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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 01 July 2022
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 01 July 2022:
-Ransomware Is the Biggest Global Cyber Threat. And The Attacks Are Still Evolving
-Study Reveals Traditional Data Security Tools Have a 60% Failure Rate Against Ransomware and Extortion
-Patchable and Preventable Security Issues Lead Causes of Q1 Attacks
-Three in Four Vulnerability Management Programs Ineffective, NopSec Research Finds
-EMEA Continues to Be a Hotspot for Malware Threats
-A New, Remarkably Sophisticated Malware Is Attacking Home and Small Office Routers
-What Are Shadow IDs, and How Are They Crucial in 2022?
-Zero-Days Aren't Going Away Anytime Soon & What Leaders Need to Know
-Half of 2022's Zero-Days Are Variants of Previous Vulnerabilities
-Human Error Remains the Top Security Issue
-Carnival Cruises Torpedoed by US States, Agrees to Pay $6m After Wave of Cyber Attacks
-Uber Ex-Security Chief Accused of Hacking Coverup Must Face Fraud Charges, Judge Rules
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Ransomware Is the Biggest Global Cyber Threat. And The Attacks Are Still Evolving
Ransomware is the biggest cyber security threat facing the world today, with the potential to significantly affect whole societies and economies – and the attacks are unrelenting, the head of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has warned.
"Even with a war raging in Ukraine – the biggest global cyber threat we still face is ransomware. That tells you something of the scale of the problem. Ransomware attacks strike hard and fast. They are evolving rapidly, they are all-pervasive, they're increasingly offered by gangs as a service, lowering the bar for entry into cyber crime," said Lindy Cameron, CEO of the NCSC in a speech at Tel Aviv Cyber Week.
She added that the NCSC has dealt with "nationally significant incidents" along with hundreds of general cyber incidents that "affect the UK more widely every year".
While she didn't detail any specific instances of responding to ransomware incidents, Cameron warned that "these complex attacks have the potential to affect our societies and economies significantly", and implied that if it weren't for the work of NCSC incident responders, alongside their counterparts in the industry and international counterparts, the attacks could have had a major impact.
Study Reveals Traditional Data Security Tools Have a 60% Failure Rate Against Ransomware and Extortion
Titaniam, Inc., the data security platform, announced the ‘State of Data Exfiltration & Extortion Report.’ The survey revealed that while over 70% of organisations have an existing set of prevention, detection, and backup solutions, nearly 40% of organisations have been hit with ransomware attacks in the last year, and more than 70% have experienced one in the previous five years, proving existing solutions to be woefully inadequate in managing the risks and impacts from these attacks.
Data exfiltration during ransomware attacks is up 106% relative to where it was five years ago. We are seeing the emergence of a new trend where cyber criminals are no longer limiting themselves to just encrypting entire systems—they are making sure to steal data ahead of the encryption so that they can have additional leverage on the victim. The survey found that 65% of those who have experienced a ransomware attack have also experienced data theft or exfiltration due to the incident. Of those victims, 60% say the hackers used the data theft to extort them further, known as double extortion. Most of them, i.e., 59% of victims, paid the hackers, implying that they were not helped by their backup or data security tools to prevent this fate.
Data is being exposed for theft and extortion in other ways too. Nearly half (47%) uncovered publicly exposed data in their systems in the last 24 months. It was found that respondents have a mix of data security & protection (78%), prevention & detection (75%), and backup and recovery (73%) in their cyber security stacks. Still, exposure and extortion numbers imply a missing puzzle piece regarding attacks.
Patchable and Preventable Security Issues Lead Causes of Q1 Attacks
Attacks against companies spiked in Q1 2022 with patchable and preventable external vulnerabilities responsible for the bulk of attacks.
Eighty-two percent of attacks on organisations in Q1 2022 were caused by the external exposure of known vulnerabilities in the victim’s external-facing perimeter or attack surface. Those unpatched bugs overshadowed breach-related financial losses tied to human error, which accounted for 18 percent.
The numbers come from Tetra Defense and its quarterly report that sheds light on a notable uptick in cyber attacks against United States organisations between January and March 2022.
The report did not let employee security hygiene, or a lack thereof, off the hook. Tetra revealed that a lack of multi-factor authentication (MFA) mechanisms adopted by firms and compromised credentials are still major factors in attacks against organisations.
Three in Four Vulnerability Management Programs Ineffective
How at risk are organisations to unsecured vulnerabilities in their networks? NopSec, a threat and exposure management provider, gives us the answers in a new study of some 430 cyber security professionals.
Are security teams finding successful approaches to their vulnerability management, or are “open doors around their attack surface” leaving them susceptible to disaster in their organisation? The answer, as it turns out, is that some organisations are better at detection, response and remediation of their vulnerabilities.
Perhaps more importantly, others are not as locked down as they believe, according to the report. Keeping track of known vulnerabilities and responding quickly is one thing, but locating flaws they did not previously know existed is quite another.
Seventy percent of respondent say their vulnerability management program (VMP) is only somewhat effective or worse, blind spots and shadow IT remain top challenges, and vulnerabilities take too long to patch.
EMEA Continues to Be a Hotspot for Malware Threats
Ransomware detections in the first quarter of this year doubled the total volume reported for 2021, according to the latest quarterly Internet Security Report from the WatchGuard Threat Lab. Researchers also found that the Emotet botnet came back in a big way, the infamous Log4Shell vulnerability tripled its attack efforts and malicious cryptomining activity increased.
Although findings from the Threat Lab’s Q4 2021 report showed ransomware attacks trending down year over year, that all changed in Q1 2022 with a massive explosion in ransomware detections. While Q4 2021 saw the downfall of the infamous REvil cybergang, WatchGuard analysis suggests that this opened the door for the LAPSUS$ extortion group to emerge, which along with many new ransomware variants such as BlackCat – the first known ransomware written in the Rust programming language – could be contributing factors to an ever-increasing ransomware and cyber-extortion threat landscape.
The report also shows that EMEA continues to be a hotspot for malware threats. Overall regional detections of basic and evasive malware show WatchGuard Fireboxes in EMEA were hit harder than those in North, Central and South America (AMER) at 57% and 22%, respectively, followed by Asia-Pacific (APAC) at 21%.
A New, Remarkably Sophisticated Malware Is Attacking Home and Small Office Routers
An unusually advanced hacking group has spent almost two years infecting a wide range of routers in North America and Europe with malware that takes full control of connected devices running Windows, macOS, and Linux, researchers reported on June 28.
So far, researchers from Lumen Technologies' Black Lotus Labs say they've identified at least 80 targets infected by the stealthy malware, including routers made by Cisco, Netgear, Asus, and DrayTek. Dubbed ZuoRAT, the remote access Trojan is part of a broader hacking campaign that has existed since at least the fourth quarter of 2020 and continues to operate.
The discovery of custom-built malware written for the MIPS architecture and compiled for small-office and home-office routers is significant, particularly given its range of capabilities. Its ability to enumerate all devices connected to an infected router and collect the DNS lookups and network traffic they send and receive, and remain undetected, is the hallmark of a highly sophisticated threat actor.
"While compromising small office/home office (SOHO) routers as a vector to gain access to an adjacent LAN is not a novel technique, it has seldom been reported," Black Lotus Labs researchers wrote. "Similarly, reports of person-in-the-middle style attacks, such as DNS and HTTP hijacking, are even rarer and a mark of a complex and targeted operation. The use of these two techniques congruently demonstrated a high level of sophistication by a threat actor, indicating that this campaign was possibly performed by a state-sponsored organisation."
The campaign comprises at least four pieces of malware, three of them written from scratch by the threat actor. The first piece is the MIPS-based ZuoRAT, which closely resembles the Mirai internet-of-things malware that achieved record-breaking distributed denial-of-service attacks that crippled some Internet services for days. ZuoRAT often gets installed by exploiting unpatched vulnerabilities in SOHO devices.
What Are Shadow IDs, and How Are They Crucial in 2022?
Just before last Christmas, in a first-of-a-kind case, JPMorgan was fined $200M for employees using non-sanctioned applications for communicating about financial strategy. No mention of insider trading, naked shorting, or any malevolence. Just employees circumventing regulation using, well, Shadow IT. Not because they tried to obfuscate or hide anything, simply because it was a convenient tool that they preferred over any other sanctioned products (which JPMorgan certainly has quite a few of.)
