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Black Arrow Cyber Advisory 29 September 2023 – Billions of Usernames and Passwords Leaked Online And Major Charities Hit by Cyber Attack
Black Arrow Cyber Advisory 29 September 2023 – Billions of Usernames and Passwords Leaked Online And Major Charities Hit by Cyber Attack
Executive Summary
The usernames and passwords of billions of users have been exposed online after a company, DarkBeam left an online database unprotected. It’s worth noting that all of the leaked email addresses and passwords in this database actually came from previous data breaches. It appears DarkBeam had been collecting this information to alert its customers in regards to future data breaches.
This comes as a number of major charities have been impacted by a cyber attack on in which the supply chain of About Loyalty, who work with a number of charities, had been breached. As a result, a significant amount of donor information had been exfiltrated.
What’s the risk to me or my business?
The leaked usernames and passwords can be used by threat actors as attempts to perform account compromise or to conduct phishing campaigns. Similarly, the donor information related to the charity attacks can be used to perform phishing attacks. In both cases, the confidentiality and integrity of data can be impacted.
What can I do?
As always, Black Arrow recommend users stay vigilant and scrutinise anything that comes into their inbox.
To find out if your email address or password has featured in a data breach, you can visit:
More information on the leaked passwords can be found here:
More information on the charity breach can be found here:
Need help understanding your gaps, or just want some advice? Get in touch with us.
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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 06 August 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 06 August 2021:
-Ransomware Volumes Hit Record High
-Ransomware Gangs Recruiting Insiders To Breach Corporate Networks
-More Than 12,500 Vulnerabilities Disclosed In First Half Of 2021
-New DNS Vulnerability Allows 'Nation-State Level Spying' On Companies
-Constant Review Of Third Party Security Critical As Ransomware Threat Climbs
-Kaseya Ransomware Attack Sets Off Race To Hack Service Providers
-Joint UK/US Advisory Detailing Top 30 Vulnerabilities Include Plenty Of Usual Suspects
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Ransomware Volumes Hit Record Highs As 2021 Wears On
Ransomware has seen a significant uptick so far in 2021, with global attack volume increasing by 151 percent for the first six months of the year as compared with the year-ago half. Meanwhile, the FBI has warned that there are now 100 different strains circulating around the world. From a hard-number perspective, the ransomware scourge hit a staggering 304.7 million attempted attacks. To put that in perspective, the firm logged 304.6 million ransomware attempts for the entirety of 2020.
Ransomware Gangs Recruiting Insiders To Breach Corporate Networks
The LockBit 2.0 ransomware gang is actively recruiting corporate insiders to help them breach and encrypt networks. In return, the insider is promised million-dollar payouts. Many ransomware gangs operate as a Ransomware-as-a-Service, which consists of a core group of developers, who maintain the ransomware and payment sites, and recruited affiliates who breach victims' networks and encrypt devices. Any ransom payments that victims make are then split between the core group and the affiliate, with the affiliate usually receiving 70-80% of the total amount. However, in many cases, the affiliates purchase access to networks from other third-party pentesters rather than breaching the company themselves. With LockBit 2.0, the ransomware gang is trying to remove the middleman and instead recruit insiders to provide them access to a corporate network.
More Than 12,500 Vulnerabilities Disclosed In First Half Of 2021
Two new reports were released, covering data breaches and vulnerabilities in the first half of 2021, finding that there was a decline in the overall number of reported breaches but an increase in the number of vulnerabilities disclosed. The company's data breach report found that there were 1,767 publicly reported breaches in the first six months of 2021, a 24% decline compared to the same period last year. The number of reported breaches grew in the US by 1.5% while 18.8 billion records were exposed year to date, a 32% decline compared to the 27.8 billion records leaked in the first half of 2020.
New DNS Vulnerability Allows 'Nation-State Level Spying' On Companies
Security researchers found a new class of DNS vulnerabilities impacting major DNS-as-a-Service (DNSaaS) providers that could allow attackers to access sensitive information from corporate networks.
DNSaaS providers (also known as managed DNS providers) provide DNS renting services to other organisations that do not want to manage and secure yet another network asset on their own.
These DNS flaws provide threat actors with nation-state intelligence harvesting capabilities with a simple domain registration.
Constant Review Of Third Party Security Critical As Ransomware Threat Climbs
Enterprises typically would give their third-party suppliers "the keys to their castle" after carrying out the usual checks on the vendor's track history and systems, according to a New York-based Forrester analyst who focuses on security and risk. They believed they had done their due diligence before establishing a relationship with the supplier, but they failed to understand that they should be conducting reviews on a regular basis, especially with their critical systems suppliers. Third-party suppliers should have the ability to deal with irregular activities in their systems and the appropriate security architecture in place to prevent any downstream effects, he added.
Kaseya Ransomware Attack Sets Off Race To Hack Service Providers
A ransomware attack in July that paralyzed as many as 1,500 organisations by compromising tech-management software from a company called Kaseya has set off a race among criminals looking for similar vulnerabilities, cyber security experts said. An affiliate of a top Russian-speaking ransomware gang known as REvil used two gaping flaws in software from Florida-based Kaseya to break into about 50 managed services providers (MSPs) that used its products, investigators said. Now that criminals see how powerful MSP attacks can be, "they are already busy, they have already moved on and we don’t know where," said head of the non-profit Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure, which warned Kaseya of the weaknesses before the attack.
‘It’s Quite Feasible To Start A War’: Just How Dangerous Are Ransomware Hackers?
Secretive gangs are hacking the computers of governments, firms, even hospitals, and demanding huge sums. But if we pay these ransoms, are we creating a ticking time bomb? They have the sort of names that only teenage boys or aspiring Bond villains would dream up (REvil, Grief, Wizard Spider, Ragnar), they base themselves in countries that do not cooperate with international law enforcement and they don’t care whether they attack a hospital or a multinational corporation. Ransomware gangs are suddenly everywhere, seemingly unstoppable – and very successful.
Joint UK/US Advisory Detailing Top 30 Vulnerabilities Include Plenty Of Usual Suspects
A joint advisory from law enforcement agencies in the US, UK, and Australia this week tallied the 30 most-frequently exploited vulnerabilities. Perhaps not surprisingly, the list includes a preponderance of flaws that were disclosed years ago; everything on the list has a patch available for whoever wants to install it. But as we've written about time and again, many companies are slow to push updates through for all kinds of reasons, whether it's a matter of resources, know-how, or an unwillingness to accommodate the downtime often necessary for a software refresh. Given how many of these vulnerabilities can cause remote code execution—you don't want this—hopefully they'll start to make patching more of a priority.
Average Total Cost Of A Data Breach Increased By Nearly 10% Year Over Year
Based on in-depth analysis of real-world data breaches experienced by over 500 organisations, the global study suggests that security incidents became more costly and harder to contain due to drastic operational shifts during the pandemic, with costs rising 10% compared to the prior year. Businesses were forced to quickly adapt their technology approaches last year, with many companies encouraging or requiring employees to work from home, and 60% of organisations moving further into cloud-based activities during the pandemic. The new findings suggest that security may have lagged behind these rapid IT changes, hindering organizations’ ability to respond to data breaches.
