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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 15 July 2022
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 15 July 2022:
-10,000 Organisations Targeted by Phishing Attack That Bypasses Multi-Factor Authentication
-Businesses Are Adding More Endpoints, But Can’t Manage Them All
-Ransomware Activity Resurges in Q2
-North Korean Hackers Targeting Small and Midsize Businesses with H0lyGh0st Ransomware
-One-Third of Users Without Security Awareness Training Click on Phishing URLs
-Ransomware Scourge Drives Price Hikes in Cyber Insurance
-Conventional Cyber Security Approaches Are Falling Short
-Virtual CISOs Are the Best Defence Against Accelerating Cyber Risks
-Firms Not Planning for Supply Chain Threats
-Data Breach Lawsuit: Will IT Service Provider Capgemini Owe Damages?
-Security Culture: Fear of Cyber Warfare Driving Initiatives
-Cryptocurrency 'Mixers' See Record Transactions from Sanctioned Actors
-Online Payment Fraud Expected to Cost $343B Over Next 5 Years
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
10,000 Organisations Targeted by Phishing Attack That Bypasses Multi-Factor Authentication
Microsoft has shared details of a widespread phishing campaign that not only attempted to steal the passwords of targeted organisations, but was also capable of circumventing multi-factor authentication (MFA) defences.
The attackers used AiTM (Attacker-in-The-Middle) reverse-proxy sites to pose as Office 365 login pages which requested MFA codes, and then use them to log into the genuine site.
According to Microsoft’s detailed report on the campaign, once hackers had broken into email inboxes via the use of stolen passwords and session cookies, they would exploit their access to launch Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks on other targets.
By creating rules on victims’ email accounts, the attackers are able to then ensure that they maintain access to incoming email even if a victim later changes their password.
The global pandemic, and the resulting increase in staff working from home, has helped fuel a rise in the adoption of multi-factor authentication.
Cyber criminals, however, haven’t thrown in the towel when faced with MFA-protected accounts. Accounts with MFA are certainly less trivial to break into than accounts which haven’t hardened their security, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible.
Reverse-proxy phishing kits like Modlishka, for instance, impersonate a login page, and ask unsuspecting users to enter their login credentials and MFA code. That collected data is then passed to the genuine website – granting the cyber criminal access to the site.
As more and more people recognise the benefits of MFA, we can expect a rise in the number of cyber criminals investing effort into bypassing MFA.
Microsoft’s advice is that organisations should complement MFA with additional technology and best practices.
Businesses Are Adding More Endpoints, But Can’t Manage Them All
Most enterprises struggle to maintain visibility and control of their endpoint devices, leading to increased security breaches and impaired ability to ward off outside attacks, according to a survey conducted by Ponemon Institute.
Findings show that the average enterprise now manages approximately 135,000 endpoint devices. Despite $4,252,500 of annual budget spent on endpoint protection, an average of 48 percent of devices – or 64,800 per enterprise – are at risk because they are no longer detected by the organisation’s IT department or the endpoints’ operating systems have become outdated.
Additionally, 63 percent of respondents find that the lack of visibility into their endpoints is the most significant barrier to achieving a strong security posture.
IT organisations are facing unprecedented rates of distribution point sprawl, which has grown rapidly since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. 61 percent of respondents say distribution points have increased in the last two years, and the average endpoint has as many as 7 agents installed for remote management, further adding to management complexity.
Ransomware Activity Resurges in Q2
Ransomware activity rose by a fifth in the last quarter, according to a report from security firm Digital Shadows.
The company, which monitors almost 90 data leak sites on the dark web, observed ransomware groups name 705 victims in Q2 2022, representing a 21% increase over last quarter’s 582. This was a resurgence in activity following a 25.3% decline quarter-on-quarter during Q1.
The LockBit ransomware group overtook Conti in victim numbers as Conti ceased operations following the leak of internal chat logs. Conti had reached almost 900 victims during its operations, but LockBit is now closing in on 1,000 after a 13% growth in activity during the quarter.
