to research, 2022 saw a 25% increase in the use of phishing kits. These phishing kits are a set of tools that enable cyber criminals to effortlessly create and maintain large scale sophisticated phishing campaigns. It is this sophistication that allows cyber criminals to circumnavigate conventional detections; in fact, the research found a 40% increase in the use of anti-bot technologies designed to prevent automated scanners from identifying content as phishing.
In some cases (11% of observed phishing kits) malicious links would not be detected when tested by anti-phishing controls because those controls do not use the exact device parameters, geolocation and referrer of the intended target victim’s profile; therefore the malicious link is allowed to be delivered to the intended target.
Don't be Polite When you Get a Text from a Wrong Number
You should immediately be suspicious of any text you get from a number not in your contacts, even if it may be innocent looking. Your first reaction may be to be polite and let them know they have the wrong number, but this person is a stranger. Strangely, despite teaching our children not to talk to strangers, many are comfortable with divulging information to them. Although letting them know they made a mistake seems harmless, responding opens you up to being scammed and you’ve just let them know you’re a real person. Every bit of helpful information you provide has the potential to be leveraged by an attacker.
Capita Cyber Attack: 90 Downstream Organisations Reported Data Breaches
90 organisations have reported breaches of personal information held by Capita after the outsourcing group had suffered a cyber attack, according to Britain’s data watchdog. The attack on Capita, which occurred in March, is still impacting businesses, with the UK Information Commissioners Office (ICO) making enquiries. Organisations must notify the ICO within 72 hours of becoming aware of a personal data breach.
The impact of the attack, and its knock-on effect, highlights the need for organisations to consider their third party security, no matter the size of the third party they use.
Travel-Themed Phishing, BEC Campaigns Get Smarter as Summer Season Arrives
A recent survey from McAfee found that nearly a third (30%) of adults have fallen victim or know someone who has fallen victim to an online scam when bargain hunting for travel deals during the summer season, with a full two-thirds of victims losing up to $1,000.
This has extended to the corporate environment, with threat actors impersonating the HR department and exploiting the trust users place in their employers, a report has found. The attack leverages regular HR procedures associated with holiday requests and taps into the anticipation and excitement surrounding the summer travel season, to capitalise on exploiting the user.
Organisations Spend 100 Hours Battling Post-Delivery Email Threats
Nearly every victim of a spear-phishing attack in the last 12 months saw impacts on their organisation, including malware infections, stolen data, and reputational damage, according to Barracuda Networks. The research shows that cyber criminals continue to barrage organisations with targeted email attacks, and many companies are struggling to keep up.
While spear-phishing attacks are low-volume, they are widespread and highly successful compared to other types of email attacks. On average, organisations take nearly 100 hours to identify, respond to, and remediate a post-deliver email threat: 43 hours to detect the attack and 56 hours to respond and remediate after the attack is detected.
Users at companies with more than a 50% remote workforce report higher levels of suspicious emails: 12 per day on average, compared to 9 per day for those with less than a 50% remote workforce. Companies with more than a 50% remote workforce also reported that it takes longer to both detect and respond to email security incidents: 55 hours to detect and 63 hours to respond and mitigate, compared to an average of 36 hours and 51 hours respectively for organisations with fewer remote workers.
Ransomware Gangs Adopting Business-like Practices to Boost Profits
Ransomware gangs are using a variety of business-like practices to boost profits, making it more difficult for defenders to differentiate various groups, a new report by WithSecure has surmised. This move towards mirroring legitimate businesses practices means that tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) are blurring.
The underground marketplace now includes entities including ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) groups, Initial Access Brokers (IAB), crypter-as-a-service (CaaS), cryptojackers, malware-as-a-service (MaaS) groups and nation-state actors. This allows nation-states to use tools available on the underground market to gain access to networks and systems without being detected. Ultimately, this trend towards professionalisation makes the expertise and resources to attack organisations accessible to lesser-skilled or poorly resourced threat actors.
The Sobering Truth about Ransomware—for the 80% Who Paid Up
Newly published research of 1,200 organisations impacted by ransomware reveals a sobering truth that awaits many of those who decide to pay the ransom. According to research, 80% of the organisations surveyed decided to pay the demanded ransom in order to both end the ongoing cyber attack and recover otherwise lost data. This is despite 41% of those organisations having a “do not pay” policy in place, which only goes to reinforce the cold hard fact that cyber crime isn’t an easy landscape to navigate. This is something that’s especially true when your business is facing the real-world impact of dealing with a ransomware attack.
Of the 960 organisations that paid a ransom, 201 of them (21%) were still unable to recover their lost data. The same number also reported that ransomware attacks were now excluded from their insurance policies. Of those organisations with cyber insurance cover, 74% reported a rise in premiums. Another report, published by Sophos, revealed that 32% of those surveyed opted to pay the ransom but a shocking 92% failed to recover all their data and 29% were unable to recover more than half of the encrypted data.
Some groups have switched to stealing sensitive customer or corporate data instead, with the ransom demanded in return for them not selling it to the highest bidder or publishing it online. Many groups combine the two for a double extortion ransomware attack.
The Great CISO Resignation: Why Security Leaders are Quitting in Droves
With the rise in AI tools such as ChatGPT broadening an attacker’s arsenal, this places greater and greater pressure on security leaders who are already dealing with shrinking budgets, skeleton crew staff and a conglomeration of security tools and protocols — so much so that they are increasingly quitting. A recent report found that nearly a third (32%) of CISOs in the US and UK were considering leaving their current organisation and 9 out of 10 reported themselves as “moderately” or “tremendously” stressed.