65% Of All DDoS Attacks Target US And UK
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are common for cyber criminals who want to disrupt online-dependent businesses. According to the data analysed by a VPN team, 65% of all distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are directed at the US or UK. Computers and the internet industry are the favourite among cyber criminals. The United States was a target for 35% of all DDoS attacks in June 2021. Cyber criminals launched DDoS attacks against Amazon Web Services, Google, and other prominent US-based companies in the past. The United Kingdom comes second as it fell victim to 29% of all DDoS attacks. As the UK has many huge businesses, they often are targeted by hackers for valuable data or even a ransom. China was threatened by 18% of all DDoS attacks in June 2021. Assaults from and to China happen primarily due to political reasons, to interrupt some government agency.
Ransomware Attacks Rise Despite US Call For Clampdown On Cyber Criminals
BlackMatter Ransomware Gang Rises From The Ashes Of DarkSide, Revil
Criminals Are Using Call Centres To Spread Ransomware In A Crafty Scheme
Microsoft Warns Office 365 Users Over This Sneaky Phishing Campaign
Spear Phishing Now Targets Employees Outside The Finance And Executive Teams, Report Says
Other Social Engineering
A Wide Range Of Cyber Attacks Leveraging Prometheus TDS Malware Service
Several Malware Families Targeting IIS Web Servers With Malicious Modules
Microsoft: This Windows And Linux Malware Does Everything It Can To Stay On Your Network
An Explosive Spyware Report Shows Limits Of IOS, Android Security
This Android Malware Steals Your Data In The Most Devious Way
The Latest Android Bank-Fraud Malware Uses A Clever Tactic To Steal Credentials
Code Execution Flaw Found In Cisco Firepower Device Manager On-Box Software
Cisco Issues Critical Security Patches To Fix Small Business VPN Router Bugs
Decade-Long Vulnerability In Multiple Routers Could Allow Network Compromise
Security Researchers Warn Of TCP/IP Stack Flaws In Operational Technology Devices
PwnedPiper PTS Security Flaws Threaten 80% of Hospitals In The U.S.
Data Breaches
Threat Actors Leaked Data Stolen From EA, Including FIFA Code
Hackers Breach San Diego Hospital, Gaining Access To Patients'... Well, Uh, Everything
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Supply Chain
Nation State Actors
Here's 30 Servers Russian Intelligence Uses To Fling Malware At The West, Beams RiskIQ
Russian Federal Agencies Were Attacked With Chinese Webdav-O Virus
New Chinese Spyware Being Used In Widespread Cyber Espionage Attacks
Suspected Chinese Hackers Took Advantage Of Microsoft Exchange Vulnerability To Steal Call Records
Iranian APT Lures Defense Contractor In Catfishing-Malware Scam
Chinese Hackers Target Major Southeast Asian Telecom Companies
Reports Published in the Last Week
Other News
Leaked Document Says Google Fired Dozens Of Employees For Data Misuse
Hybrid Work Is Here To Stay – But What Does That Mean For Cyber Security?
Huawei To America: You're Not Taking Cyber Security Seriously Until You Let China Vouch For Us
Trusted Platform Module Security Defeated In 30 Minutes, No Soldering Required
Credit-Card-Stealing, Backdoored Packages Found In Python's PyPi Library Hub
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our weekly ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 30 July 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 30 July 2021: Many Workers Ignore Security Risks To Maximize Productivity; Financial Services Accounting For Nearly 40% Of All Phishing URLs; Half Of Organisations Are Ineffective At Countering Phishing And Ransomware Threats; 36% Of Organisations Suffered A Serious Cloud Security Data Leak Or A Breach In The Past Year; HP Finds 75% Of Threats Were Delivered By Email In First Six Months Of 2021
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Many Workers Ignore Security Risks To Maximize Productivity
A large proportion of employees often take shortcuts to optimize productivity at work, despite understanding the security risks, new data suggests. According to a survey which polled 8,000 workers worldwide, almost four in five (79%) have engaged in one or more “risky activity” in the past twelve months. In a third of cases (35%), this involved saving passwords to their browser. A similar percentage admitted to using a single password across multiple online accounts, while 23% connected personal devices to corporate networks.
Financial Services Accounting For Nearly 40% Of All Phishing URLs
A report was released for H1 2021, which revealed that there has been a major jump in phishing attacks since the start of the year with a 281 percent spike in May and another 284 percent increase in June, for a total of 4.2 billion phishing emails detected for June alone. For this 6-month window researchers identified Crédit Agricole as the most impersonated brand, with 17,555 unique phishing URLs, followed by Facebook, with 17,338, and Microsoft, with 12,777.
Half Of Organisations Are Ineffective At Countering Phishing And Ransomware Threats
Half of organisations are not effective at countering phishing and ransomware threats. The findings come from a study compiled from interviews with 130 cyber security professionals in mid-sized and large organisations. “Phishing and ransomware were already critical enterprise security risks even before the pandemic hit and, as this report shows, the advent of mass remote working has increased the pressure of these threats,”. “Organisations need multi-layered defences in place to mitigate these risks.”
36% Of Organisations Suffered A Serious Cloud Security Data Leak Or A Breach In The Past Year
As cloud adoption accelerates and the scale of cloud environments grows, engineering and security teams say that risks—and the costs of addressing them—are increasing. The findings are part of the State of Cloud Security 2021 survey. The survey of 300 cloud pros (including cloud engineers; security engineers; DevOps; architects) found that 36% of organisations suffered a serious cloud security data leak or a breach in the past 12 months, and eight out of ten are worried that they’re vulnerable to a major data breach related to cloud misconfiguration. 64% say the problem will get worse or remain unchanged over the next year.
HP Finds 75% Of Threats Were Delivered By Email In First Six Months Of 2021
According to the latest HP Report, email is still the most popular way for malware and other threats to be delivered, with more than 75% of threats being sent through email messages. The report -- covering the first half of 2021 -- is compiled based on customers who opt to share their threat alerts with the company. HP's researchers found that there has been a 65% rise in the use of hacking tools downloaded from underground forums and filesharing websites from H2 2020 to H1 2021. Some of the tools can solve CAPTCHA challenges using computer vision techniques.
Data Breach Costs Hit Record High Due To Pandemic
Data breaches have always proved costly for victimized organisations. But the coronavirus pandemic made a bad situation even worse. A report released Wednesday looks at how and why the average cost of dealing with a data breach has jumped to a new high. The average cost of a data breach among companies surveyed reached $4.24 million per incident, the highest in 17 years.