LockBit also continued to innovate, releasing version 3 of its ransomware with new features, including support for payments using the Zcash cryptocurrency. It also launched a reward program for any information on high-value targets, along with a data leak site that allows anyone to purchase victim data.
At around 230, Lockbit’s quarterly victim numbers far exceeded any other group in Q2. It was accountable for almost a third of all postings to leak sites in Q2. Conti, which had limped along for several weeks after its own data leak, managed just over 50. In third place was Alphv, which grew 118% during the quarter. Basta came in fourth.
Some other smaller groups are also growing rapidly, according to the report. Vice Society, in fifth place this quarter, doubled its activity.
One-Third of Users Without Security Awareness Training Click on Phishing URLs
Phishing attacks just won't die, and new data underscores their effectiveness among users who have not been provided security awareness training.
According to data pulled from security awareness training provider KnowBe4's clients, 32.4% of users will fall for a phish — clicking on a link or following a phony request — if those users have not had any official training. The disconnect is worse in some industry sectors, including consulting, energy and utilities, and healthcare and pharmaceuticals, where half of all untrained users fall for phishing attacks.
The data was pulled from 23.4 million simulated phishing tests conducted at more than 30,000 organisations, encompassing some 9.5 million users. According to KnowBe4, 90 days after monthly or more training, the number of phishing test fails dropped to around 17.6%, and to 5% after one year of regular awareness training.
Ransomware Scourge Drives Price Hikes in Cyber Insurance
Cyber security insurance costs are rising, and insurers are likely to demand more direct access to organisational metrics and measures to make more accurate risk assessments.
The rising cost of ransomware attacks is helping push significant premium increases in cyber insurance policies in the UK and US, new data shows.
With the average payouts across the past two years averaging more than $3.5 million in the US, a growing number of cyber security insurers want direct access to customer security metrics and measures. This would help prove the status of security controls, according to a Panaseer report on the state of the cyber insurance industry.
However, insurance firms are struggling to accurately understand a customer's security posture, which is in turn affecting price increases.
Panaseer notes that 82% of insurers surveyed said they expect the rise in premiums to continue. The increasing cost of ransomware is putting premiums up, and the increase in the number of attacks, as well as the number of successful attacks, means insurance is getting harder to get and is getting more expensive.
Meanwhile, 87% of insurers surveyed say they want a more consistent approach to analysing cyber-risk. Fundamentally, insurers need better information in order to price the risk — questionnaires aren't going to cut it. Having real live data coming from a customer about their security posture is what's going to be required for them to accurately price risk, in the same way that telematics did for car insurance.
Conventional Cyber Security Approaches Are Falling Short
Traditional security approaches that rely on reactive, detect-and-respond measures and tedious manual processes can’t keep pace with the volume, variety, and velocity of current threats, according to Skybox Security. As a result, 27% of all executives and 40% of CSOs say their organisations are not well prepared for today’s rapidly shifting threat landscape.
On average, organisations experienced 15% more cyber security incidents in 2021 than in 2020. In addition, “material breaches”— defined as “those generating a large loss, compromising many records, or having a significant impact on business operations” — jumped 24.5%.
The top four causes of the most significant breaches reported by the affected organisations were:
Human error
Poor maintenance/lack of cyber hygiene
Unknown assets.
Virtual CISOs Are the Best Defence Against Accelerating Cyber-Risks
The cyber security challenges that companies are facing today are vast, multidimensional, and rapidly changing. Exacerbating the issue is the relentless evolution of threat actors and their ability to outmanoeuvre security controls effortlessly.
As technology races forward, companies without a full-time CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) are struggling to keep pace. For many, finding, attracting, retaining, and affording the level of skills and experience needed is out of reach or simply unrealistic. Enter the virtual CISO (vCISO). These on-demand experts provide security insights to companies on an ongoing basis and help ensure that security teams have the resources they need to be successful.