This so-called Great CISO Resignation is concerning, because what happens when there’s nobody guarding the gate and rallying the troops?
When is it Time for a Cyber Hygiene Audit?
Effective cyber hygiene practices limit threats against your systems, devices and users, preventing breaches that could compromise sensitive business information, database information, and personal data. But cyber hygiene isn’t a static or one-off process. It requires routine execution and, occasionally, a full audit. This audit typically covers a range of aspects including encryption, documentation, authentication, patches, security and ongoing cyber hygiene.
Good cyber hygiene is a necessary part of maintaining IT security. Setting up processes and procedures within your organisation’s regular operating procedures is an effective way to maintain cyber hygiene. Although the responsibilities may differ by position, everyone in the organisation plays a role.
An audit provides important information on where and where you need to improve. It also provides a baseline for measuring improvement and effectiveness. The key to success is to integrate hygiene into routine process starting top down from policies into every part of the business and making use of third party experts to help aid in the process.
Governance, Risk and Compliance
Company size doesn't matter when it comes to cyber attacks - Help Net Security
How to Keep Cyber attacks from Tanking Your Balance Sheet (
The great CISO resignation: Why security leaders are quitting in droves - SDxCentral
‘Exceptional’ cyber attacks now normal, says BT security chief (
HowTo: Improve Your Cyber Resilience - Infosecurity Magazine (
The strategic importance of digital trust for modern businesses - Help Net Security
Vendors: Threat actor taxonomies are confusing but essential | TechTarget
Experts Not Willing To Wager A Candy Bar On Their Security (
Breaking Enterprise Silos and Improving Protection – Security Week
Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: 17 Consequences And Complications (
Insider risk management: Where your program resides shapes its focus | CSO Online
Ransomware, Extortion and Destructive Attacks
Attackers leave organisations with no recovery option - Help Net Security
The Sobering Truth About Ransomware—For The 80% Who Paid Up (
Rogue IT security worker failed to cover his tracks | Tripwire
Organisations Worldwide Targeted in Rapidly Evolving Buhti Ransomware Operation – Security Week
The Week in Ransomware - May 26th 2023 - Cities Under Attack (
Cyble — Obsidian ORB Ransomware Demands Gift Cards as Payment
AceCryptor: Cyber criminals' Powerful Weapon, Detected in 240K+ Attacks (
BlackCat (ALPHV) Ransomware Levels Up for Stealth, Speed and Exfiltration (
Investigating BlackSuit Ransomware’s Similarities to Royal (
Fighting ransomware: Perspectives from cyber security professionals - Help Net Security
Ransomware Victims
New York county still dealing with ransomware 8 months later • The Register
ABB confirms data stolen in Black Basta ransomware attack | SC Media (
SAS Airlines hit by $3 million ransom demand following DDoS attacks (
Industrial Giant ABB Confirms Ransomware Attack, Data Theft – Security Week
MCNA Dental data breach impacts 8.9 million people after ransomware attack (
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care ransomware attack hits 2.5 million people (
Cyble — Bl00dy Ransomware Targets Indian University: Actively Exploiting PaperCut Vulnerability
Phishing & Email Based Attacks
Phishing campaigns thrive as evasive tactics outsmart conventional detection - Help Net Security
Organisations spend 100 hours battling post-delivery email threats - Help Net Security
Phishing remained the top identity abuser in 2022: IDSA report | CSO Online
New phishing technique poses as a browser-based file archiver | CSO Online
Sustained 'Red Deer' Phishing Attacks Impersonate Israel Post, Drop RATs (
North Korean phishing gang stole rocket tech info • The Register
Artificial Intelligence
AI: War crimes evidence erased by social media platforms - BBC News
Artificial Intelligence's Risks and Rewards in Cyber security (
ChatGPT Plugins Open Security Holes From PDFs, Websites and More | Tom's Hardware (
What not to share with ChatGPT if you use it for work | Mashable
Is ChatGPT a cyber security disaster? We asked the experts | Digital Trends
Generative AI: The new attack vector for trust and safety - Help Net Security
QBot malware abuses Windows WordPad EXE to infect devices (
New Stealthy Bandit Stealer Targeting Web Browsers and Cryptocurrency Wallets (
Raspberry Pi Malware Infects Using Default Username and Password | Tom's Hardware (
Tracking down a trojan: An inside look at threat hunting in a corporate network (
RomCom malware spread via Google Ads for ChatGPT, GIMP, more (
Stealthy SeroXen RAT malware increasingly used to target gamers (
Terminator antivirus killer is a vulnerable Windows driver in disguise (
Top macOS Malware Threats: Here Are 6 to Watch (
PyPI malware ramps up the threat to the code repository • The Register
Evasive QBot Malware Leverages Short-lived Residential IPs for Dynamic Attacks (
Cyber criminals use legitimate websites to obfuscate malicious payloads - Help Net Security
North Korean ScarCruft Hackers Exploit LNK Files to Spread RokRAT (
Don't be polite when you get a text from a wrong number |
Predator Android Spyware: Researchers Uncover New Data Theft Capabilities (
Android threat: 'Guerrilla' virus sneakily snuck onto 8.9m phones (
Operation Triangulation: previously undetected malware targets iOS devices - Security Affairs