Top 30 Critical Security Vulnerabilities Most Exploited By Hackers
Intelligence agencies in Australia, the U.K., and the U.S. issued a joint advisory on Wednesday detailing the most exploited vulnerabilities in 2020 and 2021, once again demonstrating how threat actors can swiftly weaponize publicly disclosed flaws to their advantage. The top 30 vulnerabilities span a wide range of software, including remote work, virtual private networks (VPNs), and cloud-based technologies, that cover a broad spectrum of products from Microsoft, VMware, Pulse Secure, Fortinet, Accellion, Citrix, F5 Big IP, Atlassian, and Drupal.
Average Time To Fix High Severity Vulnerabilities Grows From 197 Days To 246 Days In 6 Months: Report
A recent report has found that the remediation rate for severe vulnerabilities is on the decline, while the average time to fix is on the rise. The report, which is compiled monthly, covers window of exposure, vulnerability by class and time to fix. The latest report found that the window of exposure for applications has increased over the last six months while the top-5 vulnerability classes by prevalence remain constant, which the researchers behind the report said was a "systematic failure to address these well-known vulnerabilities." According to researchers, the time to fix vulnerabilities has dropped 3 days, from 205 days to 202 days. The average time to fix is 202 days, the report found, representing an increase from 197 days at the beginning of the year. The average time to fix for high vulnerabilities grew from 194 days at the beginning of the year to 246 days at the end of June.
Why Remote Working Leaves Us Vulnerable To Cyber Attacks
An industry survey found 56% of senior IT technicians believe their employees have picked up bad cyber security habits while working from home. For Example. A cyber-crime group known as REvil took meticulous care when picking the timing for its most recent attack - US Independence Day, 4 July. They knew many IT specialists and cyber-security experts would be on leave, enjoying a long weekend off work. Before long, more than 1,000 companies in the US, and at least 17 other countries, were under attack from hackers. Many firms were forced into a costly downtime period as a result. Among those targeted during the incident was a well-known software provider, Kaseya. REvil used Kaseya as a conduit to spread its ransomware - a malware that can scramble and steal an organisation's computer data - through other corporate and cloud-based networks that use the software.
Stop Mitigating Cyber Security Threats And Start Preventing Them
The impacts of a successful cyber attack can be devastating. Through multiple forms of extortion, criminals can use stolen data and other business-critical assets, including sensitive financial and customer data to hold companies hostage with just one campaign. The average cost of a phishing attack last year was $832,500, with zero-day attacks costing around $1,238,000. Spending this amount of money to recover from a cyber attack could bring a company to its knees. Today’s cyber attacks present very real existential threats to businesses and C-level executives are beginning to fully realize the gravity of these threats. It is critical that organizations invest in solutions that are going to help stop these attackers before they enter their environments.
Babuk Ransomware Decryptor Causes Encryption 'Beyond Repair'
Ransomware Can Penetrate Quickly, Significantly Damaging An Organisation
BlackMatter Ransomware Targets Companies With Revenue Of $100 Million And More
LockBit Ransomware Now Encrypts Windows Domains Using Group Policies
The World's Top Ransomware Gangs Have created A cyber Crime "Cartel"
Social Engineering
Average Organisation Targeted By Over 700 Social Engineering Attacks Each Year: Report
These Hackers Built An Elaborate Online Profile To Fool Their Targets Into Downloading Malware
Hackers Exploit Microsoft Browser Bug To Deploy VBA Malware On Targeted PCs
Microsoft Warns Of LemonDuck Malware Targeting Windows and Linux Systems
Japanese Computers Hit By A Wiper Malware Ahead Of 2021 Tokyo Olympics
New Android Malware Uses VNC To Spy And Steal Passwords From Victims
UBEL Is The New Oscorp — Android Credential Stealing Malware Active In The Wild
Microsoft Warns Of Credential Stealing NTLM Relay Attacks Against Windows Domain Controllers
VPN Servers Seized By Ukrainian Authorities Weren’t Encrypted
Hackers Have Found Yet Another Way To Attack Kubernetes Clusters
Windows 10 Printer Problems Persist Following Latest Security Update
Apple Releases Urgent 0-Day Bug Patch For Mac, iPhone And iPad Devices
Researchers Warn Of Unpatched Kaseya Unitrends Backup Vulnerabilities
New Linux Kernel Bug Lets You Get Root On Most Modern Distros
Dozens Of Web Apps Vulnerable To DNS Cache Poisoning Via ‘Forgot Password’ Feature
Nasty MacOS Malware XCSSET Now Targets Google Chrome, Telegram Software
Data Breaches
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Threat Actor Offers Clubhouse Secret Database Containing 3.8b Phone Numbers
Number Of Hacking Tools Increasing As Cyber Criminals Become More Organised
Dark Web
Supply Chain
Nation State Actors
Chinese Hackers Implant PlugX Variant On Compromised MS Exchange Servers
APT Group Hits IIS Web Servers With Deserialization Flaws And Memory-Resident Malware
Reports Published in the Last Week
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our weekly ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 16 July 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 16 July 2021: 84% Of Orgs Experienced Phishing Or Ransomware Attacks In The Last Year; Phishing continues to be one of the easiest paths for ransomware; Only Half Of Orgs Can Defend Against Ransomware; MI5 Chief Warns Public Of Cyber-Threat From Hostile States Such As China & Russia; Almost All Orgs Suffered Insider Data Breaches; Cyber Crime Costs Orgs Nearly $1.79 Million Per Minute; Sonicwall Releases Urgent Notice About 'Imminent' Ransomware Targeting Firmware; Google Finds Zero-Day Security Flaws In All Your Favourite Browsers
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
84% Of Organisations Experienced Phishing Or Ransomware Attacks In The Last Year
A new report from Trend Micro has found that 84% of organisations have reported phishing or ransomware security incidents in the last 12 months.
The findings come from an Osterman Research study commissioned by Trend Micro that was compiled from interviews with cyber security professionals in midsize and large organisations nationwide. The research also found that half of organisations are not effective at countering phishing and ransomware threats.
Phishing continues to be one of the easiest paths for ransomware
Ransomware gangs are still using phishing as one of the main ways to attack an organisation, according to a new survey from Cloudian featuring the insights of 200 IT decision-makers who experienced a ransomware attack over the last two years.
More than half of all respondents have held anti-phishing training among employees, and 49% had perimeter defenses in place when they were attacked.
Nearly 25% of all survey respondents said their ransomware attacks started through phishing, and of those victims, 65% had conducted anti-phishing training sessions. For enterprises with fewer than 500 employees, 41% said their attacks started with phishing. About one-third of all victims said their public cloud was the entry point ransomware groups used to attack them.
Ransomware: Only Half Of Organisations Can Effectively Defend Against Attacks, Warns Report
Around half of firms don't have the technology to prevent or detect ransomware attacks, according to research by cybersecurity company Trend Micro. It suggests that many organisations don't have the cybersecurity capabilities required to prevent ransomware attacks, such as the ability to detect phishing emails, remote desktop protocol (RDP) compromise or other common techniques deployed by cyber attackers during ransomware campaigns.