Typically, an engagement with a vCISO is long lasting, but in a fractional delivery model. This is very different from a project-oriented approach that requires a massive investment and results in a stack of deliverables for the internal team to implement and maintain. A vCISO not only helps to form the approach, define the action plan, and set the road map but, importantly, stays engaged throughout the implementation and well into the ongoing management phases.
The best vCISO engagements are long-term contracts. Typically, there's an upfront effort where the vCISO is more engaged in the first few months to establish an understanding, develop a road map, and create a rhythm with the team. Then, their support drops into a regular pace which can range from two to three days per week or five to ten days per month.
Firms Not Planning for Supply Chain Threats
Enterprises are failing to plan properly for supply chain risks and cyber security threats from the wider digital ecosystem, a leading technology consultancy has warned.
According to Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), firms put the risks posed by ecosystem partners at the bottom of a list of 10 key threats. CISOs and chief risk officers believed that financial systems, customer databases and R&D were the systems most likely to be targeted. Supply chain and distribution was placed in ninth.
The report, based on a survey of larger firms with annual revenues of $1bn or more, found that only 16% of chief risk officers believed the digital ecosystem was a concern when it comes to cyber risks, and only 14% said those ecosystems were a priority for board level discussions.
The research also found that a small number of enterprises fail to focus on cyber risk, with one in six boards discussing it only “occasionally, as necessary or never.” TCS found, though, that organisations with above-average profit and revenue growth were more likely to put cyber security on the agenda at board meetings.
TCS also found that enterprises view the cloud as a more secure environment than conventional data centres and on-premises systems. Additionally, the research highlighted ongoing concerns about skills and the need to attract and retain talented security staff. Firms where senior leaders focus on cyber security are more likely to be able to close the skills gap, according to the study.
Data Breach Lawsuit: Will IT Service Provider Capgemini Owe Damages?
IT service provider and consulting firm Capgemini is facing a lawsuit related to a June 2020 data breach. The plaintiff — gaming company Razer — is seeking $7 million in damages. A trial in Singapore’s High Court regarding the dispute is underway, according to Vulcan Post.
Razer claims it has suffered approximately $6.85 million in profit losses from its online website due to the data breach. Razer is pursuing damages for an unquantified sum for profit losses from the rejection of its digital bank license application.
The Razer data breach occurred due to an issue with an IT system. It may have exposed the personal information of about 100,000 Razer customers.
The Razer data breach may have occurred due to a misconfigured Elasticsearch cluster. It also was exposed to the public and indexed by public search engines and took more than three weeks to fix.
Experts from Razer and Capgemini agreed that the data breach was caused by a security misconfiguration. However, Razer now claims that a Capgemini employee recommended the IT system that led to the breach and is therefore responsible for the incident.
Security Culture: Fear of Cyber Warfare Driving Initiatives
KnowBe4, the provider of security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, has conducted a survey during Infosecurity Europe, which evaluated the opinions of nearly 200 security professionals towards security culture, or more specifically: the ideas, customs and social behaviours of an organisation that influence their security practices.
The research found the threat of cyber warfare (30%) or experiencing a data breach or cyber attack (30%) were the two biggest reasons why security professionals wanted to improve security culture at their organisations. Given the current invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the resulting cyber security warnings announced by many of the world’s leading governments, improving current cyber security efforts has continued to be a top priority for many.
The study also revealed just over two thirds (67%) answered that a strong security culture would very likely reduce the risk of security incidents, with the majority (85%) directing their efforts into both improving security awareness training and communicating values expected from employees regarding security.
However, there are many obstacles when attempting to create a strong security culture, with the main issue being a lack of budget (26%) which was followed security professionals facing indifference from fellow employees (24%) and a lack of senior management support (16%).