Russian government accuses Apple of colluding with NSA in iPhone spy operation | CyberScoop
Android apps with spyware installed 421 million times from Google Play (
Active Mirai Botnet Variant Exploiting Zyxel Devices for DDoS Attacks (
What Are Botnet Attacks & Explained Prevention Techniques | EC-Council (
Denial of Service/DoS/DDOS
SAS Airlines hit by $3 million ransom demand following DDoS attacks (
Active Mirai Botnet Variant Exploiting Zyxel Devices for DDoS Attacks (
Internet of Things – IoT
Active Mirai Botnet Variant Exploiting Zyxel Devices for DDoS Attacks (
Home routers helped Chinese hackers breach US Navy networks (
Hackers Win $105,000 for Reporting Critical Security Flaws in Sonos One Speakers (
Solar panels vulnerable to hackers, concern for network security -
Data Breaches/Leaks
Tesla Whistleblower Leaks 100GB of Data, Revealing Safety Complaints (
Dutch watchdog looking into alleged Tesla data breach | Reuters
NHS data breach: trusts shared patient details with Facebook without consent | Health | The Guardian
The root causes of API incidents and data breaches - Help Net Security
Pentagon Leaks Emphasise the Need for a Trusted Workforce (
Yet Another Toyota Cloud Data Breach Jeopardises Thousands of Customers (
Hacking forum hacked, user database leaked online • Graham Cluley
Risk & Repeat: A troubling trend of poor breach disclosures | TechTarget
New MOVEit Transfer zero-day mass-exploited in data theft attacks (
Workforce platform Prosperix leaks drivers licenses and medical records - Security Affairs
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
US intelligence research agency examines cyber psychology to outwit criminal hackers | CyberScoop
What is the Cyber Crime Atlas? How it can help disrupt cyber crime | CSO Online
New hacking forum leaks data of 478,000 RaidForums members (
Hacking forum hacked, user database leaked online • Graham Cluley
Tricks of the trade: How a cyber crime ring operated a multi‑level fraud scheme | WeLiveSecurity
3 signs your kids may be hackers and what to do about it | Euronews
“I was a teenage hacker”: Two child hackers share their stories | Euronews
New Stealthy Bandit Stealer Targeting Web Browsers and Cryptocurrency Wallets (
Hacked DJ's Twitter account costs cryptocurrency investors $170,000 (
Cyber criminals Targeting Apache NiFi Instances for Cryptocurrency Mining (
Insider Risk and Insider Threats
Rogue IT security worker failed to cover his tracks | Tripwire
Pentagon Leaks Emphasise the Need for a Trusted Workforce (
Insider risk management: Where your program resides shapes its focus | CSO Online
Fraud, Scams & Financial Crime
Don't be polite when you get a text from a wrong number | kens5.comTricks of the trade: How a cyber crime ring operated a multi‑level fraud scheme | WeLiveSecurity
HMRC in New Tax Credits Scam Warning - Infosecurity Magazine (
Why You Need Cyber Insurance and How to Obtain It - Arctic Wolf
Cyber Insurance: A Growth Market for Insurers With Some Caveats (
Dark Web
Supply Chain and Third Parties
Software Supply Chain
One of Microsoft Azure's top tools has a serious security flaw | TechRadar
Top public cloud security concerns for the media and entertainment industry - Help Net Security
Cloud Security: Don’t Confuse Vendor and Tool Consolidation - The New Stack
Why organisations should adopt a cloud cyber security framework - Help Net Security
Can Cloud Services Encourage Better Login Security? Netflix's Accidental Model (
Hybrid/Remote Working
Shadow IT
Identity and Access Management
Open Source
Passwords, Credential Stuffing & Brute Force Attacks
Raspberry Pi Malware Infects Using Default Username and Password | Tom's Hardware (
Swiss real estate agency Neho fails to put a password on its systems - Security Affairs
Can Cloud Services Encourage Better Login Security? Netflix's Accidental Model (
Social Media
NHS data breach: trusts shared patient details with Facebook without consent | Health | The Guardian
Twitter pulls out of voluntary EU disinformation code - BBC News
AI: War crimes evidence erased by social media platforms - BBC News
Training, Education and Awareness
Travel-Themed Phishing, BEC Campaigns Get Smarter as Summer Season Arrives (
US court finds that border phone searches need a warrant • The Register
Parental Controls and Child Safety
3 signs your kids may be hackers and what to do about it | Euronews
“I was a teenage hacker”: Two child hackers share their stories | Euronews
Regulations, Fines and Legislation
OneMain pays $4.5M after ignored security flaws caused data breaches | SC Media (
Netflix warns it may remove content from UK catalogue over government media bill | The Independent
Models, Frameworks and Standards
Data Protection
Careers, Working in Cyber and Information Security
Ways to Help Cyber security's Essential Workers Avoid Burnout (
Managing mental health in cyber security - Help Net Security
ISACA pledges to help grow cyber security workforce in Europe | CSO Online
Law Enforcement Action and Take Downs
Privacy, Surveillance and Mass Monitoring
Misinformation, Disinformation and Propaganda
Spyware, Cyber Espionage & Cyber Warfare, including Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Ukraine war blurs lines between cyber crims and state hacks • The Register
Pegasus Spyware Is Detected in a War Zone for the First Time | WIRED
Russian government accuses Apple of colluding with NSA in iPhone spy operation | CyberScoop
How giant pieces of spyware are shaping our views and our world | Evening Standard
Predator may have more spyware capabilities than we know • The Register
Cyberweapon manufacturers plot to stay on the right side of US | Financial Times (