For example, the report warns that many organisations struggle with detecting the suspicious activity associated with ransomware and attacks that could provide early evidence that cyber criminals have compromised the network. That includes failing to identify unusual lateral movement across corporate networks, or being able to spot unauthorised users gaining access to corporate data.
MI5 Chief Warns Public Of Cyber-Threat From Hostile States Such As China & Russia
Head of Britain's MI5, Ken McCallum, is urging the public to be as vigilant about threats from "hostile states" as from terrorism.
These include disruptive cyber-attacks, misinformation, espionage and interference in politics - and are usually linked to Russia and China.
McCallum is warning that "less visible threats... have the potential to affect us all," affecting UK jobs and public services and could even lead to a loss of life.
The head of the Security Service wants to challenge the idea that activity by so-called "hostile states", usually taken to mean primarily Russia and China, only affects governments or certain institutions.
Instead, he is to argue in an annual threat update, that the British public are not immune to the "tentacles" of covert action by other states.
In the speech at MI5's Thames House headquarters, Mr McCallum will warn the "consequences range from frustration and inconvenience, through loss of livelihood, potentially up to loss of life".
Almost All Organisations Have Suffered Insider Data Breaches
Egress’ Insider Data Breach Survey 2021 claims that 94 percent of organisations have experienced insider data breaches in the last year. Human error was the top cause of serious incidents, according to 84 percent of IT leaders surveyed.
However, IT leaders are more concerned about malicious insiders, with 28 percent indicating that intentionally malicious behaviour is their biggest fear. Despite causing the most incidents, human error came bottom of the list, with just over one-fifth (21 percent) saying that it’s their biggest concern.
Additionally, almost three-quarters (74 percent) of organisations have been breached because of employees breaking security rules, and 73 percent have been the victim of phishing attacks.
The survey, independently conducted by Arlington Research on behalf of Egress, surveyed 500 IT leaders and 3,000 employees in the US and UK across vertical sectors including financial services, healthcare and legal.
Cyber Crime Costs Organisations Nearly $1.79 Million Per Minute
Cybercrime costs organisations an incredible $1.79m every minute, according to RiskIQ’s 2021 Evil Internet Minute Report.
The study, which analysed the volume of malicious activity on the internet, laid bare the scale and damage of cyber-attacks in the past year, finding that 648 cyber-threats occurred every minute.
The researchers calculated that the average cost of a breach is $7.2 per minute, while the overall predicted cybersecurity spend is $280,060 every minute.
E-commerce has been heavily hit by online payment fraud in the past year, with cyber-criminals taking advantage of the shift to online shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the e-commerce industry saw a record $861.1bn in sales, it lost $38,052 to online payment fraud every minute.
Phishing, Ransomware Driving Wave of Data Breaches
Data compromises have increased every month this year except May.
If that trend continues, or even if there is only an average of 141 new compromises per month for the next six months, the total will still exceed the previous high of 1,632 breaches set in 2017.
These were among the findings of the nonprofit organization Identity Theft Resource Center’s (ITRC) latest data breach analysis report, which revealed publicly reported U.S. data breaches are up 38% in the second quarter of 2021, for a total of 491 compromises, compared to Q1.
Top CVEs Trending with Cybercriminals
An analysis of criminal forums reveal what publicly known vulnerabilities attackers are most interested in.
Criminal small talk in underground forums offer critical clues about which known Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) threat actors are most focused on. This, in turn, offers defenders clues on what to watch out for.
An analysis of such chatter, by Cognyte, examined 15 cybercrime forums between Jan. 2020 and March 2021. In its report, researchers highlight what CVEs are the most frequently mentioned and try to determine where attackers might strike next.
“Our findings revealed that there is no 100 percent correlation between the two parameters, since the top five CVEs that received the highest number of posts are not exactly the ones that were mentioned on the highest number of Dark Web forums examined,” the report said. “However, it is still enough to understand which CVEs were popular among threat actors on the Dark Web during the time examined.”
Sonicwall Releases Urgent Notice About 'Imminent' Ransomware Targeting Firmware
Networking device maker SonicWall sent out an urgent notice to its customers about "an imminent ransomware campaign using stolen credentials" that is targeting Secure Mobile Access (SMA) 100 series and Secure Remote Access (SRA) products running unpatched and end-of-life 8.x firmware.
In addition to the notice posted to its website, SonicWall sent an email to anyone using SMA and SRA devices, urging some to disconnect their devices immediately. They worked with Mandiant and other security companies on the issue, according to the release.
Google Finds Zero-Day Security Flaws In All Your Favourite Browsers
Researchers at Google have shared insight into four zero-day security vulnerabilities in popular web browsers which were exploited in the wild earlier this year.
DIscovered by Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG), the four vulnerabilities in Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and WebKit, the browser engine used by Apple's Safari, were used as a part of three different campaigns.
Ransomware attackers are growing bolder and using new extortion methods
REvil ransomware gang's websites vanish soon after Kaseya fiasco, Uncle Sam threatens retaliation
What it's really like to negotiate with ransomware attackers
This ransomware gang hunts for evidence of crime to pressure victims into paying a ransom
Other Social Engineering
Trickbot Malware Rebounds with Virtual-Desktop Espionage Module
Hackers Spread BIOPASS Malware via Chinese Online Gambling Sites
Microsoft July 2021 Patch Tuesday: 117 vulnerabilities, Pwn2Own Exchange Server bug fixed
SonicWall vulnerability allows attackers to obtain full control of device and underlying OS
Microsoft's Emergency Patch Fails to Fully Fix PrintNightmare RCE Vulnerability
Serious Security Vulnerability Hits DrayTek’s UK Fibre Routers
Kaseya issues patch for on-premise customers, SaaS rollout underway
Data Breaches
Morgan Stanley suffered data breach of customers after supply chain hack
Fashion retailer Guess discloses data breach after ransomware attack
Insurance giant CNA reports data breach after ransomware attack
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
SolarWinds 0-day gave Chinese hackers privileged access to customer servers
Magecart hackers hide stolen credit card data into images and bogus CSS files
Insider Threats
Dark Web
Supply Chain
Vulnerability in Schneider Electric PLCs allows for undetectable remote takeover
Unpatched Critical RCE Bug Allows Industrial, Utility Takeovers
Nation State Actors
User Education, Awareness and Training
Other News
Kaseya's Staff Sounded the Alarm About Security Flaws for Years Before Ransomware Attack
Israeli Firm Helped Governments Target Journalists, Activists with 0-Days and Spyware
Endpoint Detection (alone) won’t protect your organisation from advanced hacking groups
Kaseya hack proves we need better cyber metrics
Instagram's Security Checkup will help users secure their accounts after a hack
79% of organisations identify threat modelling as a top priority in 2021
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our weekly ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 09 July 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 09 July 2021: Hackers Demand $70 Million To End Biggest Ransomware Attack On Record; Zero Day Malware Reached An All-Time High In Q1 2021; New Trojan Malware Steals Millions Of Login Credentials; MacOS Targeted In WildPressure APT Malware Campaign; The Cost Of Cyber Insurance Increased 32% Last Year And Shows No Signs Of Easing; Critical Flaws In Windows Print Spooler Service Could Allow For Remote Attacks; British Airways Settles Over Record Claim For Data Breach; Hackers On Loose As 9,000 Data Leaks A Year Recorded
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Hackers Demand $70 Million To End Biggest Ransomware Attack On Record
An affiliate of the notorious REvil gang, best known for extorting $11 million from the meat-processor JBS after a Memorial Day attack, infected thousands of victims in at least 17 countries on Friday, largely through firms that remotely manage IT infrastructure for multiple customers. REvil was demanding ransoms of up to $5 million, the researchers said. But late Sunday it offered in a posting on its dark web site a universal decryptor software key that would unscramble all affected machines in exchange for $70 million in crypto currency.