Visibility into unknown and unsanctioned applications has been required by regulators and also recommended by the Center for Internet Security community for a long time. Yet it seems that new and better approaches are still in demand. Gartner has identified External Attack Surface Management, Digital Supply Chain Risk, and Identity Threat Detection as the top three trends to focus on in 2022, all of which are closely intertwined with Shadow IT.
"Shadow IDs," or in other words, unmanaged employee identities and accounts in third-party services, are often created using a simple email-and-password-based registration. Cloud access security broker (CASB) and corporate single-sign-on (SSO) solutions are limited to a few sanctioned applications, and are not widely adopted on most websites and services either. This means, that a large part of an organisation's external surface - as well as its user identities - may be completely invisible.
Zero-Days Aren't Going Away Anytime Soon, and What Leaders Need to Know
Few security exploits are the source of more sleepless nights for security professionals than zero-day attacks. Just recently, researchers discovered a new vulnerability enabling hackers to achieve remote code execution within Microsoft Office. Dubbing the evolving threat the Follina exploit, researchers say all versions of Office are at risk. And because the internal security teams have no time to prepare or patch their systems to defend against these software vulnerabilities, crafty threat actors can take advantage, taking their time after they've accessed an organisation's environment to observe and exfiltrate data while remaining completely unseen.
And though sophisticated threat actors and nations have exploited zero-days for nearly two decades, last year saw a historic rise in the number of vulnerabilities detected. Both Google and Mandiant tracked a record number of zero-days last year, with the caveat that more zero-days are being discovered because security companies are getting better at finding them — not necessarily because hackers are coming up with new vulnerabilities. Not all zero-days are created equal, though. Some require sophisticated and novel techniques, like the attack on SolarWinds, and others exploit simple vulnerabilities in commonly used programs like Windows. Thankfully, there's some basic cyber hygiene strategies that can keep your organisation sufficiently prepared to mitigate zero-day exploits.
Half of 2022's Zero-Days Are Variants of Previous Vulnerabilities
Google Project Zero has observed a total of 18 exploited zero-day vulnerabilities in the first half of 2022, at least half of which exist because previous bugs were not properly addressed.
According to Google Project Zero researcher Maddie Stone, nine of the in-the-wild zero-days seen so far this year could have been prevented had organisations applied more comprehensive patching.
“On top of that, four of the 2022 zero-days are variants of 2021 in-the-wild zero-days. Just 12 months from the original in-the-wild zero-day being patched, attackers came back with a variant of the original bug,” Stone says.
The most recent of these issues is the Follina vulnerability in the Windows platform. Tracked as CVE-2022-30190, it is a variant of an MSHTML zero-day tracked as CVE-2021-40444.
CVE-2022-21882 is another Windows vulnerability that is a variant of an in-the-wild zero-day that was improperly resolved last year, namely CVE-2021-1732.
An iOS IOMobileFrameBuffer bug (CVE-2022-22587) and a type confusion flaw in Chrome’s V8 engine (CVE-2022-1096) are two other zero-days that are variants of exploited security flaws found last year – CVE-2021-30983 and CVE-2021-30551, respectively.
Other 2022 zero-days that are variants of improperly addressed security defects are CVE-2022-1364 (Chrome), CVE-2022-22620 (WebKit), CVE-2021-39793 (Google Pixel), CVE-2022-26134 (Atlassian Confluence), and CVE-2022-26925 (Windows flaw called PetitPotam).
Human Error Remains the Top Security Issue
Human error remains the most effective vector for conducting network infiltrations and data breaches.
The SANS Institute security centre issued its annual security awareness report Wednesday, which was based on data from 1,000 infosec professionals and found that employees and their lack of security training remain common points of failure for data breaches and network attacks. The report also tracked the maturity level of respondents' security awareness programs and their effectiveness in reducing human risk.
"This year's report once again identifies what we have seen over the past three years: that the most mature security awareness programs are those that have the most people dedicated to managing and supporting it," the cyber security training and education organisation said.
"These larger teams are more effective at working with the security team to identify, track, and prioritise their top human risks, and at engaging, motivating, and training their workforce to manage those risks."
The SANS Institute study ranked maturity by five levels, from lowest to highest: nonexistent, compliance-focused, promoting awareness and behaviour change, long-term sustainment and culture change, and metrics framework. The report found that while approximately 400 respondents said their programs promote awareness and behaviour change - the highest such response for any maturity level - the number represented a 10% decrease from the previous year's report.
Carnival Cruises Torpedoed by US States, Agrees to Pay $6m After Wave of Cyber Attacks
Carnival Cruise Lines will cough up more than $6 million to end two separate lawsuits filed by 46 states in the US after sensitive, personal information on customers and employees was accessed in a string of cyber attacks.
A couple of years ago, as the coronavirus pandemic was taking hold, the Miami-based business revealed intruders had not only encrypted some of its data but also downloaded a collection of names and addresses; Social Security info, driver's license, and passport numbers; and health and payment information of thousands of people in almost every American state.
It all started to go wrong more than a year prior, as the cruise line became aware of suspicious activity in May 2019. This apparently wasn't disclosed until 10 months later, in March 2020.
Back in 2019, the security operations team spotted an internal email account sending spam to other addresses. It turned out miscreants had hijacked 124 employee Microsoft Office 365 email accounts, and were using them to send phishing emails to harvest more credentials. This, we're told, gave the intruders access to personal data on 180,000 Carnival employees and customers. It's likely the miscreants first broke in using phishing mails or brute-forcing passwords; either way, there was no multi-factor authentication.
Then in August 2020, the company said it was hit with the aforementioned ransomware, and copies of its files were siphoned. In January 2021, it was infected again with malware, and again sensitive information – specifically, customer passport numbers and dates of birth, and employee credit card numbers – were downloaded. And in March that year, a staffer's work email account was compromised again to send out a phishing email; more sensitive information was exposed.
Uber Ex-Security Chief Accused of Hacking Coverup Must Face Fraud Charges, Judge Rules
A federal judge on Tuesday said a former Uber Technologies Inc. security chief must face wire fraud charges over his alleged role in trying to cover up a 2016 hacking that exposed personal information of 57 million passengers and drivers.
The US Department of Justice had in December added the three charges against Joseph Sullivan to an earlier indictment, saying he arranged to pay money to two hackers in exchange for their silence, while trying to conceal the hacking from passengers, drivers and the US Federal Trade Commission.