Suspected Russia-trained spy whale reappears off Sweden’s coast | Sweden | The Guardian
AI: War crimes evidence erased by social media platforms - BBC News
Nation State Actors
China hacking Guam: Can the US stop foreign cyber attacks? | The Week
Russian government accuses Apple of colluding with NSA in iPhone spy operation | CyberScoop
US sanctions orgs behind North Korea’s ‘illicit’ IT worker army (
Home routers helped Chinese hackers breach US Navy networks (
Investigation Launched After London City Airport Website Hacked (
Taiwan rushes to prevent China from cutting off internet and phones | The Japan Times
North Korea says spy satellite launch crashed into sea - BBC News
Dark Pink hackers continue to target govt and military organisations (
The next Chinese tech threat is already here | The Spectator
North Korean phishing gang stole rocket tech info • The Register
North Korea's Kimsuky Group Mimics Key Figures in Targeted Cyber Attacks (
North Korean ScarCruft Hackers Exploit LNK Files to Spread RokRAT (
Vulnerability Management
Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: 17 Consequences And Complications (
Implementing Risk-Based Vulnerability Discovery and Remediation (
Focus Security Efforts on Choke Points, Not Visibility (
New MOVEit Transfer zero-day mass-exploited in data theft attacks (
Zero-day vulnerability in MoveIt Transfer under attack | TechTarget
Alert: Hackers Exploit Barracuda Email Security Gateway 0-Day Flaw for 7 Months (
WordPress plugin ‘Gravity Forms’ vulnerable to PHP object injection (
WordPress force installs critical Jetpack patch on 5 million sites (
Microsoft finds macOS bug that lets hackers bypass SIP root restrictions (
Zyxel patches vulnerability in NAS devices (CVE-2023-27988) - Help Net Security
Critical Firmware Vulnerability in Gigabyte Systems Exposes ~7 Million Devices (
Millions of Gigabyte Motherboards Were Sold With a Firmware Backdoor | WIRED
Barracuda Email Security Gateway under active attack • The Register
MacOS 'Migraine' Bug: Big Headache for Device System Integrity (
FTC accuses Amazon of nightmare IoT security fails • The Register
Critical Vulnerabilities Found in Faronics Education Software – Security Week
Tools and Controls
HowTo: Improve Your Cyber Resilience - Infosecurity Magazine (
The strategic importance of digital trust for modern businesses - Help Net Security
Vendors: Threat actor taxonomies are confusing but essential | TechTarget
Artificial Intelligence's Risks and Rewards in Cyber security (
Digital nomads drive changes in identity verification - Help Net Security
Tracking down a trojan: An inside look at threat hunting in a corporate network (
The Top 10 endpoint security challenges and how to overcome them | VentureBeat
Why You Need Cyber Insurance and How to Obtain It - Arctic Wolf
Cloud Security: Don’t Confuse Vendor and Tool Consolidation - The New Stack
Disaster recovery challenges enterprise CISOs face - Help Net Security
Implementing Risk-Based Vulnerability Discovery and Remediation (
Research Reveals UK Firms Plan to Embrace New Era of Digital Identity- IT Security Guru
Reports Published in the Last Week
Sector Specific
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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 21 January 2022
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 21 January 2022
-Cyber Risks Top Worldwide Business Concerns In 2022
-Bosses Think That Security Is Taken Care Of: CISOs Aren't So Sure
-Fraud Is On the Rise, and It's Going to Get Worse
-Two-Fifths of Ransomware Victims Still Paying Up
-Less Than a Fifth of Cyber Leaders Feel Confident Their Organisation is Cyber-Resilient
-Endpoint Malware And Ransomware Detections Hit All-Time High
-End Users Remain Organisations' Biggest Security Risk
-Supply Chain Disruptions Rose In 2021
-Red Cross Begs Attackers Not to Leak Stolen Data for 515K People
-DHL Dethrones Microsoft As Most Imitated Brand In Phishing Attacks
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Cyber Risks Top Worldwide Business Concerns In 2022
Cyber perils are the biggest concern for companies globally in 2022, according to the Allianz Risk Barometer. The threat of ransomware attacks, data breaches or major IT outages worries companies even more than business and supply chain disruption, natural disasters or the COVID-19 pandemic, all of which have heavily affected firms in the past year.
Cyber incidents tops the Allianz Risk Barometer for only the second time in the survey’s history (44% of responses), Business interruption drops to a close second (42%) and Natural catastrophes ranks third (25%), up from sixth in 2021. Climate change climbs to its highest-ever ranking of sixth (17%, up from ninth), while Pandemic outbreak drops to fourth (22%).
The annual survey incorporates the views of 2,650 experts in 89 countries and territories, including CEOs, risk managers, brokers and insurance experts. View the full global and country risk rankings.
Bosses Think That Security Is Taken Care Of: CISOs Aren't So Sure
The World Economic Forum warns about a significant gap in understanding between C-suites and information security staff - but it's possible to close the gap.
Organisations could find themselves at risk from cyberattacks because of a significant gap between the views of their own security experts and the boardroom.
The World Economic Forum's new report, The Global Cyber Security Outlook 2022, warns there are big discrepancies between bosses and information security personnel when it comes to the state of cyber resilience within organisations.