Zero Day Malware Reached An All-Time High Of 74% In Q1 2021
74% of threats detected in Q1 2021 were zero day malware – or those for which a signature-based antivirus solution did not detect at the time of the malware release – capable of circumventing conventional antivirus solutions. The report also covers new threat intelligence on rising network attack rates, how attackers are trying to disguise and repurpose old exploits, the quarter’s top malware attacks, and more.
New Trojan Malware Steals Millions Of Login Credentials
There is a new custom Trojan-type malware that managed to infiltrate over three million Windows computers and steal nearly 26 million login credentials for about a million websites. The findings suggest that the Trojan classifies the websites into a dozen categories, which include virtually all popular email services, social media platforms, file storage and sharing services, ecommerce platforms, financial platforms, and more. In all, the unnamed malware managed to siphon away 1.2 terabytes of personal data including over a million unique email addresses, over two billion cookies, and more than six million other files.
Ransomware As A Service: Negotiators Are Now In High Demand
The Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) ecosystem is evolving into something akin to a corporate structure, with new openings available for "negotiators" -- a role focused on extorting victims to pay a ransom. A study in RaaS trends has recently come out saying that one-man-band operations have almost "completely dissolved" due to the lucrative nature of the criminal ransomware business. Showing the potential financial gains squeezed from companies desperate to unlock their systems have given rise to specialists in cyber crime and extortion and have also led to a high demand for individuals to take over the negotiation part of an attack chain.
MacOS Targeted In WildPressure APT Malware Campaign
Recently, threat actors known as WildPressure have added a MacOS malware variant to their latest campaign targeting energy sector businesses, while enlisting compromised WordPress websites to carry out attacks. Furthermore, known novel malware, initially identified in March 2020 and dubbed Milum, has now been retooled with a PyInstaller bundle containing a trojan dropper compatible with Windows and MacOS systems, according to researchers. Compromised endpoints allow the advanced persistent threat (APT) group to download and upload files and executing commands.
The Cost Of Cyber Insurance Increased 32% Last Year And Shows No Signs Of Easing
The cost of insurance to protect businesses and organisations against the ever-increasing threat of cyber crimes has soared by a third in the last year. Also adding that global cyber insurance pricing has increased by an average of 32 percent in the year to June. Not only are premiums going through the roof, insurers are also attaching more strings to their policies, demanding ever more assurances that firms taking out cover have the necessary systems and processes in place to prevent a cyber mishap. Previous research also suggests that the upward squeeze on premiums shows no sign of easing, which, in turn, is putting more strain on the sector.
Critical Flaws In Windows Print Spooler Service Could Allow For Remote Attacks
Administrators are urged to apply the latest patches from Microsoft and disable the Windows Print spooler service in domain controllers and systems not used for printing. This is because Microsoft is currently grappling with a couple of security holes in its Windows Print spooler service that could allow attackers to remotely control an affected system. Anyone able to exploit the more recent vulnerability of the two would be able to run code on the compromised computer with full system privileges. That attacker could then install software, modify data and create new user accounts.
End Users In The Dark About Latest Cyber Threats, Attacks
According to a recent survey, which polled consumers and end users, high-profile incidents such as the ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline Co. and the breach of a Florida city's water utilities were either overlooked or ignored by many outside the IT and information security fields. As a result, the responsibility for keeping users informed and aware of the need for heightened security appears to fall on administrators and IT staff.
British Airways Settles Over Record Claim For Data Breach
British Airways has settled what is thought to be the biggest claim for a data breach in British legal history, involving 16,000 victims. However, the amount was not disclosed. When The breach took place three years ago, multiple data sources and customer data was leaked, including the leakage of names, addresses and card payment details which affected 420,000 customers and staff. As a result, in 2019 the Information Commissioner’s Office hit BA with its largest ever fine at £20 million.
Hackers On Loose As 9,000 Data Leaks A Year Recorded
Public bodies and the private sector suffered nearly 9,000 data security incidents in 12 months with sensitive and private information hacked, lost or accidentally given to the wrong people. This Data was seen to lists more than 500 organisations hit by ransomware attacks and a further 562 incidents of hacking. There was also a total of 8,815 data security incidents in 2020/21 with the most breaches in the health and education sectors. Furthermore, over the past three years, police forces across England and Wales suffered an average eight breaches a week. Even security experts announced that these figures were “alarming” and that the public would be “disturbed” to learn how often important information/data was being lost.
Swedish Coop Supermarkets Shut Due To US Ransomware Cyber Attack
Ransomware-Hit Law Firm Gets Court Order Asking Crooks Not To Publish The Data They Stole
This Crowd Sourced Ransomware Payment Tracker Shows How Much Cyber Criminals Have Heisted
Ransomware: US Warns Russia To Take Action After Latest Attacks
Kaseya Says Up To 1,500 Businesses Compromised In Massive Ransomware Attack
Microsoft Issues Emergency Patch for Critical Windows PrintNightmare Vulnerability
Microsoft Warns Of Critical PowerShell 7 Code Execution Vulnerability
Researchers Briefly Posted PoC For Windows Print Spooler RCE Flaw
Kaseya Patches Imminent After Zero-Day Exploits, 1,500 Impacted
SonicWall Addresses Critical CVE-2021-20026 Flaw In NSM Devices
Kaseya Left Customer Portal Vulnerable To 2015 Flaw In Its Own Software
Morgan Stanley Announces Breach Of Customer SSNs Through Accellion FTA Vulnerability
Data Breaches
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
UK, US Agencies Warn Of Large-Scale Brute-Force Attacks Carried Out By Russian APT
Moroccan Hacker Dr Hex Arrested For Phishing Attacks, Malware Distribution
Supply Chain
Nation State Actors
SolarWinds Hackers Breached RNC Via Synnex In New Attack: Report
Lazarus gang targets engineers with job offers using poisoned emails (
Other News
IT Manager Who Swindled Essex Hospital Trust Out Of £800k Gets 5 Years In Prison
Website Of Mongolian Certificate Authority Served Backdoored Client Installer
Security Problems Worsen As Enterprises Build Hybrid And Multiloud Systems
Leaked infrastructure code, credentials and keys costing orgs an average of $1.2 million per year
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our weekly ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.