Record-Breaking Year for Ransomware Attacks, WatchGuard Research Predicts - MSSP Alert
Cyber Security Experts Warn of Emerging Threat of "Black Basta" Ransomware (
AstraLocker 2.0 infects users directly from Word attachments (
Black Basta Ransomware Gang Attacks 50 Companies, Cybereason Reports - MSSP Alert
How Dangerous Is BlackBasta Ransomware? (
LockBit 3.0 Debuts With Ransomware Bug Bounty Program (
Son of Conti: Ransomware tries its hand at politics - The Record by Recorded Future
Kaseya Ransomware - Cyber Leader’s Thoughts & Learnings One Year Later (
Are Protection Payments the Future of Ransomware? (
Conti vs. LockBit: A Comparative Analysis of Ransomware Groups (
This new malware is at the heart of the ransomware ecosystem | ZDNet
Macmillan Publishing shuts down systems after likely ransomware attack (
Walmart denies being hit by Yanluowang ransomware attack (
Fake copyright infringement emails install LockBit ransomware (
Cisco Talos techniques uncover ransomware sites on dark web (
RansomHouse gang claims to have some stolen AMD data • The Register
'Prolific' NetWalker extortionist pleads guilty • The Register
Phishing & Email Based Attacks
Google Warns About Hacker-for-Hire Services Trying to Phish Users (
Clever phishing method bypasses MFA using Microsoft WebView2 apps (
Cyber Attacks via Unpatched Systems Cost Orgs More Than Phishing (
How phishing attacks are becoming more sophisticated - Help Net Security
How Evilnum Cyber Attacks Target Microsoft Office Files - MSSP Alert
New Matanbuchus Campaign drops Cobalt Strike beacons - Security Affairs
Kaspersky Reveals Phishing Emails That Employees Find Most Confusing (
Ukraine arrests cyber crime gang operating over 400 phishing sites (
Microsoft finds Raspberry Robin worm in hundreds of Windows networks (
Microsoft Exchange servers worldwide backdoored with new malware (
Microsoft warning: This malware that targets Linux just got a big update | ZDNet
ZuoRAT Hijacks SOHO Routers From Cisco, Netgear (
XFiles info-stealing malware adds support for Follina delivery (
Raccoon Stealer is back with a new version to steal your passwords (
PyPi python packages caught sending stolen AWS keys to unsecured sites (
Android Spyware 'Revive' Upgraded to Banking Trojan - Infosecurity Magazine
Phone Hackers: 9 Ways To Tell If You Have Fallen Victim (
Google Warns of New Spyware Targeting iOS and Android Users - IT Security Guru
Internet of Things – IoT
Data Breaches/Leaks
Leaky Access Tokens Exposed Amazon Photos of Users | Threatpost
California gun dashboards expose 10 years of personal data • The Register
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Russia-China cyber criminal collaboration could “destabilize” international order | CSO Online
Canadian admits to hacking spree with Russian cyber-gang - BBC News
Pentagon finds concerning vulnerabilities on blockchain | TechRepublic
Hackers steal $100m from another breached crypto bridge | TechRadar
Santander Warns of 87% Surge in UK Crypto Scams - Infosecurity Magazine
Dozens of cryptography libraries vulnerable to private key theft | The Daily Swig (
Missing Cryptoqueen: FBI adds Ruja Ignatova to top ten most wanted - BBC News
Singapore warns of ‘brutal, unrelentingly hard’ crypto regs • The Register
Insider Risk and Insider Threats
Rogue HackerOne employee steals bug reports to sell on the side (
Japanese worker loses city's personal data in USB fail • The Register
How you handle independent contractors may determine your insider threat risk | CSO Online
Fraud, Scams & Financial Crime
Threat actors increasingly use third parties to run their scams - Help Net Security
Santander Warns of 87% Surge in UK Crypto Scams - Infosecurity Magazine
Evolving online habits have paved the way for fraud. What can we do about it? - Help Net Security
Software Supply Chain
It's a Race to Secure the Software Supply Chain — Have You Already Stumbled? (
Over a Decade in Software Security: What Have We learned? - IT Security Guru
Denial of Service DoS/DDoS
Attack Surface Management
Shadow IT
Open Source
Passwords, Credential Stuffing & Brute Force Attacks
RansomHouse Hackers Claim to Breach AMD With Bad Passwords (
Breaking Down the Zola Hack and Why Password Reuse is so Dangerous (
Raccoon Stealer is back with a new version to steal your passwords (
Social Media
Verified Twitter accounts hacked to send fake suspension notices (
Facebook Business Pages Targeted via Chatbot in Data-Harvesting Campaign (
New YTStealer malware steals accounts from YouTube Creators (
Facebook 2FA phish arrives just 28 minutes after scam domain created – Naked Security (
Training, Education and Awareness
‘Supercookies’ Have Privacy Experts Sounding the Alarm | WIRED
UK should immediately ban use of live facial recognition, warns report | Financial Times (
Snoopers’ Charter Ruled Partially Unlawful - Infosecurity Magazine
We must stop sleepwalking towards a surveillance state | Financial Times (
Parental Controls and Child Safety
Regulations, Fines and Legislation
Manx government department fined over data breach - BBC News
Clearview fine: The unacceptable face of modern surveillance - Help Net Security
Law Enforcement Action and Take Downs
Spyware, Cyber Espionage & Cyber Warfare, including Russian Invasion of Ukraine
NATO to create cyber rapid response force, increase cyber defence aid to Ukraine - CyberScoop
Evilnum hackers return in new operation targeting migration orgs (
Commercial cyber products must be used responsibly, says NCSC CEO (
G7 to tackle cyber threats and disinformation from Russia: communique | Reuters
Google Warns of New Spyware Targeting iOS and Android Users - IT Security Guru
China lured graduate jobseekers into digital espionage | Ars Technica
Nation State Actors
Nation State Actors – Russia
Ukraine targeted by almost 800 cyber attacks since the war started (
Russian Hacker Group Says Cyber Attacks Continue On Lithuania (
Russian hacktivists take down Norway govt sites in DDoS attacks (
Russia's Killnet hacker group says it attacked Lithuania | Reuters
Nation State Actors – China
Chinese Hackers Target Building Management Systems | SecurityWeek.Com
China lured graduate jobseekers into digital espionage | Ars Technica
Nation State Actors – North Korea
Vulnerability Management
Why more zero-day vulnerabilities are being found in the wild | CSO Online
Cyber Attacks via Unpatched Systems Cost Orgs More Than Phishing (
Microsoft's quiet mishandling of vulnerabilities is becoming a public mess -
MITRE shares this year's list of most dangerous software bugs (
How and why threat actors target Microsoft Active Directory | CSO Online
Atlassian Confluence Exploits Peak at 100K Daily (
Patch Now: Linux Container-Escape Flaw in Azure Service Fabric (
Zoho ManageEngine ADAudit Plus bug gets public RCE exploit (
OpenSSL 3.0.5 awaits release to fix potential security flaw • The Register
CISA: Adopt Modern Auth now for Exchange Online • The Register
CISA Warns of Active Exploitation of 'PwnKit' Linux Vulnerability in the Wild (
CISA orders agencies to patch Windows LSA bug exploited in the wild (
Log4Shell Vulnerability in VMware Leads to Data Exfiltration and Ransomware (
Jenkins discloses dozens of zero-day bugs in multiple plugins (
New UnRAR Vulnerability Could Let Attackers Hack Zimbra Webmail Servers (
Sector Specific
Critical National Infrastructure (CNI)
Financial Services Sector
A Fintech Horror Story: How One Company Prioritizes Cyber Security (
Security and compliance concerns limit ‘open finance’ expansion, say executives (
OT, ICS, IIoT, SCADA and Cyber-Physical Systems
APT Hackers Targeting Industrial Control Systems with ShadowPad Backdoor (
Cyber-Physical Security: Benchmarking to Advance Your Journey | SecurityWeek.Com
Critical Security Flaws Identified in CODESYS ICS Automation Software (
Microsoft Exchange bug abused to hack building automation systems (
5 Cyber Security Tips for Smart Buildings - IT Security Guru
Chinese Hackers Target Building Management Systems | SecurityWeek.Com
OT security: Helping under-resourced critical infrastructure organisations - Help Net Security
Energy & Utilities
Oil, Gas and Mining
Food and Agriculture
Education and Academia
Reports Published in the Last Week
Q1 2022 Incident Response Insights from Tetra Defense | Arctic Wolf
Defending Ukraine: Early Lessons from the Cyber War - Microsoft On the Issues
Other News
Cyber Attacks Gain Steam in Early '22: Tetra Defense Report - MSSP Alert
FBI warns crooks are using deepfake videos in job interviews • The Register
Destructive firmware attacks pose a significant threat to businesses - Help Net Security
48% of security practitioners seeing 3x increase in alerts per day - Help Net Security
Adversarial machine learning explained: How attackers disrupt AI and ML systems | CSO Online
82% Cyber Breaches In Verizon’s Report Preventable, Says MyCena (
SolarWinds hack explained: Everything you need to know (
Properly securing APIs is becoming increasingly urgent - Help Net Security
97% Of UK Business Leaders Expect Quantum Computing to Disrupt Their Sectors - Infosecurity Magazine
LGBTQ+ folks warned of dating app extortion scams • The Register
What is Zero Trust and why would you want it? • The Register
Tencent admits to poisoned QR code attack on QQ accounts • The Register
Exploring the insecurity of readily available Wi-Fi networks - Help Net Security
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 24 June 2022
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 24 June 2022:
-The NCSC Sets Out the UK’s Cyber Threat Landscape
-We're Now Truly in The Era of Ransomware as Pure Extortion Without the Encryption
-5 Social Engineering Assumptions That Are Wrong
-Gartner: Regulation, Human Costs Will Create Stormy Cyber Security Weather Ahead
-Ransomware Attacks - This Is the Data That Cyber Criminals Really Want to Steal
-Cloud Email Threats Soar 101% in a Year
-80% of Firms Suffered Identity-Related Breaches in Last 12 Months
-After Being Breached Once, Many Companies Are Likely to Be Hit Again
-Do You Have Ransomware Insurance? Look at the Fine Print
-The Price of Stolen Info: Everything on Sale On The Dark Web
-How Companies Are Prioritizing Infosec and Compliance
-Businesses Risk ‘Catastrophic Financial Loss’ from Cyber Attacks, US Watchdog Warns
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
The NCSC Sets Out the UK’s Cyber Threat Landscape
The current state of the UK’s cyber threat landscape was outlined by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), during a keynote address on the final day of Infosecurity Europe 2022.