According to the paper, 92% of business executives surveyed agree that cyber resilience is integrated into enterprise risk management strategies – or in other words, protecting the organisation against falling victim to a cyberattack, or mitigating the incident so it doesn't result in significant disruption.
However, only 55% of security-focused executives believe that cyber resilience is integrated into risk management strategies – indicating a significant divide in attitudes to cyber security.
This gap can leave organisations vulnerable to cyberattacks, because boardrooms believe enough has been done in order to mitigate threats, while in reality there could be unconsidered vulnerabilities or extra measures put in place.
Fraud Is On the Rise, and It's Going to Get Worse
The acceleration of the digital transformation resulted in a surge of online transactions, greater adoption of digital payments, and increased fraud.
As more daily activities — work, education, shopping, and entertainment — shift online, fraud is also on the rise. A trio of recent reports paint a bleak picture, highlighting concerns that companies are experiencing increasing losses from fraud and that the situation will get worse over the coming year.
In KPMG's survey of senior risk executives, 67% say their companies have experienced external fraud in the past 12 months, and 38% expect the risk of fraud committed by external perpetrators to somewhat increase in the next year. External fraud, which includes credit card fraud and identity theft, is specifically referring to incidents perpetuated by individuals outside the company. For most of these respondents, there was a financial impact: Forty-two percent say their organisations experienced 0.5% to 1% of loss as a result of fraud and cybercrime.
Two-Fifths of Ransomware Victims Still Paying Up
Two-fifths (39%) of ransomware victims paid their extorters over the past three years, with the majority of these spending at least $100,000, according to new Anomali research.
The security vendor hired The Harris Poll to complete its Cyber Resiliency Survey – interviewing 800 security decision-makers in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, the UAE, Mexico and Brazil.
Some 87% said their organisation had been the victim of a successful attack resulting in damage, disruption, or a breach since 2019. However, 83% said they’d experienced more attacks since the start of the pandemic.
Over half (52%) were ransomware victims, with 39% paying up. Of these, 58% gave their attackers between $100,000 and $1m, while 7% handed over more than $1m.
Less Than a Fifth of Cyber Leaders Feel Confident Their Organisation is Cyber-Resilient
Less than one-fifth (17%) of cyber leaders feel confident that their organisations are cyber-resilient, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s inaugural Global Cyber Security Outlook 2022 report.
The study, written in collaboration with Accenture, revealed there is a wide perception gap between business executives and security leaders on the issue of cyber security. For example, 92% of businesses believe cyber-resilience is integrated into their enterprise risk-management strategies, compared to just 55% of cyber leaders.
This difference in attitude appears to be having worrying consequences. The WEF said that many security leaders feel that they are not consulted in security decisions, and only 68% believe cyber-resilience forms a major part of their organisation’s overall corporate risk management.
In addition, over half (59%) of all cyber leaders admitted they would find it challenging to respond to a cyber security incident due to a shortage of skills within their team.
Supply chain security was another major concern among cyber leaders, with almost nine in 10 (88%) viewing SMEs as a key threat to supply chains.
Interestingly, 59% of cyber leaders said cyber-resilience and cyber security are synonymous, with the differences not well understood.
Endpoint Malware And Ransomware Detections Hit All-Time High
Endpoint malware and ransomware detections surpassed the total volume seen in 2020 by the end of Q3 2021, according to researchers at the WatchGuard Threat Lab. In its latest report, WatchGuard also highlights that a significant percentage of malware continues to arrive over encrypted connections.
While zero-day malware increased by just 3% to 67.2% in Q3 2021, the percentage of malware that arrived via Transport Layer Security (TLS) jumped from 31.6% to 47%. Data shows that many organisations are not decrypting these connections and therefore have poor visibility into the amount of malware hitting their networks.
End Users Remain Organisations' Biggest Security Risk
With the rapid adoption of hybrid working environments and increased attacks, IT and security professionals worry that future data breaches will most likely be the result of end users who are negligent of or break security policy, according to a recent Dark Reading survey. The percentage of respondents in Dark Reading's 2021 Strategic Security Survey who perceive users breaking policy as the biggest risk fell slightly, however, from 51% in 2020 to 48% in 2021. Other potential issues involving end users showed improvements as well, with social engineering falling in concern from 20% to 15% and remote work worries halving from 26% to 13%.
While this trend is positive, it's unclear where the increased confidence comes from, since more people now report ineffective end-user security awareness training (11%, to 2020's 7%).
Respondents shared their heightened concern about well-funded attacks. In 2021, 25% predicted an attack targeted at their organisations (a rise from 2020, when 20% said the same), and fear of a nation-state-sponsored action rose to 16% from 9% the year before. Yet only 16% reported sophisticated, automated malware as a top concern, a 10% drop from 2020, and fear of a gap between security and IT advances only merited 9%. A tiny 3% worried that their security tools wouldn't work well together, dropping from the previous year's 10%.
Supply Chain Disruptions Rose In 2021
56% of businesses experienced more supply chain disruptions in 2021 than 2020, a Hubs report reveals.
Last year was marked by a number of challenges, including computer chip shortages, port congestion, the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, logistics impediments, and energy crises, though with every hurdle faced, solutions are being sought. It is increasingly clear that while certain risks are hard to anticipate and difficult to plan for, it is possible to mitigate the effects of supply chain disruptions by establishing a robust and agile supply chain.