LinkedIn breach reportedly exposes data of 92% of users, including inferred salaries
LinkedIn breach reportedly exposes data of 92% of users, including inferred salaries
A second massive LinkedIn breach reportedly exposes the data of 700M users, which is more than 92% of the total 756M users. The database is for sale on the dark web, with records including phone numbers, physical addresses, geolocation data, and inferred salaries.
A second massive LinkedIn breach reportedly exposes the data of 700M users, which is more than 92% of the total 756M users. The database is for sale on the dark web, with records including phone numbers, physical addresses, geolocation data, and inferred salaries.
The hacker who obtained the data has posted a sample of 1M records, and checks confirm that the data is both genuine and up-to-date.
Reports indicate that the hacker appears to have misused the official LinkedIn API to download the data, the same method used in a similar breach back in April.
On June 22nd, a user of a popular hacker advertised data from 700 Million LinkedIn users for sale. The user of the forum posted up a sample of the data that includes 1 million LinkedIn users. The sample was examined and found to contain the following information:
· Email Addresses
· Full names
· Phone numbers
· Physical addresses
· Geolocation records
· LinkedIn username and profile URL
· Personal and professional experience/background
· Genders
· Other social media accounts and usernames
Based on analysis by researchers and cross-checking data from the sample with other publicly available information, it appears all data is authentic and tied to real users. Additionally, the data does appear to be up to date, with samples from 2020 to 2021.
No passwords are included, but as the site notes, this is still valuable data that can be used for identity theft and convincing-looking phishing attempts that can themselves be used to obtain login credentials for LinkedIn and other sites.
Although passwords were not included we still recommend you change your LinkedIn password and enable MFA (we strongly recommend MFA on any and all accounts you access online). We also recommend vigilance against social engineering attempts using information gleaned from this breach.
Original post: LinkedIn breach reportedly exposes data of 92% of users
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 07 May 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 07 May 2021: New Technology Has Enabled Cyber-Crime On An Industrial Scale; Cyber Security Control Failures Listed As Top Emerging Risk; Third Parties Caused Data Breaches At 51% Of Organisations; Apple Devices Under Attack, Update Now; Ransomware Reality Shock - 92% Who Pay Do Not Get Their Data Back; New Vulnerabilities Impact 60% Of Email Servers; Big Rise In Double Extortion Ransomware; Millions At Security Risk From Old Routers; 30% Of All Smartphones Vulnerable To New Bug
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
New Technology Has Enabled Cyber-Crime On An Industrial Scale
Nobody likes a call from the taxman. Donald Rumsfeld, who as America’s defence secretary oversaw a budget bigger than the economy of a typical country, nonetheless finds the rules so confusing that he writes to the Internal Revenue Service each year complaining that he has “no idea” whether he has filed his taxes correctly. So, it is hardly surprising that, when the phone rings and an official-sounding voice says you have underpaid your taxes and will be connected to an adviser to pay the balance, ordinary folk tremble.
Cyber Security Control Failures Listed As Top Emerging Risk
Despite a myriad of risks resulting from the pandemic, such as the new work environment and environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns, cyber security risk was singled out with notable consistency across all geographic regions and most industries, cited by 67% of respondents. The next highest cited risk, “the new working model” was cited by 43% of respondents. “Many organisations were forced to implement quick fixes to serious operational gaps as a result of their initial pandemic responses.”
Third Parties Caused Data Breaches At 51% Of Organisations
Remote access is becoming an organisation's weakest attack surface, according to new research published. The new report, titled “A Crisis in Third-party Remote Access Security,” reveals a disparity between an organisation's perceived third-party access security threat and the protective measures it puts in place. Researchers found that organisations are exposing their networks to non-compliance and security risks by not taking action to reduce third-party access risk.
Apple Devices Under Attack — Update Your Mac, iPhone, iPad And Apple Watch Now
Apple on Monday (May 3) pushed out emergency patches to macOS, iPadOS, watchOS and two different versions of iOS to fix four flaws in WebKit, the rendering engine that underlies the Safari web browser. Install these updates when you receive them, because for each flaw, the company states that "Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited." In each case, Apple says, "processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to arbitrary code execution." In plain English, that means web pages could be built to remotely hack your Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch.
Enforcing KYC, AML Laws Is Key To Reducing Ransomware Attacks: Task Force
Better enforcement of crypto currency regulations can help address an increasing number of ransomware attacks; a public-private task force claimed Thursday. The Ransomware Task Force, led by the Institute for Security and Technology with support from Microsoft, McAfee and various government agencies, published a report proposing a host of government and company responses to the growing threat of ransomware attacks, including recommendations to disrupt payments to the developers who develop this form of malware. A ransomware attack is one where a malicious actor hijacks a computer or network, locking it until the victim pays a ransom, often in crypto currency (ransomware victims paid close to $350 million in crypto to attackers last year). Paying the ransom is not necessarily a guarantee the perpetrator will share a decryption tool to unlock the computer.
Ransomware Reality Shock: 92% Who Pay Do Not Get Their Data Back
As Apple gets caught up in an apparent $50 million ransomware extortion attempt by a significant cyber criminal gang, new research reveals just how unlikely it is that organisations will get all their data back if they pay up. On April 23, I reported how the notorious cyber criminal gang behind the REvil ransomware operation had attempted to get Apple to pay the ransom for another business that it had targeted. That business, REvil said, was Apple original design manufacturer Quanta Computer and the gang said it had stolen the schematics for several new Apple products. Several blueprints were published to the REvil dark web site, including one that 9to5Mac determined was related to the 2021 MacBook Pro.
New Vulnerabilities Impact 60% Of The Internet’s Email Servers
The maintainers of the Exim email server software have released updates today to patch a collection of 21 vulnerabilities that can allow threat actors to take over servers using both local and remote attack vectors. Known as 21Nails, the vulnerabilities were discovered by the security firm Qualys. The bugs impact Exim, a type of email server known as a mail transfer agent (MTA) that helps email traffic travel across the internet and reach its intended destinations. While there are different MTA clients available, an April 2021 survey shows that Exim has a market share of nearly 60% among all MTA solutions, being widely adopted around the internet.
New vulnerabilities impact 60% of the internet’s email servers
Ransomware: There's Been A Big Rise In Double Extortion Attacks As Gangs Try Out New Tricks
There has been a big rise in the number of ransomware gangs that threaten to release information stolen from the victims if they themselves rather than the firm, do not pay the ransom for the decryption key required to restore their network. The idea behind these 'double extortion' ransomware attacks is that even if the victim organisation believes it can restore its network without giving into the ransom demands of cyber criminals – which regularly cost millions of dollars in Bitcoin – the threat of sensitive information about employees or customers being exposed could still push victims to giving into the blackmail and paying the ransom.