They described the cyber threats posed by nation-states, particularly Russia and China. Russia remains “one of the world’s most prolific cyber actors and dedicates significant resources to conducting cyber operations across the globe.” The NCSC and international partner organisations have attributed a number of high-profile attacks related to the conflict to Russian state actors, including the Viasat incident on the eve of the invasion of Ukraine on February 24. Therefore, the NCSC recommends that organisations prepare for a dynamic situation that is liable to change rapidly.
The NCSC emphasised that a more significant long-term threat comes from China, citing GCHQ director Jeremy Fleming’s assertion that “Russia is affecting the weather, but China is shaping the climate.” She described the nation’s “highly sophisticated” activities in cyberspace, born out of its “increasing ambitions to project its influence beyond its borders.” This includes a keen interest in the UK’s commercial secrets.
In addition to nation-state attacks, the NCSC noted that cyber crime is continuing to rise, with ransomware a continuing concern. Attacks are expected to grow in scale, with threat actors likely to increasingly target managed service providers (MSPs) to gain access to a wider range of targets. More generally, cyber capabilities will become more commoditised over the next few years, meaning they are increasingly available to a larger group of would-be attackers who are willing to pay.
We're Now Truly in The Era of Ransomware as Pure Extortion Without the Encryption
Increasingly cyber crime rings tracked as ransomware operators are turning toward primarily data theft and extortion – and skipping the encryption step altogether. Rather than scramble files and demand payment for the decryption keys, and all the faff in between in facilitating that, simply exfiltrating the data and demanding a fee to not leak it all is just as effective. This shift has been ongoing for many months, and is now virtually unavoidable.
The FBI and CISA this month warned about a lesser-known extortion gang called Karakurt, which demands ransoms as high as $13 million. Karakurt doesn't target any specific sectors or industries, and the gang's victims haven't had any of their documents encrypted and held to ransom. Instead, the crooks claim to have stolen data, with screenshots or copies of exfiltrated files as proof, and they threaten to sell it or leak it publicly if they don't receive a payment.
Some of these thieves offer discounted ransoms to corporations to encourage them to pay sooner, with the demanded payment getting larger the longer it takes to cough up the cash (or Bitcoin, as the case may be).
Additionally, some crime groups offer sliding-scale payment systems. So you pay for what you get, and depending on the amount of ransom paid you get a control panel, you get customer support, you get all of the tools you need."
5 Social Engineering Assumptions That Are Wrong
Social engineering is involved in the vast majority of cyber attacks, but a new report from Proofpoint has revealed five common social engineering assumptions that are not only wrong but are repeatedly subverted by malicious actors in their attacks.
Threat actors don’t have conversations with targets.
Legitimate services are safe from social engineering abuse.
Attackers only use computers, not telephones.
Replying to existing email conversations is safe.
Fraudsters only use business-related content as lures.
Commenting on the report’s findings, Sherrod DeGrippo, Proofpoint’s Vice-President Threat Research and Detection, stated that the vendor has attempted to debunk faulty assumptions made by organisations and security teams so they can better protect employees against cyber crime. “Despite defenders’ best efforts, cyber criminals continue to defraud, extort and ransom companies for billions of dollars annually. Security-focused decision makers have prioritised bolstering defences around physical and cloud-based infrastructure, which has led to human beings becoming the most relied upon entry point for compromise. As a result, a wide array of content and techniques continue to be developed to exploit human behaviours and interests.”
Indeed, cyber criminals will go to creative and occasionally unusual lengths to carry out social engineering campaigns, making it more difficult for users to avoid falling victim to them.
Gartner: Regulation, Human Costs Will Create Stormy Cyber Security Weather Ahead
Security teams should prepare for what researchers say will be a challenging environment through 2023, with increased pressure from government regulators, partners, and threat actors.
Gartner kicked off its Security & Risk Management Summit with the release of its analysts' assessments of the work ahead, which Richard Addiscott, the company's senior director analyst, discussed during his opening keynote address.
“We can’t fall into old habits and try to treat everything the same as we did in the past,” Addiscott said. “Most security and risk leaders now recognise that major disruption is only one crisis away. We can’t control it, but we can evolve our thinking, our philosophy, our program, and our architecture.”
Topping Gartner's list of eight predictions is a rise in the government regulation of consumer privacy rights and ransomware response, a widespread shift by enterprises to unify security platforms, more zero trust, and, troublingly, the prediction that by 2025 threat actors will likely have figured out how to "weaponise operational technology environments successfully to cause human casualties”, the cyber security report said.
Ransomware Attacks - This Is the Data That Cyber Criminals Really Want to Steal
There are certain types of data that criminals target the most, according to an analysis of attacks.
Data theft and extortion has become a common – and unfortunately effective – part of ransomware attacks, where in addition to encrypting data and demanding a ransom payment for the decryption key, gangs steal information and threaten to publish it if a payment isn't received.
These so-called double extortion attacks have become an effective tool in the arsenal of ransomware gangs, who leverage them to force victims to pay up, even in cases where data could be restored from offline backups, because the threat of sensitive information being published is too great.
Any stolen data is potentially useful to ransomware gangs, but according to analysis by researchers at cyber security company Rapid7, of 161 disclosed ransomware incidents where data was published, some data is seen as more valuable than others.
According to the report, financial services is the sector that is most likely to have customer data exposed, with 82% of incidents involving ransomware gangs accessing and making threats to release this data. Stealing and publishing sensitive customer information would undermine consumer trust in financial services organisations: while being hacked in the first place would be damaging enough, some business leaders might view paying a ransom to avoid further damage caused by data leaks to be worth it.
The second most-leaked type of file in ransomware attacks against financial services firms, featuring in 59% of disclosures from victims, is employee personally identifiable information (PII) and data related to human resources.
Cloud Email Threats Soar 101% in a Year
The number of email-borne cyber-threats blocked by Trend Micro surged by triple digits last year, highlighting the continued risk from conventional attack vectors.
The vendor stopped over 33.6 million such threats reaching customers via cloud-based email in 2021, a 101% increase. This included 16.5 million phishing emails, a 138% year-on-year increase, of which 6.5 million were credential phishing attempts.
Trend Micro also blocked 3.3 million malicious files in cloud-based emails, including a 134% increase in known threats and a 221% increase in unknown malware.
The news comes as Proofpoint warned in a new report of the continued dangers posed by social engineering, and the mistaken assumptions many users make.
Many users don’t realise that threat actors may spend considerable time and effort building a rapport over email with their victims, especially if they’re trying to conduct a business email compromise (BEC) attack, it said.
80% of Firms Suffered Identity-Related Breaches in Last 12 Months
Rapidly growing employee identities, third-party partners, and machine nodes have companies scrambling to secure credential information, software secrets, and cloud identities, according to researchers.
In a survey of IT and identity professionals from Dimensional Research, almost every organisation — 98% — experienced rapid growth in the number of identities that have to be managed, with that growth driven by expanding cloud usage, more third-party partners, and machine identities. Furthermore, businesses are also seeing an increase in breaches because of this, with 84% of firms suffering an identity-related breach in the past 12 months, compared with 79% in a previous study covering two years.
The number and complexity of identities organisations are having to manage and secure is increasing. Whenever there is an increase in identities, there is a corresponding heightened risk of identity-related breaches due to them not being properly managed and secured, and with the attack surfaces also growing exponentially, these breaches can occur on multiple fronts.
For the most part, organisations focus on employee identities, which 70% consider to be the most likely to be breached and 58% believe to have the greatest impact, according to the 2022 "Trends in Securing Digital Identities" report based on the survey. Yet third-party partners and business customers are significant sources of risk as well, with 35% and 25% of respondents considering those to be a major source of breaches, respectively.
After Being Breached Once, Many Companies Are Likely to Be Hit Again
Cymulate announced the results of a survey, revealing that two-thirds of companies who have been hit by cyber crime in the past year have been hit more than once, with almost 10% experiencing 10 or so more attacks a year.
Research taken from 858 security professionals surveyed across North America, EMEA, APAC and LATAM across a wide range of industries including technology, banking, finance and government, also highlighted larger companies hit by cyber crime are experiencing shorter disruption time and damage to business with 40% reported low damage compared with medium-size businesses (less than 2,500 employees) which had longer recovery times and more business affecting damage.