Over 98% of global companies are now planning to boost the resilience of their manufacturing supply chains, however, 37% have yet to implement any measures. As businesses develop long term strategies, over 57% of companies say diversification of their supply chains is the most effective way of building resilience. This report explores last year’s most disruptive events, how disruptions have changed over time, industry trends and strategies for strengthening manufacturing supply chains.
Red Cross Begs Attackers Not to Leak Stolen Data for 515K People
A cyber attack forced the Red Cross to shut down IT systems running the Restoring Family Links system, which reunites families fractured by war, disaster or migration. UPDATE: The ICRC says it’s open to confidentially communicating with the attacker.
The Red Cross is imploring threat actors to show mercy by abstaining from leaking data belonging to 515,000+ “highly vulnerable” people. The data was stolen from a program used to reunite family members split apart by war, disaster or migration.
“While we don’t know who is responsible for this attack, or why they carried it out, we do have this appeal to make to them,” Robert Mardini, the director general of the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC), said in a release on Wednesday. “Your actions could potentially cause yet more harm and pain to those who have already endured untold suffering. The real people, the real families behind the information you now have are among the world’s least powerful. Please do the right thing. Do not share, sell, leak or otherwise use this data.”
DHL Dethrones Microsoft As Most Imitated Brand In Phishing Attacks
DHL was the most imitated brand in phishing campaigns throughout Q4 2021, pushing Microsoft to second place, and Google to fourth.
This isn't surprising considering that the final quarter of every year includes the Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas shopping season, so phishing lures based on package deliveries naturally increase.
DHL is an international package delivery and express mail service, delivering over 1.6 billion parcels per year.
As such, phishing campaigns impersonating the brand have good chances of reaching people who are waiting for a DHL package to arrive during the holiday season.
The specific lures range from a package that is stuck at customs and requires action for clearance to supposed tracking numbers that hide inside document attachments or embedded links.
New White Rabbit Ransomware Linked To FIN8 Hacking Group (
Conti Ransomware Gang Started Leaking Files Stolen From Bank Indonesia - Security Affairs
This New Ransomware Comes With A Small But Dangerous Payload | ZDNet
FBI Warning: This New Ransomware Makes Demands Of Up To $500,000 | ZDNet
Experts Warn Of Attacks Using A New Linux Variant Of SFile Ransomware - Security Affairs
SEC Filing Reveals Fortune 500 Firm Targeted in Ransomware Attack | Threatpost
FBI Warns Organisations of Diavol Ransomware Attacks | SecurityWeek.Com
Marketing Giant RRD Confirms Data Theft In Conti Ransomware Attack (
After Ransomware Arrests, Some Dark Web Criminals Are Getting Worried | ZDNet
BEC – Business Email Compromise
Phishing Impersonates Shipping Giant Maersk To Push STRRAT Malware (
#COVID19 Phishing Emails Surge 500% on Omicron Concerns - Infosecurity Magazine
Financially Motivated Earth Lusca Threat Actors Targets Orgs Worldwide - Security Affairs
Microsoft Details Recent Damaging Malware Attacks on Ukrainian Organisations (
Custom-Written Malware Discovered Across Windows, MacOS, And Linux Systems | TechSpot
Backdoor RAT for Windows, macOS, and Linux went undetected until now | Ars Technica
Ukraine: Wiper Malware Masquerading As Ransomware Hits Government Organisations - Help Net Security
Linux Malware Is On The Rise. Here Are Three Top Threats Right Now | ZDNet
Malware That Can Survive OS Reinstalls Strikes Again, Likely for Cyber Espionage | PCMag
New MoonBounce UEFI Malware Used By Apt41 In Targeted Attacks (
Data Breaches/Leaks
Exposed Records Exceeded 40 Billion In 2021 - Help Net Security
European Regulators Hand Out €1.1bn in GDPR Fines - Infosecurity Magazine
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Financially Motivated Earth Lusca Threat Actors Targets Orgs Worldwide - Security Affairs
A Hacker Is Negotiating With Victims on the Blockchain After $1.4M Heist (
FBI & European Police Take Down Computer Servers Used In Major Cyberattacks Worldwide - CNNPolitics
Europol Shuts Down VPNLab, Cyber Criminals' Favourite VPN Service (
Cyber Criminals Actively Target VMware vSphere with Cryptominers | Threatpost
New BHUNT Password Stealer Malware Targeting Cryptocurrency Wallets (
Cheap Malware Is Behind A Rise In Attacks On Cryptocurrency Wallets | ZDNet
Insider Risk and Insider Threats
Research: Why Employees Violate Cyber Security Policies (
What CISOs Can Learn About Insider Threats From Iran's Human Espionage Tactics | CSO Online
Fraud, Scams & Financial Crime
How Buy Now, Pay Later Is Being Targeted By Fraudsters - Help Net Security
Romance Scammer Who Targeted 670 Women Gets 28 Months In Jail – Naked Security (
UK Mulls Making MSPs Subject To Mandatory Security Standards • The Register
‘Anomalous’ Spyware Stealing Credentials In Industrial Firms (
European Union Simulated A Cyber Attack On A Fictitious Finnish Power Company - Security Affairs
Nation State Actors
Ukraine Cyber Attack Timeline: Microsoft, CISA, White House and Kyiv Statements - MSSP Alert
Chinese Hackers Spotted Using New UEFI Firmware Implant in Targeted Attacks (
Security Scanners Across Europe Tied To China Govt, Military | AP News
Passwords & Credential Stuffing
Your Keyboard Walking Password Isn’t Complex Or Secure – Review Geek
Box Flaw Allowed To Bypass MFA And Takeover Accounts - Security Affairs
Spyware, Espionage & Cyber Warfare
CISA Adds 13 Exploited Vulnerabilities To List, 9 with Feb. 1 Remediation Date | ZDNet