Interestingly, just under three quarters (73%) admitted to putting an increased effort into measuring employees understanding of security – this still leaves a considerable gap of 27% that do not, something many security professionals will want to consider closing. Thankfully, 38% agree this aspect of security culture would be an area they want to improve in their organisation. When witnessing a colleague display poor security practises, 67% of UK security experts would prefer to tell the individual discreetly, while just under a third (31%) would send the member of staff training material to review. Only 18% would report the individual to the security team.
Cryptocurrency 'Mixers' See Record Transactions from Sanctioned Actors
Use of so-called cryptocurrency “mixers,” which combine various types of assets to mask their origin, peaked at a 30-day average of nearly $52 million worth of digital currency in April, representing an unprecedented volume of funds moving through those services, researchers at cryptocurrency research firm Chainalysis found.
A near two-fold increase in funds sent from illicit addresses has accelerated the increase, indicating that the technology that can obfuscate the currency continues to be highly attractive to cyber criminals.
Cryptocurrency mixers work by taking an individual’s cryptocurrency and combining it with a larger pool before returning units equivalent to the original amount minus a service fee to the original account. As a result, it makes it harder for law enforcement and cryptocurrency analysts to trace the currency.
Mixers aren’t solely used by criminals, but they are extremely popular with them. 10% of all funds from illicit wallets are sent to mixers, while mixers received less than 0.5% of the share of other sources of funds tracked by the firm, including decentralised finance projects.
The bulk of illicit funds transferred to mixers came from sanctioned actors, primarily Russian dark net market Hydra and more recently the Lazarus Group, a group of North Korean state-backed hackers. International law enforcement took out Hydra, which had been responsible for 80% of dark web transactions involving cryptocurrency, in May. The US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control followed with sanctions on more than 100 of its cryptocurrency addresses.
The use of mixers by North Korea state-backed hackers, and a popular mixer they employed to launder funds, made up the rest of the transfers.
Online Payment Fraud Expected to Cost $343B Over Next 5 Years
Despite ratcheted-up efforts to prevent account takeover, fraudsters are cashing in on a range of online payment fraud schemes, which researchers predict will cost retail organisations more than $343 billion over the next five years.
Physical good purchases are loss leaders, making up 49% of online payment fraud, driven in large part by developing markets with little address verification, according to a new Juniper Research report.
Fundamentally, no two online transactions are the same, so the way transactions are secured cannot follow a one-size-fits-all solution. Payment fraud detection and prevention vendors must build a multitude of verification capabilities, and intelligently orchestrate different solutions depending on circumstances, in order to correctly protect both merchants and users.
Paying ransomware crooks won’t reduce your legal risk, warns regulator – Naked Security (
New Lilith ransomware emerges with extortion site, lists first victim (
Experts warn of the new 0mega ransomware operation - Security Affairs
Organisations Warned of New Lilith, RedAlert, 0mega Ransomware | SecurityWeek.Com
Microsoft links H0ly Gh0st ransomware operation to North Korean hackers (
Feds Issue Warning for North Korean-backed Ransomware Hijackers - MSSP Alert
Ransomware gang now lets you search their stolen data (
Rise in ransomware drives IT leaders to implement data encryption - Help Net Security
Bandai Namco confirms hack after ALPHV ransomware data leak threat (
1.9m patients' medical data exposed in PFC ransomware attack • The Register
Phishing & Email Based Attacks
Email scams are getting more personal – they even fool cyber security experts (
Hackers impersonate cyber security firms in callback phishing attacks (
$8 million stolen in large-scale Uniswap airdrop phishing attack (
Almost a third of untrained users will click a phishing link - KnowBe4 research - IT Security Guru
PayPal phishing kit added to hacked WordPress sites for full ID theft (