They Told Their Therapists Everything. Hackers Leaked It All
Finnish mental health Clinic Vastaamo suffers catastrophic data breach. A security flaw at the firm’s IT provider not only exposed full names, dates of birth, and social security numbers, but also the actual written notes their therapists had taken. It was the patients themselves, rather than the firm were then left facing a demand for ransom payment to prevent public disclosure of their data.
Millions At Security Risk From Old Routers
Millions of people could be using outdated routers that put them at risk of being hacked. The consumer watchdog examined 13 models provided to customers by internet-service companies such as EE, Sky and Virgin Media and found more than two-thirds had flaws. It estimated about six million people could have a device not updated since 2018 or earlier. So, in some cases, they would not have received crucial security updates.
An Estimated 30% Of All Smartphones Vulnerable To New Qualcomm Bug
Around a third of all smartphones in the world are believed to be affected by a new vulnerability in a Qualcomm modem component that can grant attackers access to the device’s call and SMS history and even audio conversations. First designed in the early 90s, the chip has been updated across the years to support 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G cellular communications and has slowly become one of the world’s most ubiquitous technologies, especially with smartphone vendors. Devices that use Qualcomm MSM chips today include high-end smartphone models sold by Google, Samsung, LG, Xiaomi, and One Plus, just to name a few.
Cloud Hosting Provider Swiss Cloud Suffered A Ransomware Attack
Babuk Quits Ransomware Encryption, Focuses On Data-Theft Extortion
Security Researchers Found 21 Flaws In This Widely Used Email Server, So Update Immediately
Dell Is Issuing A Security Patch For Hundreds Of Computer Models Going Back To 2009
Pulse Secure fixes VPN zero-day used to hack high-value targets
Microsoft Warns Of Damaging Vulnerabilities In Dozens Of Iot Operating Systems
Python Also Impacted By Critical Ip Address Validation Vulnerability
Computer Scientists Discover New Vulnerability Affecting Computers Globally
Data Breaches
Data Leak Implicates Over 200,000 People In Amazon Fake Product Review Scam
Middle Market Companies Facing A Record Number Of Data Breaches
Nation State Actors
Denial of Service
Other News
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our weekly ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 26 March 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 26 March 2021: Cyber Warfare Will Grind Britain’s Economy To A Halt; $2 Billion Lost To BEC Scams In 2020; Ransomware Gangs Targets Firms With Cyber Insurance; Three Billion Phishing Emails Are Sent Every Day; $50 Million Ransomware For Computer Maker Acer; Office 365 Phishing Attack Targets Financial Execs; MS Exchange Hacking, Thousands Of Email Servers Still Compromised; Average Ransom Payment Surged 171% in 2020; Phishers’ Perfect Targets: Employees Getting Back To The Office; Nasty Malware Stealing Amazon, Facebook And Google Passwords
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Cyber Warfare Will Grind Britain’s Economy To A Halt
The UK Integrated Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy Review was published this week, reflecting on current concerns and previously announced initiatives. The policy made it clear that emerging networks and technologies, such as electric vehicle charging points, provide an opportunity for adversaries to unbalance, paralyse or even defeat us, and a large scale attack on the UK could grind Britain’s economy to a halt.
Almost $2 Billion Lost To BEC Scams In 2020
Losses emanating from Business Email Compromise (BEC) and Email Account Compromise (EAC) scams surpassed US$1.86 billion last year, which is more than the combined losses stemming from the next six costliest types of cyber crime. 19,000 reports of BEC/EAC scams last year, a decrease compared to the almost 24,000 incidents reported in 2019. The associated losses, however, increased by over US$90 million and accounted for 45 percent of the total losses (US$4.2 billion).
Ransomware Gang Says It Targets Firms Who Have Cyber Insurance
What I found particularly fascinating was a claim made by “Unknown” that the REvil gang specifically targets firms who have taken out insurance against ransomware attacks – presumably in the understandable belief that those corporate victims are more likely to pay up.
Three Billion Phishing Emails Are Sent Every Day
Cyber criminals are sending over three billion emails a day as part of phishing attacks designed to look like they come from trusted senders. By spoofing the sender identity used in the 'from' field in messages, cyber criminals attempt to lure potential victims into opening emails from names they trust. This could be the name of a trusted brand like a retailer or delivery company, or even, in more sophisticated attacks, the name of their CEO or a colleague.
Ransomware Gang Demands $50 Million From Computer Maker Acer
Acer has suffered a ransomware attack over the past weekend at the hands of the REvil ransomware gang, which is now demanding a whopping $50 million ransom payment to decrypt the company’s computers and not leak its data on the dark web. The attack has not disrupted production systems but only hit the company’s back-office network. The security breach was not deemed disruptive enough to prevent or delay the computer maker from announcing its Q4 2020 financial results on Wednesday.
Office 365 Phishing Attack Targets Financial Execs
A new phishing scam is on the rise, targeting executives in the insurance and financial services industries to harvest their Microsoft 365 credentials and launch business email compromise (BEC) attacks. These new, sophisticated attacks are aimed at C-suite executives, their assistants, and financial departments, and can work around email security and Office 365 defences.
Microsoft Exchange Hacking: Thousands Of Email Servers Still Compromised – Ransomware Operators Still Piling In On Already Hacked Servers
Thousands of Microsoft Exchange servers are still compromised by hackers even after applying fixes. Owners of email servers that were compromised before Microsoft Corp. issued a patch nearly three weeks ago must take additional measures to remove the hackers from their networks. Microsoft has previously warned that patching will not evict a hacker who has already compromised a server.
Average Ransom Payment Surged 171% in 2020
The average ransomware payment soared by 171% year-on-year in 2020 as cyber crime gangs queued up to exploit the pandemic. The security vendor’s Unit 42 division compiled its Ransomware Threat Report 2021 from analysis of over 19,000 network sessions, 252 ransomware leak sites and 337 victim organizations.
Phishers’ Perfect Targets: Employees Getting Back To The Office
Phishers have been exploiting people’s fear and curiosity regarding breakthroughs and general news related to the COVID-19 pandemic from the very start and will continue to do it for as long it affects out private and working lives. Cyber criminals continually exploit public interest in COVID-19 relief, vaccines, and variant news, spoofing the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), World Health Organization (WHO), and other agencies and businesses.
Nasty Malware Stealing Amazon, Facebook And Google Passwords
A new piece of malware called CopperStealer is lurking in “cracked” software downloads available on pirated-content sites, and the malware can compromise your login info for Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, among other services. Notably, CopperStealer runs on the same basic principles as SilentFade, a pernicious piece of malware that ravaged Facebook accounts back in 2019.