High-Severity Vulnerabilities Patched in McAfee Enterprise Product | SecurityWeek.Com
Cisco Releases Patch for Critical Bug Affecting Unified CCMP and Unified CCDM (
A bug in McAfee Agent allows to run code with SYSTEM privileges - Security Affairs
Zoho Fixes A Critical Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44757) in Desktop Central - Security Affairs
Ubuntu Patch For Heap Buffer Overflow Vulnerability • The Register
Google Details Two Zero-Day Bugs Reported in Zoom Clients and MMR Servers (
Hackers Attempt to Exploit New SolarWinds Serv-U Bug in Log4Shell Attacks (
F5 Patches Two Dozen Vulnerabilities in BIG-IP | SecurityWeek.Com
McAfee Bug Can Be Exploited to Gain Windows SYSTEM Privileges | Threatpost
Oracle Critical Patch Update for January 2022 will fix 483 new flaws - Security Affairs
20K WordPress Sites Exposed by Insecure Plugin REST-API | Threatpost
Cisco Issues Patch for Critical RCE Vulnerability in RCM for StarOS Software (
Critical Bugs in Control Web Panel Expose Linux Servers to RCE Attacks (
Critical SAP Vulnerability Allows Supply Chain Attacks | SecurityWeek.Com
Zoho Plugs Another Critical Security Hole In Desktop Central (
Safari Exploit Can Leak Browser Histories And Google Account Info | Engadget
Sector Specific
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More Than Half Of Medical Devices Found To Have Critical Vulnerabilities | ZDNet
Additional Healthcare Firms Disclose Impact From Netgain Ransomware Attack | SecurityWeek.Com
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Biggest MSP Takeaways From The Apache Log4j Vulnerability - MSSP Alert
The Emotional Stages Of A Data Breach: How To Deal With Panic, Anger, And Guilt | CSO Online
The Log4j Vulnerability Puts Pressure on the Security World | Threatpost
Hackers Planted Secret Backdoor in Dozens of WordPress Plugins and Themes (
BadUSB explained: How rogue USBs threaten your organisation | CSO Online
Millions of UK Wi-Fi Routers Vulnerable To Security Threats - IT Security Guru
NATO, Ukraine Sign Deal to 'Deepen' Cyber Cooperation | SecurityWeek.Com
UK Umbrella Company Parasol Group Confirms Cyber Attack • The Register
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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 18 June 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 18 June 2021: Ransomware Now Ranks As UK’s Top Cyber Security Danger; 54% of all employees reuse passwords across accounts; Most Firms Face Second Ransomware Attack After Paying Off First; Bad Cyber Security Behaviours Plaguing The Remote Workforce; VPN Attacks Up Nearly 2000% As Companies Embrace A Hybrid Workplace; Over 65,000 Ransomware Attacks Expected In 2021; Business Leaders Now Feel More Vulnerable To Cyber Attacks
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Ransomware Now Ranks As UK’s Top Cyber Security Danger
Ransomware hackers are now the biggest cyber security threat in the UK for the majority of individuals and businesses in the region, Lindy Cameron, chief executive of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), said in a speech. “For the vast majority of UK citizens and businesses, and indeed for the vast majority of critical national infrastructure providers and government service providers, the primary key threat is not state actors but cyber criminals,” Cameron said in the speech at the second annual cyber security meeting at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), the oldest independent defense and security think tank worldwide.
54% of all employees reuse passwords across multiple work accounts
Results of a study into current attitudes and adaptability to at-home corporate cyber security, employee training, and support in the current global hybrid working era revealed some interesting results. The report surveyed 3,006 employees, business owners, and C-suite executives at large organisations (250+ employees), who have worked from home and use work issued devices in the UK, France and Germany.
According to the findings 54% of all employees use the same passwords across multiple work accounts. 22% of respondents still keep track of passwords by writing them down, including 41% of business owners and 32% of C-level executives.
42% of respondents admit to using work-issued devices for personal reasons daily while working from home. Of these, 29% are using work devices for banking and shopping, and 7% admit to watching illegal streaming services. Senior workers are among the biggest offenders, as 44% of business owners and 39% of C-level executives admit to performing personal tasks on work-issued devices every day since working from home, with 23% of business owners and 15% of C-level respondents using them for illegal streaming/watching TV.
A year after the pandemic began and work-from-home policies were implemented, 37% of all employees across all sectors are yet to receive cyber security training to work from home, leaving businesses largely exposed to evolving risks. 43% of all employees suggest that cyber security isn’t the responsibility of the workforce, with 60% believing this should be handled by IT teams.
VPN Attacks Up Nearly 2000% As Companies Embrace A Hybrid Workplace
In Q1 2021, there was a 1,916% increase in attacks against Fortinet’s SSL-VPN and a 1,527% increase in Pulse Connect Secure VPN. These vulnerabilities allow a threat actor to gain access to a network. Once they are in, they can exfiltrate information and deploy ransomware. “2020 was the era of remote work and as the workforce adjusted, information technology professionals scrambled to support this level of remote activity by enabling a wide variety of remote connectivity methods,” said J.R. Cunningham, CSO at Nuspire. “This added multiple new attack vectors that enabled threat actors to prey on organisations, which is what we started to see in Q1 and are continuing to see today.”