Other Social Engineering
Rise In Smishing Scams, Why And How To Protect? (
How Hackers Create Fake Personas for Social Engineering (
How attackers abuse Quickbooks to send phone scam emails - Help Net Security
New Android malware on Google Play installed 3 million times (
The weaponizing of smartphone location data on the battlefield - Help Net Security
Internet of Things – IoT
Honda Admits Hackers Could Unlock Car Doors, Start Engines | SecurityWeek.Com
Watch This $80,000 Tesla Model Y Get Hacked With $20 Hardware - autoevolution
Data Breaches/Leaks
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Crypto Scams Soar Despite Crash (
Cryptocurrency flowing into “mixers” hits an all-time high. Wanna guess why? | Ars Technica
Hackers stole $620 million from Axie Infinity via fake job interviews (
Insider Risk and Insider Threats
Fraud, Scams & Financial Crime
Supply Chain and Third Parties
Denial of Service DoS/DDoS
Identity and Access Management
Social Media
Training, Education and Awareness
New Cache Side Channel Attack Can De-Anonymize Targeted Online Users (
Amazon handed Ring video to police without warrant, consent • The Register
TikTok Chief Security Officer Steps Down Amid Concerns About Privacy (
Regulations, Fines and Legislation
Spyware, Cyber Espionage & Cyber Warfare, including Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Cyber espionage groups increasingly target journalists and media organisations | CSO Online
Sandworm APT Trolls Researchers on Its Trail as It Targets Ukraine (
Lithuanian Energy Firm Disrupted by DDOS Attack - Infosecurity Magazine (
Security vendor splits to address Russia’s war in Ukraine • The Register
Apple previews Lockdown Mode, a new extreme security feature | ZDNet
Nation State Actors
Nation State Actors – North Korea
Nation State Actors – Misc APT
DHS warns: Expect Log4j risks for 'a decade or longer' • The Register
Microsoft's Patch Tuesday fixes one bug under active exploit • The Register
Multiple Vulnerabilities in Adobe Products Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution (
CISA orders agencies to patch new Windows zero-day used in attacks (
Flaw in Netwrix Auditor application allows arbitrary code execution - Security Affairs
Elastix VoIP systems hacked in massive campaign to install PHP web shells (
Hackers Targeting VoIP Servers by Exploiting Digium Phone Software (
Anvil Mobile Hit By New Exploit - DNS Hijacking. (
Microsoft Issues Fixes for 84 Vulnerabilities: Here's What to Patch Now (
Buggy WordPress plugin allows complete site takeover • The Register
VMware patches vCenter Server flaw disclosed in November (
AMD, Intel chips vulnerable to 'Retbleed' Spectre variant • The Register
Microsoft fixes dozens of Azure Site Recovery privilege escalation bugs (
Microsoft releases PoC exploit for macOS sandbox escape vulnerability (
AWS squashes authentication bugs in Kubernetes service • The Register
Sector Specific
Industry specific threat intelligence reports are available.
Contact us to receive tailored reports specific to the industry/sector and geographies you operate in.
Critical National Infrastructure (CNI)
Defence & Space
Education & Academia
Energy & Utilities
Estate Agencies
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Government & Public Sector (including Law Enforcement)
Hotels & Hospitality
Oil, Gas & Mining
OT, ICS, IIoT, SCADA & Cyber-Physical Systems
Retail & eCommerce
Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SMBs)
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Other News
5 key considerations for your 2023 cyber security budget planning | CSO Online
What Are the Risks of Employees Going on a 'Hybrid Holiday'? (
New ‘Luna Moth’ hackers breach orgs via fake subscription renewals (
Experian accounts could still be at risk from hackers | TechRadar
Mergers and acquisitions are a strong zero-trust use case • The Register
Recruitment agency Morgan Hunt confirms 'cyber incident' • The Register
New Exploit Attacks UK Routers and Runs Up Mobile Data Bills - ISPreview UK
How Attackers Could Dupe Developers into Downloading Malicious Code From GitHub (
Data breaches explained: Types, examples, and impact | CSO Online
President of European Central Bank Christine Lagarde targeted by hackers - Security Affairs
As usual, contact us to help assess where your risks lie and to ensure you are doing all you can do to keep you and your business secure.
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