Other highlights
40% of respondents admitted to being breached over the past 12 months.
After being breached once, statistics showed they were more likely to be hit again than not (66%).
Malware (55%), and more specifically ransomware (40%) and DDoS (32%) were the main forms of cyber attacks experienced by those surveyed.
Attacks primarily occurred via end-user phishing (56%), via third parties connected to the enterprise (37%) or direct attacks on enterprise networks (34%).
22% of companies publicly disclosed cyber attacks in the worst-case breaches, with 35% needing to hire security consultants, 12% dismissing their current security professionals and 12% hiring public relations consultants to deal with the repercussions to their reputations. Top three best practices for cyber attack prevention, mitigation and remediation include multi-factor authentication (67%), proactive corporate phishing and awareness campaigns (53%), and well-planned and practiced incident response plans (44%). Least privilege also ranked highly, at 43%.
29% of attacks come from insider threats – intentionally or unintentionally.
Leadership and cyber security teams who meet regularly to discuss risk reduction are more cyber security-ready – those who met 15 times a year incurred zero breaches whereas those who suffered six or more breaches met under nine times on average.
Do You Have Ransomware Insurance? Look at the Fine Print
Insurance exists to protect the insured party against catastrophe, but the insurer needs protection so that its policies are not abused – and that's where the fine print comes in. However, in the case of ransomware insurance, the fine print is becoming contentious and arguably undermining the usefulness of ransomware insurance.
In recent years, ransomware insurance has grown as a product field because organisations are trying to buy protection against the catastrophic effects of a successful ransomware attack. Why try to buy insurance? Well, a single, successful attack can just about wipe out a large organisation, or lead to crippling costs – NotPetya alone led to a total of $10bn in damages.
Ransomware attacks are notoriously difficult to protect against completely. Like any other potentially catastrophic event, insurers stepped in to offer an insurance product. In exchange for a premium, insurers promise to cover many of the damages resulting from a ransomware attack.
Depending on the policy, a ransomware policy could cover loss of income if the attack disrupts operations, or loss of valuable data, if data is erased due to the ransomware event. A policy may also cover you for extortion – in others, it will refund the ransom demanded by the criminal.
The exact payout and terms will of course be defined in the policy document, also called the "fine print." Critically, fine print also contains exclusions, in other words circumstances under which the policy won't pay out. And therein lies the problem.
The Price of Stolen Info: Everything on Sale on The Dark Web
What is the price for personal information, including credit cards and bank accounts, on the dark web?
Privacy Affairs researchers concluded that criminals using the dark web need only spend $1,115 for a complete set of a person’s account details, enabling them to create fake IDs and forge private documents, such as passports and driver’s licenses.
Access to other information is becoming even cheaper. The Dark Web Price Index 2022 – based on data scanning dark web marketplaces, forums, and websites, revealed:
Credit card details and associated information cost between $17-$120
Online banking login information costs $45
Hacked Facebook accounts cost $45
Cloned VISA with PIN cost $20
Stolen PayPal account details, with minimum $1000 balances, cost $20.
In December 2021, about 4.5 million credit cards went up for sale on the dark web, the study found. The average price ranged from $1-$20.
Scammers can buy full credit card details, including CVV number, card number, associated dates, and even the email, physical address and phone number. This enables them to penetrate the credit card processing chain, overriding any security countermeasures.
How Companies Are Prioritising Infosec and Compliance
New research conducted by Enterprise Management Associates (EMA), examines the impact of the compliance budget on security strategy and priorities. It describes areas for which companies prioritise information security and compliance, which leaders control information security spending, how compliance has shifted the overall security strategy of the organisation, and the solutions and tools on which organisations are focusing their technology spending.
The findings cover three critical areas of an organisation’s security and compliance posture: information security and IT audit and compliance, data security and data privacy, and security and compliance spending.
One key takeaway is that merging security and compliance priorities addresses regulatory control gaps while improving the organisation’s security posture. Respondents revealed insights on how they handle compliance, who is responsible for compliance and security responsibilities, and what compliance-related security challenges organisations face.
Additional findings:
Companies found the need to shift their information security strategy to address compliance priorities (93%).
Information security and IT compliance priorities are generally aligned (89%).
Existing security tools have to address data privacy considerations going forward (76%).
Managing an organisation’s multiple IT environments and the controls that govern those environments is the greatest challenge in the IT audit and compliance space (39%).
Businesses Risk ‘Catastrophic Financial Loss’ from Cyber Attacks, US Watchdog Warns
A US Government watchdog has warned that private insurance companies are increasingly backing out of covering damages from major cyber attacks — leaving businesses facing “catastrophic financial loss” unless another insurance model can be found.
The growing challenge of covering cyber risk is outlined in a new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which calls for a government assessment of whether a federal cyber insurance option is needed.
The report draws on threat assessments from the National Security Agency (NSA), Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and Department of Justice, to quantify the risk of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, identifying vulnerable technologies that might be attacked and a range of threat actors capable of exploiting them.
Citing an annual threat assessment released by the ODNI, the report finds that hacking groups linked to Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea pose the greatest threat to US infrastructure — along with certain non-state actors like organised cyber criminal gangs.
Given the wide and increasingly skilled range of actors willing to target US entities, the number of cyber incidents is rising at an alarming rate.
Attackers exploited a Mitel VOIP zero-day to compromise a network Security Affairs
Chinese hackers use ransomware as decoy for cyber espionage (
If you don't store valuable data, ransomware is impotent • The Register
Ransomware-as-a-Service: Learn to Enhance Cyber security Approaches (
Mitigate Ransomware in a Remote-First World (
Delivery Firm Yodel Scrambling to Restore Operations Following Cyber attack | SecurityWeek.Com
Black Basta Ransomware Becomes Major Threat in Two Months | SecurityWeek.Com
These hackers are spreading ransomware as a distraction - to hide their cyber spying | ZDNet
Conti ransomware hacking spree breaches over 40 orgs in a month (
Conti effectively created an extortion-oriented IT company, says Group-IB - Help Net Security
Conti ransomware finally shuts down data leak, negotiation sites (
Conti ransomware group's pulse stops, but did it fake its own death? | Malwarebytes Labs
Without Conti on the Scene, LockBit 2.0 Leads Ransomware Attacks (
Cyber attack: Gloucester council services still not back to normal - BBC News
Phishing & Email Based Attacks
Your email is a major source of security risks and it's getting worse | ZDNet
New Phishing Attack Infects Devices with Cobalt Strike- IT Security Guru
Voicemail phishing emails steal Microsoft credentials • The Register
The Risk of Multichannel Phishing Is on the Horizon (
Cops arrests nine suspected of stealing millions via email • The Register
Cyber criminals Use Azure Front Door in Phishing Attacks - Security Affairs
Microsoft Exchange servers hacked by new ToddyCat APT gang (
Cyber attackers Abuse QuickBooks Cloud Service in 'Double-Spear' Campaign (
Other Social Engineering
Proofpoint: Social engineering attacks slipping past users (
Inside a large-scale phishing campaign targeting millions of Facebook users - Help Net Security
RIG Exploit Kit Now Infects Victims' PCs With Dridex Instead of Raccoon Stealer (
Organisations Battling Phishing Malware, Viruses the Most (
This Linux botnet has found a novel way of spreading to new devices | ZDNet
New 'Quantum' Builder Lets Attackers Easily Create Malicious Windows Shortcuts (
NSA warns against silly mistake in the fight against Windows malware | TechRadar
This Android malware is so dangerous, even Google is worried | TechRadar
Google is notifying Android users targeted by Hermit government-grade spyware | TechCrunch
This phone-wiping Android banking trojan is getting nastier | ZDNet
BRATA Android Malware Group Now Classified As Advanced Persistent Threat - Infosecurity Magazine
Spurred by Roe overturn, senators seek FTC probe of iOS and Android tracking | Ars Technica