Most Firms Face Second Ransomware Attack After Paying Off First
Most businesses that choose to pay to regain access to their encrypted systems experience a subsequent ransomware attack. And almost half of those that pay up say some or all their data retrieved were corrupted. Some 80% of organisations that paid ransom demands experienced a second attack, of which 46% believed the subsequent ransomware to be caused by the same hackers. Amongst those that paid to regain access to their systems, 46% said at least some of their data was corrupted, according to a survey released Wednesday. The study polled 1,263 security professionals in seven markets worldwide, including 100 in Singapore, as well as respondents in Germany, France, the US, and UK.
Over 65,000 Ransomware Attacks Expected In 2021: Former Cisco CEO
U.S. companies are expected to endure over 65,000 ransomware attacks this year — and that's “a conservative number,” according to John Chambers, former CEO of Cisco Systems. With McDonald’s, JBS, and Colonial Pipeline Co. all recently coming under cyber attacks, Chambers does not foresee an end to the onslaught of cyber security threats anytime soon. He estimated that the number of ransomware attacks in 2021 could end up being as high as 100,000, with each one costing companies an average of $170,000. In the case of Colonial, just one password was needed for hackers to compromise the entire company’s IT infrastructure. This led to Colonial and JBS paying a combined $15 million in ransom against FBI advice.
Business Leaders Now Feel More Vulnerable To Cyber Attacks
Geographically speaking, 55% of US and 49% of UK respondents have experienced the most severe impact to their network security due to these attacks (suggesting that their businesses are more of a target than those in continental Europe) which, in turn, has resulted in a clear majority of respondents (60%) increasing their investment in this area. A sizeable 68% of leaders said their company has experienced a DDoS attack in the last 12 months with the UK (76%) and the US (73%) experiencing a significantly higher proportion compared to 59% of their German and 56% French counterparts. Additionally, over half of the leaders who participated in the survey confirmed that they specifically experienced a DDoS ransom or extortion attack in that time, with a large number of them (65%) targeted at UK companies, compared with the relatively low number in France (38%).
Ransomware Gang Turns To Revenge Porn
At least one ransomware gang has taken a rare and highly invasive step in order to convince its victims to pay: leaking nude images allegedly uncovered as part of their hack of a target company. The news presents an escalation in the world of ransomware and digital extortion, and comes as the U.S. government and other countries discuss new measures to curb the spike in ransomware incidents. Ransomware groups have recently targeted, and in some cases extracted payment from, the Colonial Pipeline Company, meat producer JBS, and the Irish healthcare system. Locking down computers with ransomware can already have a substantial impact on business operations; leaking information on top of that can present victims with another risk. But posting nude images publicly on the internet threatens to make extortion of organisations a much more personal matter.
Bank Of America Spends Over $1 Billion Per Year On Cyber Security
Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan said Monday that the company has ramped its cyber security spending to over $1 billion a year. “I became CEO 11 and a half years ago, and we probably spent three to $400 million [per year] and we’re up over a billion now,” Moynihan said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” “The institutions around us, other institutions and my peers, spend like amounts, and our contracting parties spend like amounts,” he added. “In other words, we cause spending in third parties that provide services to us to protect us in the same way. So there’s a lot of money being spend on this, and I think one of the things our industry has done a great job of is work together.”
Bad Cyber Security Behaviours Plaguing The Remote Workforce
According to the report, younger employees are most likely to admit they cut cyber security corners, with 51% of 16-24 year olds and 46% of 25-34 year olds reporting they’ve used security workarounds. In addition, 39% say the cyber security behaviours they practice while working from home differ from those practiced in the office, with half admitting it’s because they feel they were being watched by IT departments. IT leaders are optimistic about the return to office, with 70% believing staff will more likely follow company security policies around data protection and privacy. However, only 57% of employees think the same.
Why Backups Are Not The Panacea For Recovery From A Ransomware Attack
Ryuk Ransomware Recovery Cost Us $8.1m And Counting, Says Baltimore School Authority
Experts Shed Light On Distinctive Tactics Used By Hades Ransomware
The latest Revil Ransomware Victim? Sol Oriens. Oh, A US Nuclear Weapons Contractor
Update Your Chrome Browser To Patch Yet Another 0-Day Exploited In-The-Wild
Vulnerability In Microsoft Teams Granted Attackers Access To Emails, Messages, And Personal Files
Critical Remote Code Execution Flaw In Thousands Of VMWare vCenter Servers Remains Unpatched
Data Breaches
UK Listed Law Firm Gateley Admits Client Data Lost Through Cyber Attack
Alibaba Suffers Billion-Item Data Leak Of Usernames And Mobile Numbers
Maritime Firm HMM Suffers Security Breach And Cyber Attack On Its Email Systems
Mensa Data Spillage Was Due to 'Unauthorised Internal Download'
Volkswagen, Audi Disclose Data Breach Impacting Over 3.3 Million Customers, Interested Buyers
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Supply Chain
Nation State Actors
Biden Says He Told Putin U.S. Will Hack Back Against Future Russian Cyber Attacks
Little-Noticed Cyber Spying Campaign Blamed On China Was Much Wider Than Thought
Denial of Service
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our weekly ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
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