9,000 Employees Targeted In Phishing Attack Against California Agency
Microsoft Warns Of Phishing Attacks Bypassing Email Gateways
Fraudsters Jump On Clubhouse Hype To Push Malicious Android App
Purple Fox Malware Evolves To Propagate Across Windows Machines
Nasty malware stealing Amazon, Facebook and Google passwords
5G Network Slicing Vulnerability Leaves Enterprises Exposed To Cyber Attacks
Hackers Are Exploiting A Server Vulnerability With A Severity Of 9.8 Out Of 10
Openssl Fixes Severe Dos, Certificate Validation Vulnerabilities
Data Breaches
FatFace Tells Customers To Keep Its Data Breach ‘Strictly Private’
Energy giant Shell discloses data breach after Accellion hack
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Nation State Actors
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our weekly ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 19 March 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 19 March 2021: Tens Of Thousands Of Microsoft Exchange Customers Under Attack, Targeted By Multiple Hacker Groups; Over $4.2 Billion Officially Lost To Cyber Crime In 2020; Cyber Attacks Multiply On HNWIs; Largest Ransomware Demand Now Stands At $30 Million; 71 Percent Of Office 365 Users Suffer Malicious Account Takeovers; More Than 16 Million Covid-Themed Cyber Attacks Launched In 2020; Cyber Now Key To National Security;
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Tens Of Thousands Of Microsoft Exchange Customers Are Under Assault From Hackers, Experts Warning Of Unprecedented Damage, Exploits Being Targeted By "At Least 10 Hacker Groups"
Four exploits in Microsoft Exchange Server hit the news last week, when we heard that a Chinese hacking group had targeted the email servers of some 30,000 U.S. government and commercial organisations. The exploits had been patched by Microsoft, but the hacking group known as “Hafnium” had doubled-up on efforts targeting unpatched servers. Security researchers found that at least 10 APT groups are taking advantage of the exploits in an attempt to compromise servers around the world. Winniti Group, Calypso, Tick, and more are among the groups identified.
Over $4.2 Billion Officially Lost To Cyber Crime In 2020
Cyber crime affecting victims in the U.S., noting a record number of complaints and financial losses in 2020 compared to the previous year. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) received last year 791,790 complaints - up by 69% from 2019 - of suspected internet crime causing more than $4 billion in losses. While most complaints were for phishing, non-payment/non-delivery scams, and extortion, about half of the losses are accounted by business email compromise (BEC), romance and confidence scams, and investment fraud.
Cyber Attacks Multiply On Wealthy Investors
An email nearly cost a wealthy British art collector £6m, after hackers monitored email correspondence between the client and an art dealer the client had been negotiating with for a year, with hackers impersonating the genuine art dealer, learning to impersonate the tone and language used — even gleaning private family news and the names of partners and children.
Just when the collector and the art dealer finally reached a conclusion on price, the client received an email to say something along the lines of, I hope the children are recovering from their colds — we have just amended our bank details for security and here they are. As it matched the tone of previous emails the art-loving client didn't think anything was amiss.
Fortunately, his family office phoned the real dealer to check the transaction before approving a transfer and the scam was discovered in time, but many people are not so lucky.
Cyber Strength Now Key To National Security, Says UK
In what has been billed as the largest security and foreign policy strategy revamp since the Cold War, the UK government has outlined new defence priorities – with at their heart, the imperative to boost the use of new technologies to safeguard the country. Prime minister Boris Johnson unveiled the integrated review this week, which has been in the making for over a year and will be used as a guide for spending decisions in the future. Focusing on foreign policy, defense and security, the review sets goals for the UK to 2025; and underpinning many of the targets is the objective of modernizing the country's armed forces.
Largest Ransomware Demand Now Stands At $30 Million As Crooks Get Bolder
Ransomware shows no sign of slowing down as the average ransom paid to cyber criminals by organisations that fall victim to these attacks has nearly tripled over the past year. Cyber security researchers analysed ransomware attacks targeting organisations across North America and Europe and found that the average ransom paid in exchange for a decryption key to unlock encrypted networks rose from $115,123 in 2019 to $312,493 in 2020.
Mimecast: SolarWinds Attackers Stole Source Code
Hackers who compromised Mimecast networks as part of the SolarWinds espionage campaign have swiped some of the security firm’s source code repositories, according to an update by the company. The email security firm initially reported that a certificate compromise in January was part of the sprawling SolarWinds supply-chain attack that also hit Microsoft, FireEye and several U.S. government agencies.
71 Percent Of Office 365 Users Suffer Malicious Account Takeovers
88 percent of companies have accelerated their cloud and digital transformation projects due to COVID-19. But it also finds that 71 percent of Microsoft Office 365 deployments have suffered an account takeover of a legitimate user's account, not just once, but on average seven times in the last year.
More Than 16 Million Covid-Themed Cyber Attacks Launched In 2020
COVID-19 dominated everyone's lives throughout 2020 but a new report from a cyber security company found that the pandemic was also the main theme of nearly 16.5 million threats and attacks launched against its customers. Researchers wrote that they dealt with 16,393,564 threats that had a COVID-19-related tint to them, with 88% of the threats coming in spam emails and another 11% coming in the form of URLs. Malware accounted for 0.2%, or nearly 33,000, of the threats
“Expert” Hackers Used 11 0-Days To Infect Windows, iOS, And Android Users
Using novel exploitation and obfuscation techniques, a mastery of a wide range of vulnerability types, and a complex delivery infrastructure, the group exploited four zero-days in February 2020. The hackers’ ability to chain together multiple exploits that compromised fully patched Windows and Android devices led members of Google’s Project Zero and Threat Analysis Group to call the group “highly sophisticated.”
Cyber Attacks: Is The ‘Big One’ Coming Soon?
2020 was the year that the COVID-19 crisis also brought a cyber pandemic. Late last year, the security industry’s top experts from global cyber security company leadership predicted even worse cyber security outcomes for 2021 compared to what we saw in 2020. In December, we learned about how SolarWinds’ Orion vulnerability was compromised, causing one of the worst data breaches in history that is still evolving for about 18,000 organisations.
Ongoing Office 365-themed phishing campaign targets executives, assistants, financial departments
Phishing sites now detect virtual machines to bypass detection
New botnet targets network security devices with critical exploits
New ZHtrap botnet malware deploys honeypots to find more targets
Latest Mirai Variant Targets SonicWall, D-Link and IoT Devices
DuckDuckGo browser extension vulnerability leaves Edge users open to potential cyber-snooping
“Expert” hackers used 11 zerodays to infect Windows, iOS, and Android users
Google fixes the third actively exploited Chrome 0-Day since January
Experts found 15 flaws in Netgear JGS516PE switch, including a critical RCE
Microsoft Exchange Server: These quarterly updates include fixes for security flaws
Data Breaches
Journalists’ personal and bank details made public after publisher data breach
This years-old Microsoft Office vulnerability is still popular with hackers, so patch now
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
18-Year-Old Hacker Gets 3 Years in Prison for Massive Twitter 'Bitcoin Scam' Hack
Criminal data breach site WeLeakInfo just leaked customer payment details
Nation-State Actors
Denial of Service
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
Look out for our weekly ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ video blog and on our YouTube channel.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.