Internet of Things – IoT
Data Breaches/Leaks
US Bank Data Breach Impacts Over 1.5 Million Customers - Infosecurity Magazine
CafePress fined $500,000 for breach affecting 23 million users (
Hackers steal $100 million from California cryptocurrency firm - CNN
DARPA study finds blockchain not as decentralised as assumed • The Register
Insider Risk and Insider Threats
Fraud, Scams & Financial Crime
Supply Chain and Third Parties
Microsoft 365 Users in US Face Raging Spate of Attacks (
Getting a Better Handle on Identity Management in the Cloud (
Researchers Uncover Ways to Break the Encryption of 'MEGA' Cloud Storage Service (
Identity and Access Management
Risky behaviour reduced when executives put focus on identity security - Help Net Security
Access management issues may create security holes (
IAM Research: Inadequate Programs Leave Organisations Open to Cyber Attacks - MSSP Alert
Why 84% Of US Firms Hit With Identity-Related Breaches In 2021 – Information Security Buzz
Open Source
Open-source software risks persist, according to new reports | CSO Online
Less Than Half of Organisations Have Open Source Security Policy - Infosecurity Magazine
Blind trust in open source security is hurting us: Report | ZDNet
Training, Education and Awareness
Privacy-focused Brave Search grew by 5,000% in a year (
Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade reversal sparks calls for strengthening privacy - CyberScoop
Regulations, Fines and Legislation
Do Privacy and Data Protection Regulations Create as Many Problems as They Solve? | SecurityWeek.Com
Law Enforcement Action and Take Downs
Phishing gang behind millions in losses dismantled by police (
Euro Police Target Crime Groups Grooming Ukrainian Refugees Online - Infosecurity Magazine
Spyware, Cyber Espionage & Cyber Warfare, including Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Microsoft: Russian Cyber Spying Targets 42 Ukraine Allies | SecurityWeek.Com
Italian spyware firm is hacking into iOS and Android devices, Google says | Computerworld
NSO claims 'more than 5' EU states used its Pegasus spyware • The Register
#InfosecurityEurope2022: Geopolitical Tensions a “Danger” to Cyber security - Infosecurity Magazine
Examples of Cyber Warfare #TrendTalksBizSec (
Ukraine deploys a DDoS protection service to survive the cyberwar | VentureBeat
Lithuania warns of rise in DDoS attacks against government sites (
Russia's APT28 Launches Nuke-Themed Follina Exploit Campaign (
Ukrainian cyber security officials disclose two new hacking campaigns - IT Security Guru
Scalper bots out of control in Israel, selling state appointments (
Research questions potentially dangerous implications of Ukraine's IT Army - CyberScoop
Lithuania under cyber-attack after ban on Russian railway goodsSecurity Affairs
Nation State Actors
Nation State Actors – Russia
Russia Steps Up Cyber-Espionage Against Ukraine Allies - Infosecurity Magazine
Fancy Bear Uses Nuke Threat Lure to Exploit 1-Click Bug | Threatpost
Russian APT28 hacker accused of the NATO think tank hack in Germany - Security Affairs
Russia fines Google for spreading ‘unreliable’ info defaming its army (
Nation State Actors – China
Chinese APT 'Bronze Starlight' Uses Ransomware to Disguise Cyberespionage | SecurityWeek.Com
Chinese Tropic Trooper APT spreads a hacking tool laced with a backdoor - Security Affairs
Chinese hackers target script kiddies with info-stealer trojan (
Nation State Actors – Iran
Nation State Actors – Misc APT
Vulnerability Management
Cisco warns of security holes in its security appliances • The Register
Google Patches 14 Vulnerabilities With Release of Chrome 103 | SecurityWeek.Com
Cisco will not address critical RCE in end-of-life Small Business RV routers - Security Affairs
Google expert detailed a 5-Year-Old flaw in Apple Safari exploited in the wild - Security Affairs
Oracle spent 6 months to fix 'Mega' flaws in the Fusion Middleware - Security Affairs
Researchers criticize Oracle's vulnerability disclosure process (
Critical PHP Vulnerability Exposes QNAP NAS Devices to Remote Attacks (
Sector Specific
Financial Services Sector
Flagstar Bank discloses data breach impacting 1.5 million customers (
7 Cyber security Best Practices for Financial Services Firms - MSSP Alert
Why Financial Institutions Must Double Down on Open Source Investments (
SMBs – Small and Medium Businesses
How tool sprawl is becoming a common issue for SMEs - Help Net Security
Middle market companies under attack: Threats coming from all directions - Help Net Security
#InfosecurityEurope2022: How Should SMEs Defend Against Cyber-Risks? - Infosecurity Magazine
Health/Medical/Pharma Sector
Magecart attacks are still around. And they are becoming more stealthy | ZDNet
Newly Discovered Magecart Infrastructure Reveals the Scale of Ongoing Campaign- IT Security Guru
Reports Published in the Last Week
Other News
Threat Intelligence Services Are Universally Valued by IT Staff (
Security pros increasingly plan to adopt MDR services in the next 12 months - Help Net Security
Board members and the C-suite need secure communication tools - Help Net Security
Adobe Acrobat may block antivirus tools from monitoring PDF files (
7 Ways to Avoid Worst-Case Cyber Scenarios (
3 threats dirty data poses to the enterprise (
Data recovery depends on how good your backup strategy is - Help Net Security
Unsecured APIs Could Be Costing Firms $75bn Per Year - Infosecurity Magazine
The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of the Presumption of Compromise (
#InfosecurityEurope2022: Are You Prepared For The Next Big Crisis? - Infosecurity Magazine
Ongoing PowerShell security threats prompt a call to action (
Despite known security issues, VPN usage continues to thrive - Help Net Security
Space-based assets aren’t immune to cyber attacks | CSO Online
Cyber security expert on how $13K of fuel was stolen from station (
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 17 June 2022
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 17 June 2022
-How Organisations Can Protect Themselves in The Emerging Risk Landscape
-Phishing Reaches All-Time High in Early 2022
-Ransomware Attacks Are Surging, with More Dangerous Hybrid Attacks to Come. Is Your Cyber Security Up to Date?
-The Challenges of Managing Increased Complexity As Hybrid IT Accelerates
-72% Of Middle Market Companies Expect to Experience a Cyber Attack
-Malware's Destruction Trajectory and How to Defeat It
-Which Stolen Data Are Ransomware Gangs Most Likely to Disclose?
-Threat Actors Becoming More Creative Exploiting the Human Factor
-66% Of Organisations Store 21%-60% Of Their Sensitive Data in The Cloud
-Travel-related Cyber Crime Takes Off as Industry Rebounds
-How Should You Think About Security When Considering Digital Transformation Projects?
-Internet Explorer Now Retired but Still an Attacker Target
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
How Organisations Can Protect Themselves in The Emerging Risk Landscape
ThoughtLab’s 2022 cyber security benchmarking study ‘Cyber Security Solutions for a Riskier World’ revealed that the pandemic has brought cyber security to a critical inflection point. The number of material breaches that respondents suffered rose 20.5% from 2020 to 2021, and cyber security budgets as a percentage of firms’ total revenue jumped 51%, from 0.53% to 0.80%.
During that time, cyber security has become a strategic business imperative, requiring CEOs and their management teams to work together to meet the higher expectations of regulators, shareholders, and the board.
Phishing Reaches All-Time High in Early 2022
The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) Phishing Activity Trends Report reveals that in the first quarter of 2022 there were 1,025,968 total phishing attacks—the worst quarter for phishing observed to date. This quarter was the first time the three-month total has exceeded one million. There were 384,291 attacks in March 2022, which was a record monthly total.
In the first quarter of 2022, OpSec Security reported that phishing attacks against the financial sector, which includes banks, remained the largest set of attacks, accounting for 23.6 percent of all phishing. Attacks against webmail and software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers remained prevalent as well, while attacks against retail/ecommerce sites fell from 17.3 to 14.6 percent after the holiday shopping season.
Phishing against social media services rose markedly, from 8.5 percent of all attacks in 4Q2021 to 12.5 percent in 1Q2022. Phishing against cryptocurrency targets—such as cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet providers—inched up from 6.5 in the previous quarter to 6.6 percent of attacks.
Ransomware Attacks Are Surging, with More Dangerous Hybrid Attacks to Come. Is Your Cyber Security Up to Date?
Time to reassess your cyber security strategies. Again.
Ransomware attacks on businesses have increased by one-third in the past year, according to a recent report by the Boston-based cyber security company Cybereason.
Most (73 percent of businesses) were hit by at least one ransomware attack in the past year, and 68 percent of businesses that paid a ransom were hit again in less than a month for a higher ransom, according to the survey, which polled 1,456 cyber security professionals at global companies with 700 or more employees.
These attacks have big implications: Thirty-seven percent of companies were forced to lay off employees after paying ransoms, and 33 percent were forced to temporarily suspend business.
Since the invasion of Ukraine, cyber security experts have insisted businesses improve their lines of defence to protect against an increased risk of ransomware attacks from Russia. Ransomware attacks have also increased since the start of the pandemic--the rise of remote work increased vulnerability for many businesses, which hackers have taken advantage of, a 2020 FBI memo noted. So, enterprises of all sizes are at risk from many more points of attack.
The Challenges of Managing Increased Complexity as Hybrid IT Accelerates
SolarWinds released the findings of its ninth annual IT Trends Report which examines the acceleration of digital transformation efforts and its impact on IT departments. The report found the acceleration of hybrid IT has increased network complexity for most organisations and caused several worrisome challenges for IT professionals.
Hybrid and remote work have amplified the impact of distributed and complex IT environments. Running workloads and applications across both cloud and on-premises infrastructure can be challenging, and many organisations are increasingly experiencing—and ultimately hindered by—these pain points.
As more and more mission-critical workloads move to connected cloud architectures that span public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments, enterprises recognise they need to invest in the tools that will help them ensure consistent policies and performance across all platforms and end users. However, they simultaneously face challenges such as budget, time constraints, and barriers to implementing observability as a strategy to keep pace with hybrid IT realities.
However professionals feel less confident in their organisation’s ability to manage IT. While 54% of respondents state they leverage monitoring strategies to manage this complexity, 49% revealed they lack visibility into the majority of their organisation’s apps and infrastructure. This lack of visibility impacts their ability to conduct anomaly detection, easy root-cause analysis, and other critical processes to ensure the availability, performance, and security of business-critical applications.
72% Of Middle Market Companies Expect to Experience a Cyber Attack
Middle market companies face an increasingly volatile cyber security environment, with threats coming from more directions than ever before and more skilled criminals targeting the segment, according to an RSM US and US Chamber of Commerce report.
However, there is good news as the number of breaches reported in the last year among middle market companies slightly decreased with protections becoming more available and executives understanding the consequences related to potential incidents. Twenty-two percent of middle market leaders claimed that their company experienced a data breach in the last year, representing a drop from 28% in last year’s survey, suggesting that even with enhanced protections in place and the decrease in attacks, companies cannot afford to let their guard down.
The middle market encountered a roller coaster of risks in the last year, from lingering threats related to the COVID-19 pandemic to geopolitical conflicts and economic uncertainty.
The small drop in reported breaches is encouraging, and largely attributed to middle market companies beginning to implement better identity and access management controls. Yet, even with the decline in reported attacks, companies recognise the risks posed by the current dynamic threat environment, with 72% of executives anticipating that unauthorised users will attempt to access data or systems in 2022, a sharp rise from 64% last year and the highest number since RSM began tracking data in 2015.
Malware's Destruction Trajectory and How to Defeat It
Malware and targeted attacks on operating systems and firmware have become increasingly destructive in nature, and these more nefarious attack methods are rising in prevalence. And just to add insult to injury, there are more of them. Today’s attacks are hitting more often, and they are hitting harder.
In the first three decades of its existence, malware was primarily restricted to mischief and attempts by virus creators to discover if their creations would work. But now the threat landscape has changed from simple vandalism to lucrative cyber crime and state-sponsored attacks.
Wiper malware, in particular, has gained traction in recent months. The FortiGuard Labs research team has seen at least seven different malware attacks targeting Ukrainian infrastructure or Ukrainian companies so far this year. The primary reason for using Wiper malware is its sheer destructiveness – the intent is to cripple infrastructure. What does the increased presence of Wiper malware strains indicate? And what do security leaders need to know and do to keep their organisation safe? Read more…
Which Stolen Data Are Ransomware Gangs Most Likely to Disclose?
If your organisation gets hit by a ransomware gang that has also managed to steal company data before hitting the “encrypt” button, which types of data are more likely to end up being disclosed as you debate internally on whether you should pay the ransomware gang off?
Rapid7 analysed 161 data disclosures performed by ransomware gangs using the double extortion approach between April 2020 and February 2022, and found that:
The most commonly leaked data is financial (63%), followed by customer/patient data (48%)
Files containing intellectual property (e.g., trade secrets, research data, etc.) are rarely disclosed (12%) by ransomware gangs, but if the organisation is part of the pharmaceutical industry, the risk of IP data being disclosed is considerably higher (43%), “likely due to the high value placed on research and development within this industry.”
Threat Actors Becoming More Creative Exploiting the Human Factor
Threat actors exhibited "ceaseless creativity" last year when attacking the Achilles heel of every organisation—its human capital—according to Proofpoint's annual The Human Factor 2022 report. The report, released June 2, draws on a multi-trillion datapoint graph created from the company's deployments to identify the latest attack trends by malicious players.
"Last year, attackers demonstrated just how unscrupulous they really are, making protecting people from cyber threats an ongoing—and often eye-opening—challenge for organisations,” Proofpoint said in a statement.
The combination of remote work and the blurring of work and personal life on smartphones have influenced attacker techniques, the report notes. During the year, SMS phishing, or smishing, attempts more than doubled in the United States, while in the UK, 50% of phishing lures focused on delivery notifications. An expectation that more people were likely working from home even drove good, old-fashioned voice scams, with more than 100,000 telephone attacks a day being launched by cyber criminals.
66% Of Organisations Store 21%-60% Of Their Sensitive Data in The Cloud
A Thales report, conducted by 451 Research, reveals that 45% of businesses have experienced a cloud-based data breach or failed audit in the past 12 months, up 5% from the previous year, raising even greater concerns regarding the protection of sensitive data from cyber criminals.
Globally, cloud adoption and notably multicloud adoption, remains on the rise. In 2021, organisations worldwide were using an average amount of 110 software as a service (SaaS) applications, compared with just eight in 2015, showcasing a startlingly rapid increase.
With increasing complexity of multicloud environments comes an even greater need for robust cyber security. When asked what percentage of their sensitive data is stored in the cloud, 66% said between 21-60%. However, only 25% said they could fully classify all data.
Travel-related Cyber Crime Takes Off as Industry Rebounds
An upsurge in the tourism industry after the COVID-19 pandemic grabs the attention of cyber criminals to scam the tourists.
Researchers are warning a post-COVID upsurge in travel has painted a bullseye on the travel industry and has spurred related cyber crimes.
Criminal activity includes an uptick in adversaries targeting the theft of airline mileage reward points, website credentials for travel websites and travel-related databases breaches, according to a report by Intel 471.
The impact of the attacks are hacked accounts stripped of value. But also, researchers say the consequences of recent attacks can also include flight delays and cancelations as airlines grapple with mitigating hacks.
How Should You Think About Security When Considering Digital Transformation Projects?
Digital transformation helps businesses keep operating and stay competitive. Here are the ways to think about security so that businesses reap the benefits without taking on associated risks.
Multiple factors contribute to the sheer number of digital transformation projects underway today: the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT), expanding artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, the sudden shift to a remote workforce prompted by the global COVID-19 pandemic, and the rapid rate of cloud migration. Digital transformation is no longer a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have in order to survive and thrive in today’s business world.
CISOs and their security teams need to think about security in the digital age from both an internal and an external perspective. For the former, security teams should introduce and adopt digital enablers to transform the information security organisation. Digital enablers include the cloud, IoT, AI/machine learning (ML), and automation to transform the information security organisation.
For the latter, they should address potential risks as new digital enablers are introduced by the business to drive growth.
Here are five specific areas security teams should prioritise to achieve security-first digital transformation:
Security operations modernisation
Developer-centric security
Cloud strategy and execution
Connected devices
Big data and analytics
As important as it is to keep the business operating and competitive, organisations must transform securely. Keeping security at the forefront gives the business the benefits of digital transformation without the associated risks.
Internet Explorer Now Retired but Still an Attacker Target
Microsoft's official end-of-support for the Internet Explorer 11 desktop application on June 15 relegated to history a browser that's been around for almost 27 years. Even so, IE still likely will provide a juicy target for attackers.
That's because some organisations are still using Internet Explorer (IE) despite Microsoft's long-known plans to deprecate the technology. Microsoft meanwhile has retained the MSHTML (aka Trident) IE browser engine as part of Windows 11 until 2029, allowing organisations to run in IE mode while they transition to the Microsoft Edge browser. In other words, IE isn't dead just yet, nor are threats to it.
Though IE has a negligible share of the browser market worldwide these days (0.52%), many enterprises still run it or have legacy applications tied to IE. This appears to be the case in countries such as Japan and Korea. Stories in Nikkei Asia and Japan Times this week quoted a survey by Keyman's Net showing that nearly 49% of 350 Japanese companies surveyed are still using IE. Another report in South Korea's MBN pointed to several large organisations still running IE.
Ransomware attacks are increasing with more dangerous hybrids ahead | CSO Online
Why do organisations need to prioritize ransomware preparedness? - Help Net Security
Ransomware and Phishing Remain IT's Biggest Concerns (
The attacker’s toolkit: Ransomware-as-a-service | VentureBeat
Ransomware gang publishes stolen victim data on the public Internet - Help Net Security
Researchers Discover Way to Attack SharePoint and OneDrive Files with Ransomware | SecurityWeek.Com
ALPHV/BlackCat ransomware gang starts publishing victims' data on the clear web - Security Affairs
Ransomware gang creates site for employees to search for their stolen data (
Microsoft: Exchange servers hacked to deploy BlackCat ransomware (
Conti's Attack Against Costa Rica Sparks a New Ransomware Era | WIRED UK
Hello XD ransomware now drops a backdoor while encrypting (
Alphv ransomware gang ups pressure with new extortion scheme (
Costa Rica Chaos a Warning That Ransomware Threat Remains | SecurityWeek.Com
DeadBolt ransomware takes another shot at QNAP storage • The Register
The many lives of BlackCat ransomware - Microsoft Security Blog
Atlassian Confluence Flaw Being Used to Deploy Ransomware and Crypto Miners (
BlackCat Ransomware affiliates target unpatched Microsoft Exchange servers - Security Affairs
Ransomware gangs target Japan as a feeding ground | Financial Times (
Africa's biggest supermarket hit by ransomware attacks | TechRadar
Phishing & Email Based Attacks
NakedPages Phishing Toolkit is Now Available on Cyber crime Forums - Infosecurity Magazine
New phishing attack infects devices with Cobalt Strike (
Other Social Engineering
How social engineering attacks are evolving beyond email - Help Net Security
2,000 People Arrested Worldwide for Social Engineering Schemes | SecurityWeek.Com
Heineken giving away free beer for Father's Day? It's a WhatsApp scam (
Businesses are leaving bot attacks unchallenged for almost four months - Help Net Security
New Syslogk Linux rootkit uses magic packets to trigger backdoor (
Linux Malware Deemed ‘Nearly Impossible’ to Detect | Threatpost
Authorities Shut Down Russian RSOCKS Botnet That Hacked Millions of Devices (
Akamai Warns Of "Panchan" Linux Botnet That Leverages Golang Concurrency, Systemd - Phoronix
Websites Hosting Fake Cracks Spread Updated CopperStealer Malware (
Over a billion Google Play Store app downloads could be infected by malware | TechRadar
Android malware on the Google Play Store gets 2 million downloads (
MaliBot: A New Android Banking Trojan Spotted in the Wild (
Chinese Hackers Distribute Backdoored Web3 Wallets for iOS and Android Users (
Android Spyware 'Hermit' Discovered in Targeted Attacks (
Internet of Things - IoT
Anker Eufy smart home hubs exposed to RCE attacks by critical flaw (
Researcher Shows How Tesla Key Card Feature Can Be Abused to Steal Cars | SecurityWeek.Com
Data Breaches/Leaks
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Cyber Criminals Smuggle Ukrainian Men Across Border - Infosecurity Magazine
iCloud hacker gets 9 years in prison for stealing nude photos (
Insider Risk and Insider Threats
Fraud, Scams & Financial Crime
INTERPOL raids hundreds of scammy call centers in sweep - CyberScoop
Fraud trends and scam tactics consumers should be aware of - Help Net Security
Dark Web
Supply Chain and Third Parties
Denial of Service DoS/DDoS
A tiny botnet launched the largest DDoS attack on record | ZDNet
DDoS Subscription Service Operator Gets 2 Years in Prison (
Increased cloud complexity needs stronger cyber security - Help Net Security
Beware the 'Secret Agent' Cloud Middleware (
SaaS security: How to avoid “death by 1000 apps” - Help Net Security
Quantifying the SaaS Supply Chain and Its Risks (
83% of IT pros are using either hybrid or multi-cloud - Help Net Security
Passwords, Credential Stuffing & Brute Force Attacks
24+ Billion Credentials Circulating on the Dark Web in 2022 — So Far (
Strong passwords still a priority strategy for enterprises - Help Net Security
The future is passwordless. What's slowing it down? - Help Net Security
Brute-Force Attacks: How to Defend Against Them - MSSP Alert
Staffing Firm Robert Half Says Hackers Targeted Over 1,000 Customer Accounts | SecurityWeek.Com
Regulations, Fines and Legislation
Privacy Watchdog Set to Keep Millions in Fines for Legal Costs - Infosecurity Magazine
Canada wants companies to report cyber attacks and hacking incidents | Reuters
A closer look at the US SEC Cyber Security Disclosure rule - Help Net Security
Law Enforcement Action and Take Downs
Spyware, Cyber Espionage & Cyber Warfare, including Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Sophisticated Android Spyware 'Hermit' Used by Governments | SecurityWeek.Com
Chinese 'Gallium' Hackers Using New PingPull Malware in Cyberespionage Attacks (
Vladimir Putin forced by cyber attack in Russia to delay keynote speech | The Independent
Iranian hacking campaign that included former US ambassador exposed - CyberScoop
Nation State Actors
Nation State Actors – Russia
Russian hackers start targeting Ukraine with Follina exploits (
Mixed results for Russia's aggressive Ukraine information war, experts say - CyberScoop
Nation State Actors – China
Nation State Actors – Iran
Microsoft fixes Follina and 55 other CVEs - Help Net Security
Details of Twice-Patched Windows RDP Vulnerability Disclosed | SecurityWeek.Com
New Hertzbleed side-channel attack affects Intel, AMD CPUs (
Time to throw out those older, vulnerable Cisco SMB routers • The Register
Critical Citrix Bugs Impact All ADM Servers, Agents (
Time to update: Google patches seven Chrome browser bugs, four rated 'high' risk | ZDNet
Why Log4j Is Still The Problem When The Patch Is Released 6 Months Ago? – Information Security Buzz
Atlassian Confluence Flaw Being Used to Deploy Ransomware and Crypto Miners (
Sophos Firewall zero-day bug exploited weeks before fix (
Researchers Disclose Rooting Backdoor in Mitel IP Phones for Businesses (
How to mitigate Active Directory attacks that use the KrbRelayUp toolset | CSO Online
Hertzbleed disclosure raises questions for Intel (
Critical Atlassian Confluence flaw remains under attack (
Hackers exploit three-year-old Telerik flaws to deploy Cobalt Strike (
Zimbra bug allows stealing email logins with no user interaction (
Microsoft takes months to fix critical Azure Synapse bug (
PACMAN, a new attack technique against Apple M1 CPUs - Security Affairs
Critical Code Execution Vulnerability Patched in Splunk Enterprise | SecurityWeek.Com
High-Severity RCE Vulnerability Reported in Popular Fastjson Library (
This Security Exploit Could Have Major PS5 And PS4 Implications (
Sector Specific
Financial Services Sector
Health/Medical/Pharma Sector
Ransomware Risk in Healthcare Endangers Patients | Threatpost
Kaiser Permanente Says Data Breach Hit 69,000 Patients (
Transport and Aviation
Tackling 5 Challenges Facing Critical National Infrastructure Today (
State of OT Security in 2022: Big Survey Key Insights (
Over a Dozen Flaws Found in Siemens' Industrial Network Management System (
Eight ICS Zero Days Could Open Doors for Hackers - Infosecurity Magazine
Reports Published in the Last Week
Other News
Why We Need Security Knowledge and Not Just Threat Intel (
Once is never enough: The need for continuous penetration testing - Help Net Security
CISOs Gain False Confidence in the Calm After the Storm of the Pandemic (
9 ways hackers will use machine learning to launch attacks | CSO Online
API security warrants its own specific solution - Help Net Security
Cyber Security Courses Ramp Up Amid Shortage of Professionals | SecurityWeek.Com
How Russian sanctions may be helping US cyber security (
UK Security Practitioners Lack The Confidence To Stop Attacks – Information Security Buzz
How Can Security Partnerships Help to Mitigate the Increasing Cyber Threat? (
45% of cyber security pros are considering quitting the industry due to stress - Help Net Security
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
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